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Netherlands Vessel First With New Engine
Dutch owner V.O.F. Scheepvaartbedrijf van de
Guchte & zn is having the finishing touches put on a new 110-m double-hulled tanker at the Veka Shipyards in the Netherlands. With an 11.45 m beam and a 3.5-m molded depth, the vessel's hull was built in two parts at the Centromost Shipyard in Poland.
After launching, the fore and aft sections were joined to form a hull with 10 holds and having a total volume of 3,785 cu. m. capable of holding about 2,900 tons of cargo. The hull, known as a Maxcube type, was then towed to the Veka Shipyards in Holland for comple- tion. The interiors of the 10 cargo holds are coated for the transport of light chemicals and each is equipped with a Marflex deep-well pump. Propulsion power will be provided by one of the new Cummins QSK60-M engines with ratings in excess of 2,000 hp at 1,800 rpm. The gear is a Manson ZF. While a number of these engines have been installed in vessels in the U.S., this is the first installation in a European river vessel.
Three Cummins-powered generator sets were also sup- plied by the Cummins distributor for the
Netherlands located at Dordrecht. Navigational elec-
The Cummins QSK60 M main engine being lowered into the MTS
The MTS Rosette alongside the fitting out dock at the shipyard.
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Tel: 212-477-6700. Fax:212 -254 -6271. E-mail: info®marinellnk.com tronics were provided by Radio Holland. Delivery of the new vessel, to be named MTS Rosette is scheduled for November 15 of this year. Two four person crews will work the vessel in 14 day rotations. She will oper- ate from the harbors of Rotterdam, Antwerp,
Amsterdam and on the Rhine River east to Germany,
France and Switzerland. Her home port will be
Hansweert, Netherlands.
Circle 54 on Reader Service Card
ONR To Evaluate
American Marine Holdings, builders of Donzi and Pro-Line Boats, signed an agreement with the
U.S. Office of Naval Research to build and test a 103 ft., hi-speed, air-inducted vessel under their government sales division's new aluminum catama- ran line, SeaCoaster.
The construction of this vessel will take place at the Austal USA shipyard in Mobile, Ala.
The agreement for Hull #1 is valued at just under $4.5 million dollars and calls for the design, con- struction and demonstration of SeaCoaster's advanced hull form technology. Upon it's success- ful evaluation, this technology will be offered to various departments of the U.S. Military for poten- tial applications requiring a high speed, shallow draft, and highly efficient hull form.
American Marine Holdings President, Mike
Collins, said, "While we have sold Donzi's and Pro-
Line's for military and government applications in the past, this new boat takes us to another level in terms of what we can offer to government cus- tomers. We have high expectations for our
SeaCoaster boats and this contract is just the tip of the iceberg."
SeaCoaster's Surface Effect Catamarans range in size from 50 to 230 ft. and are designed for use as patrol and fire-rescue boats, as well as a wide vari- ety of commercial uses. The vessel characteristics are hi-speed (50+ knots), low wake, shallow draft, stable platform, handles heavy loads at hi-speeds, reduced underwater magnetic signature and are less susceptible to damage from underwater explosions.
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