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The Ship Repair Edition
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82Maritime Reporter & Engineering News Havis Weatherproof Docking StationOn the exclusive island of Indian Creek Village in South Florida, wealthy resi- dents rely on the Indian Creek Village Public Safety Department for their per- sonal safety and the security of theirmulti-million dollar homes. The commu- nity?s own State of Florida sworn police force provides 24/7 armed marine patrol around the island, which has recentlybeen enhanced by the new Havis Weath- erproof Docking Station for the Pana- sonic Toughbook 19. The Havis Weatherproof Docking Station received an Ingress Protection (IP) rating to deter- mine its ability to protect from dust andwater. The docking station earned the rat- ing IP65, which means it is ?dust tight?and able to protect against jets of water from every direction, a force similar to that of heavy seas. For mobile work- spaces in rugged environments, protec- tion from salt spray, humidity, dust and particulates is critical in preventing dam- age or corrosion to expensive electronics. From desert to ocean, the Havis Weath- erproof Docking Station protects andsupports the Panasonic Toughbook 19 in a variety of applications, including ma- rine patrol, mining, forestry, and weather research. For more information on the Havis Weatherproof Docking Station, visit http://weatherproof.havis.com.OMEGA DebutsDPGM409 Gauge The DPGM409 covers the full spec- trum in pressure measurement with Gage,Sealed Gage, Absolute, Compound Gage, Vacuum, and Barometric pressure ranges. Its core is a highly stable micro-machinedsilicon sensor with a very high 0.08% ac- curacy. Each unit is supplied with a 5- point NIST traceable calibrationcertificate and is tested to industrial CE standards. A user selectable analog out- put of either 0 to 5 Vdc, 0 to 10 Vdc or 4 to 20 mA is standard on all models and abuilt-in wireless transmitter option is also available. The electronics are enclosed in a stain-less steel and ABS housing that is wash- down rated and has a unique magnetic stylus system for programming that pre-vents accidental programming changes. The display has large 25.4 mm (1 in) dig- its plus a 0 to 100% bargraph. Price Starts at $695Email: [email protected] Demos Diesel Particulate FilterMitsui O.S.K. Lines started a demon-stration test of the Diesel Particulate Fil- ter (DPF) system installed on the dieselengine used for power generation on an MOL Group-operated ocean-going ves- sel. This is reported to be the world?s first application of the self-cleaning DPF onan ocean-going ship. With research sup- port from ClassNK, MOL and Akasaka Diesels Ltd. have jointly developed a DPF system for marine diesel engines,which run on C heavy oil. The initiative is part of ClassNK?s program to support joint research and development with in- dustry and academia. MOL conducted aDPF demonstration test in 2010 using themain engine of a ferry serving coastalareas in Japan. MOL is moving ahead with efforts to reduce air pollution as one of the environmental strategies in its midterm management plan GEAR UP!MOL. ESABESAB Cutting Systems introduces theVision 51R Control for retrofit onto cut- ting gantries. Designed to replace older Vision series controls, the Vision 51R controller combines the reliability of asolid-state PC based control with the sta-bility of the Windows CE operating sys- tem. This updated version of ESAB's Vision 51 CNC is re-packaged for quick and easy installation in place of existing Vision controls on ESAB cutting gantries. It is an easy-to-use, highly func- tional control which can be used to con-trol up to four process tools carrying avariety of cutting and marking processes. The new Vision 51R is designed to re- place single box controls from the Vision 4-Series, including the Vision 500, Vision 1000, Vision 2000, Vision 2000C, and Vi- sion 3000. With simple field wiring and identical mounting configuration, hard- ware installation is a breeze. www.esab- cutting.comTrompler Fluid Power After 43 years as a machining centerfor hydraulics, Trompler Fluid Power will provide a standard line of its high- pressure components through a network of stocking distributors for a variety of applications. Building on their ability toproduce high-quality prod-ucts for majorcorporate ac-counts,Trompler Fluid Power will offer a wide range ofcylinders from 5 tons to over 1,000 ton capacities. Depicted is the 1,000-ton ca-pacity hollow-hole cylinder. Accessory components such as pumps, hoses, fit- tings valves, gages and spreaders com- pliment the line.www.tromplerfluidpower.com. PRODUCTSTECHNICALKonrad Upgrades Manufacturing Process Exclusive Total Gear Cutting System Konrad Marine has implemented its Total Gear Cutting Sys- tem, a system which the manufacturer touts as a strategic ad- vantage in the manufacture of its sterndrive systems. The framework for the system is the Gleason Phoenix(R) II, 600HC - a modern bevel gear cutting machine. Highly specialized, in- tegrated programming makes it one of only three in the world with its unique capabilities.Augmenting this framework and its programming with Kon- rad's experience in design, tooling, machining, and proprietary manufacturing processes creates the Total Gear Cutting System. "Our primary objective is to have the toughest stern drive on the market," said owner Ken Konrad. "To achieve this, we need the strongest, most powerful and capable stern drive gears in the marine industry. We started with a phenomenal new gear cutting machine. By adding our proprietary processes, special-ized programs, design and tooling based on decades of suc-cessful experience, we've created the Total Gear Cutting System. Konrad gears are a very significant contributor to ful- filling our objective of manufacturing the toughest stern drives." Konrad Marine designs and manufactures stern drive propulsion solutions for commercial, military, and recreational ma- rine applications. The company is headquartered and has their manufacturing facilities in Hudson, Wisconsin. http://www.konradmarine.com MR March 12 # 11 (81-88):MR Template 3/6/2012 1:28 PM Page 82