Page 59: of Maritime Reporter Magazine (April 2004)
Offshore Technology Yearbook
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ConCat Survey Cat
Trolls for Buyers
Kongsberg Maritime and Uniteam
International are pursuing new clients by placing them directly on the ConCat Survey
Catamaran, with the intent of delivering a first-hand experience of the innovative boat's capabilities. Demonstrations of the turnkey survey platform ConCat have now started across the U.S., U.K. and Canada.
ConCat is fitted with Kongsberg high per- formance navigation and surveying equip- ment, factory installed and calibrated.
Proving that big things do come in small packages, the vessel is transportable in an
ISO 40 ft. container, making it mobile and flexibile. ConCat is flexible in another man- ner, as it can be designed to suit a cus- tomer's requirement, taking into account required survey performance and logistical considerations. Oslo based Uniteam
International, is an experienced manufactur- er and supplier of turn-key mobile systems for military and commercial customers world-wide. Increased demand for mobility has positioned the Uniteam range of special purpose vessels, shelters and complete sys- tems in focus. Freddy P0hner at Kongsberg
Maritime said, "In addition to displaying the integrated ConCat vessel itself, we are look- ing forward to demonstrating Kongsberg
Maritime's new EM3002 Multibeam
Echosounder and the EA400 Survey System package, alongside Uniteam who will be host to a marketing offensive for its entire prod- uct range."
Circle 7 on Reader Service Card
Hugin 1000 AUV
Successfully Tested
The Royal Norwegian Navy has successfully tested the first HUGIN 1000 Autonomous
Underwater Vehicle (AUV), developed and manufactured in co-operation between the
Norwegian Defence Research Establishment (FFI) and Kongsberg Maritime AS, according to the manufacturer. Delivery of the HUGIN 1000 is part of the Norwegian HUGIN Mine
Reconnaissance System Program (HUGIN
Circle 11 on Reader Service Card
Circle 214 on Reader Service Card
Leave Nothing Behind
With Thor-Lube
Thordon's Non-Metallic Bearings And No-Sheen Lubricant
Establish Thor-Lube As The Proven Alternative To
Oil Lubricated Stern Tube Bearings
The environmental goal for ship owners and managers has never been clearer! All sources of ship-based oil pollution must be —nrrrrr" evaluated and eliminated, and when it *' comes to eliminating stern tube oil,
Thordon Bearings is playing a key role. feSf!
Developed by Thordon Bearings, the environmentally friendly Thor-Lube I Wf|i5 stern tube bearing system offers ship ^.L^ga* owners a proven alternative to oil lubricated stern tube bearings. The
Thor-Lube system consists of non- ^jajpl metallic Thordon XL bearings, TL3G [ biodegradable water-based lubricant and a lubricant circulation and monitoring package.
Approved by all major
Classification Societies, commercial
acceptance of the Thor-Lube
system continues to grow.
'-~^, A I about environmental issues caused
by cm oil sheen from even a small
amount of stern tube oil leakage.
Thordon Bearings Inc. 3225 Mainway, Burlington, Ontario Canada L7M 1A6
Tel: 1.905.335.1440 • Fax: 1.905.335.4033
Burrard heavy duty double drum towing winch as supplied to: 220 Alexander Street, Vancouver, B.C. V6A 1 C1
Delta Linda, Delta Carey, Delta Deanna, Millennium Falcon, Telephone: (604) 684-2491 Fax: (604) 684-0458
k Millennium star and Millennium Dawn" E-mail: [email protected]
Circle 278 on Reader Service Card