Page 49: of Maritime Reporter Magazine (February 2012)
Cruise Shipping Annual
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February 2012www.marinelink.com 49BUYER?S DIRECTORY This directory section is an editorial feature published in every issue for the convenience of the readers of MARITIME REPORTER. A quick-reference readers' guide, it includes the names and addresses of the world's leading manufacturers and suppliers of all types of marine machinery, equipment, supplies and services. A list- ing is provided, at no cost for one year in all issues, only to companies with continuing advertising programs in this publication, whether an advertisement appears in every issue or not. Because it is an editorial service, unpaid and not part of the advertisers contract, MR assumes no responsibility for errors. If you are interested in having your company listed in this Buyer's Directory Section, contact Mark O?Malley at [email protected] noitanternI, Blank Romeeun Aveirehsp HamwNe277)2tel:(20 ,ynarmeG-.cRomeknBla@KimballJ 0 60notiagiitLmetiria Md anlan ,DC, noingthsa W,WN, -277) 2:(20fax, 0085-,8585mcoocl.awwwwwtroAvtRoad:2fax ime@neho,neho C Alt:tacm con.coocnm.coimenco.wlVatnasPlea E.0097, notimatouAltriasInduon2 64612l:e tH ,O, ecnednepedn Id,-621t /ex03212 64621tronvta@yeksmdu7306tacnom coiac yell,36t:cImenco, S Dr.,try En Park11161084)3(71l:e t ,USA-:90fax, 7777ttacm [email protected] .coimenco.www Ae10 28ynmpao CgnuYoRM , XT,ntosuoH,0 10e St90-626-,6238,neho C Alt:erseveraT Dr ParkoerPENVOLVOiveta DrnPe.sysdnlireh Pu,ailrtsaWeJt: tacnoc olvo Vo0031, NC IE AMERICASHT OFNTA,01042 387 75+1l:e tVA ,,ekaepasehC,em.colvoovo@yrrryebsw00009070 81 35110l:e t ,asaVa,ja 1ikuuotmla.coirtsa.w www,grber Akeicass eniMarAG Avth 341175,1 853tel:25,-52:fax,268063, lsotrnver Coo MPrimeadanCa, 4R8GV5laircemm CoickwsnuBr AveZMegan we Edg,eun324)6tel:(38-:3xfa,0092.cickwsrunb@fonPiGBC10 22.,cn Iterr surthmniOO,dlaneleveC,780 44iohO3 960:33fax0136w5236 A Wr,ob Har Gigloor, fd 2n NWeve1 8535-0865 BCy,ban Bury,a Wmoreil G00024ts, cudo Prtnrnme Govedna ,yawrrw No,eldMoLF, teraw638-423-, 7819mco,grubsniwTyawkle Parcann Pi3 96033l:e t ,USA, 931 44HO-meidwmcoterrushitmnor@:2faxkMarppeJreEg.offoinJameAve.,IPOLtel:+4apilorhSo 2 64621-tronvta@yeksmdu, 7306-tacnom coia.ctronvvta.wwwww, yeks Du R.k-rim/maoia.ctm h.en,2 21xo BO P 52ienevesdlanv Ho,enria Mnesep,00 47 46 51 471:01tel, dnurs/mm.coneseppe.jwww ,m.coneseppje@@jenimar.cn Is, Saleental Marie Mwnostestweh Nort0174, USA, 1343 3LF, tonca Ra, Bo2tanagtalle/M4 69.O.BoxP AB, PART-NGALI,4, 7 747 632 32:+46fax, 0 368 662 3246rt.sealoiprt@anosno Mtere Stnia M821yrryeinhcmaobruTre t:ceinmard 2n, SAS GMA Ae10 28,ynmpao CgnuYoR.M.1:23tel, IMCity,-946-:fax, 0893m.coasugnuoy@narmehsvS, kcttuah S5703, edlisedPSI/Ti9tel:98-695-98:9fax, 6462-695-2m .coeidlseidt@ahmbalud Lon,losO:n is Office,knliMaringap Si,ambu Mi,ab DuAthens, 23 702+3tel:, ntosu Hod [email protected] Le1 31ygloochneTt eleFBMT erseveraT Dr., Parkoer231-946-, 2774, MI,winagSa, 1 80Ste,8462rg,ub Ham,nols,essuBrntognihsaW,oykoT, reop, 72 332 2 33:+32fax, 0 2233mN K2KOta anKaDrt egF &lennPe8l:e t ,56492nnep@arco NafalldnaL7 483tel:20-9, scaBoatr8 458tel:85-rka ClidvDatel:1-800-29evea WaltDety CinrgaMo16) 4:(50fax SCt,nasaelPt nuo M59 16xoB. O P..,cn Iopli348-270-3:84fax, 1914-883-,0003asulenm.co, CTmford,aSt,euneAverdava Harrv151, notiaigav-0775 , CA,oge Di SanSte 8,r Rd. Deen Brow5519-8 458:85fax, 7018-81166 01MA, tersercoW,4505 1x BoPO, k ,USA, 5198-m.coklarcidvad@lesSa,5326 E.2 18y Hwwy10 80.,cn I,snotiacinummo Ce483)5:(98tel, ty CinagrMo, 083A 70L,y-, 001471mcommocetawaveled@kmclar to3936 3 960:33fax,0136-w, 5236 wr,mediWrt uKt: tacnoceipmuq EeniMartalCoas305S 39 Mrt,oplfuG-71598:22fax-832-@lesas, 5767pseugaWlph Rat: tacnoca.cowwwwwiuqeenritalmaslav Ho,erina MnessepeJ 51 471:01tel,dnurseEg.cneseppje@@jeni.marofin05 1x BoPO,rka ClidvDatel:1-800-298-lesSa,5326 meidwm.coterrushitmnor@m or.crustehitnm.owww, yawrka Ptalsa Co599 20t,ne822l:e t ,USA,7-832-, 5567moct.nmepiuqeerintalmasaoc@,kcapm oct.nmep, 2 21xo BO P 52ienevesdn, 00 47 46ein/marm.coneseppe.jwwwww ,mco ,USA,516 01MA, tersercoW, 450t:tacnom c.coklarcidvad@srhSo0108tsohwwwww MAGCoasplfuG:2faxtanocwwwwwJameAve., ,nosno Mt,ere Stnia M821,yrryeinhcmaobruTre82-08762) 314tel:( ,USA,98-762) 3:(41fax,0950,rehSosmaohTt: tacnm coo.crboutrehos@rem .coobrtureh.sowr,rboHaigGr,olo fd 2nth Ave NW 3411 57,erinaMyawrka Ptalsa Co599 20t,neipmuq EeniMartal s5S 39 Mrt,op03-822l:e t ,USA, 7159-832-, 5567822-832-tnmepiuqeerintalmasaoc@lesas, 5767, kcapseugaWlphRat:acmoct.nmepiuqeenritalmasa.cowstweh Nort01 47.,cn Is, Saleental Marie MwnosteUSA, 1343 3LF, tonca Ra, Bo MA 7-, 2950A W,ym oct.d 2ngg Le1 31y,gloochneTt eleFBMTadanCaB, Z1MCA Enilau Q00 11.,cn Irs,eeingUSA, 62629ch, CA BeartowpNe 2th Ave NW 3411 57,erina MAGievesdlanv Ho,erina MnessepeJ0 47 46 51 471:01tel, dnurseEg ,[email protected] S Dr.,try En Park111 16Imenco,084)3(71l:e t ,USA-:90fax, 7777ttacm [email protected] .coimenco.www40802,ice Servenria MnmboaJ N K2KOta, anKaDr,t eg,,812iteSut,ree StlAA Wr,rboHaigGr,olo fd2n N2 21xo BO P 52ien-, 9734,00ein/marm.coneseppe.jwwwww, XT,ntosuoH, 0 10e St90-626-,6238,neho C Alt:,thuo 1 Syawhg Hi416) 4:(50faxotrs Bo.H.O62l:e t ,[email protected] SieuneAvees, 2 23t.ExSatfaliseWrSpanCleaindWhtuSo289d1174 [email protected],3936. Avessrego Pr818m, o,68135IW,ahsekuaW,, 48.372.542:26fax, 22.022.5426,nehcmieOike Mt:tacm conotrom.csobm.comotrs Henry4702ions,tluSognti Seanoisneps Sue1l:e t ,ad Cana 3S6L V8BC, [email protected] aesNJle, avhNort, rtuo Cyairwa F0 10r,toraapSe. dvd BlhcitFnh Jo5931,sretucru StricbaF068l:e t ,470 06 CTdsor,-528-0:86fax,9111-m cotekrmaf@ednmead tel:1800298lesSa,5326w wwwwt,ntme DeparrtlesSanO,gnrieeingn EagmeO9 353:20le t ,USA, 70960nom [email protected], y Oac BimalkaHe85+3l:e t ,dinlanF, 08702fi.icabmalkaeh@lesastr En Park111 16Imenco,084) 3(71l:e t ,USA-7777 t:tacnom [email protected]. CTrd,offoStam., DragmeOe-8 963:20fax, 0661-,2917, itaw Kathy Kt:tacnI FNAIARKA 4, tumiehenka-8-2-, 00 87014, X T, ntosuoH,0 10e St Dr.,ry9:90fax,-626-, 6238JameAve.,rehTmpeT7052HutcrmehTmpeTC.M.urolF wostestweh Nort01 47.,cn Is, Saleental Marie MnUSA, 1343 3LF, tonca Ra, Boenria Mxarm- Rang5113,.cInists, ialce SplenPa0 34318l:e tA ,US,105 TX 76,epl-3:81fax, 0493nhoJt:tacnm co.cocepslenap@xarmeth, mxarmeh.t www,nosnchim .coerinaemax Marin-egnRa5113, c.n Is,stliciaeSplenPaAUS,105X 76T,epl Va 321 42, 15tana G BarksstugAuB,mmar A Hane Swed ,adnu d 2n,.d Reg4 26- Rd.,aastrwodae MneldoG) 5tel:(98,AL, mots.caobnobjam@@jinad40802,ice Servenria MnmboaJ)5tel:(98,A L,wodae MneldoGmots.caobnobjam@@jinad.O. B P.,cIn USA, stersmakcoL0tel:80,-461-0:85fax,0260-914-m.coasustersmakclo@lesasmil G0063,lsotrnver Coo MPrimeadanCa, 4R8GV5 574-, 2045,thuo 1 Syawhg Hi4574-, 2045LFty, CimaanPa, 23 25xo-, 4579 BC y,ban Bury,a Wmore289-d,1174Tt eleFBMTdanCaB,Z1aEvaimMaxrtopevereShim.maxwwwww ClebICC CaN, eeLrtoFaciccjkim@ ClebICC CaN, eeLrtoFaciccjkim@ m .cotekrmaf@ednmeadN K2K Ota, anKaDr, t egg Le1 31y,gloochneTad,eun Avedoow Lin2076C, LL, rstoraop8tel:31 ,A Lt,-629-8:31fax,0642-926-, 5642m .corstoraopamevn Ave Centerr 5212, notiraorp Co,1te 40i Sueu2 48)1tel:(20 ,J-284) 1:(20fax, 0575-, 1575le.comba,1te 40i Sueun Ave Centerr 5212, notiraorp Co2 48)1tel:(20 ,J-284) 1:(20fax, 0575-, 1575m Kign Jat:tacno clecom ba )( [email protected] m, Kign Jat:tacno cle.combale.combBuyers Dir.Guide Page:MR Template 2/6/2012 9:51 PM Page 1