Page 15: of Maritime Reporter Magazine (August 2004)

65th Anniversary Edition

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Dennis L. Bryant, Senior Maritime

Counsel at the law firm of Holland & Knight, Washington, D.C., is a contributing editor of MR/EN. willing to sign or initial the DoS form.

There is enough blank space on the form, though, for the ship security offi- cer to fully document the situation, including the additional security meas- ures implemented by the ship to inocu- late itself from the lack of documented security at the port facility. It is strong- ly recommended that the ship security officer clearly document on the DoS form and in the ship's log the additional security measures implemented by the ship during the call at the non-compliant port facility.

Requirements Unique to the United States

In the United States, the Coast Guard requires that each vessel and port facili- ty owner or operator ensure procedures are established for requesting a DoS and for handling DoS requests from the interfacing entity. A DoS must be com- pleted with regard to any interface involving a cruise ship or a manned ves- sel carrying Certain Dangerous Cargoes in bulk. For interfaces involving a cruise ship or a manned vessel carrying

Certain Dangerous Cargoes in bulk, the security needs and procedures are to be coordinated and agreed prior to arrival and the DoS is to be signed by both the ship and the port facility or another ves- sel prior to commencement of passenger embarkation/disembarkation or cargo operations. At Maritime Security (MARSEC) levels 2 or 3, the security needs and procedures are to be coordi- nated and agreed prior to arrival and the

DoS is to be signed by both the ship and the port facility or another vessel for all interfaces involving a manned vessel and either a port facility or another ves- sel. The port facility owner or operator must ensure that, in the event of a change in the MARSEC level, any ships moored at the facility and any ships scheduled to arrive within 96 hours are

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