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The Training & Education Edition

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RT Steel-Bolted Rubber Couplings

Torsionally flexible and capable of accommodating axial load, these couplings are ideal for any propulsion application. Featuring; reverse thrust capability, noise attenuation, no thrust bearing requirement, low stiffness, non-lubricated and high damping.

Available in various sizes and an integral part of the Lo-Rez Soft Mount® System.

Steel-Spring Vibration Isolators by LO-REZ

The vibration control professionals

BR4 Steel-Spring Vibration Isolators 4 Sizes of housings, each with 15 different rated load capacities - up to 16,000 lbs. Rugged design with cushioned and adjustable limit stop. Excellent for high-efficiency isolation of diesel generator sets in ferries, cruise and research ships, propulsion engines w/o propellor thrust. Very useful for stand-alone support of all equipment in seismic-zone buildings. 2” static deflection available in some sizes. 1” static deflection, standard.

Pilot Boats: ‘San Francisco’ Ocean Research: ‘Teleost’ Mega Yachts: ‘Mosaique’ Dinner/Cruise: ‘Grand Caribe’

Soft Mount System on a BLOUNT Vessel

LO-REZ VIBRATION CONTROL LTD. 186 West 8th Ave., Vancouver,

B.C., Canada. V5Y 1N2

Tel: (604) 879-2974

Fax: (604) 879-6588

E-Mail: [email protected]

The Lo-Rez Soft Mount® System uses BR4T Isolators and the RT Steel-Bolted Rubber

Coupling to mechanically and acoustically isolate the engine and gearbox from the hull and shaft line. There is no metal-to-metal contact within the BR4T Isolator or within the

RT Coupling. Additionally, propellor thrust pulsations are absorbed by the coupling and isolators. Over 450 applications of these systems exist.




BR4T Steel-Spring Vibration Isolators

For high-efficiency control of vibration and noise produced by diesel propulsion engines and gears.

The BR4T series (5 sizes) Isolators along with the

RT Steel-Bolted Rubber Couplings (13 sizes) carry the propellor thrust on horizontally-oriented and adjustable thrust springs. An adjustable, robust and cushioned limit stop (shown best on BR4) prevents excessive random excursions.

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Maritime Reporter

First published in 1881 Maritime Reporter is the world's largest audited circulation publication serving the global maritime industry.