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Marine Propulsion Annual
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2Maritime Reporter & Engineering News 12INTERVIEW: ABU BAKAR BIN MOHD NOR The CEO of Nakilat - Keppel Offshore and Marine, in Ras Lafan, Qatar, discuss his yard?s approach to business in a tight environment. by Greg Trauthwein 16OFFSHORE DRILLING: THE NEW RULESIn the wake of Deepwater Horizon comes a cadre of new regulations from the Bureau of Safety and Environmental Enforcement (BSEE). by Jonathan Waldron, Jeanne Grasso & Dana Merkel 18100% SCANNING: DYING A SLOW DEATH The concept of 100 percent scanning of shipping containers is qui- etly fading to black.by Dennis Bryant20PROTECTING AN ENERGY SUPERPOWERRussia is an energy superpower, with vast resources in the Arctic re- gion. While discovery & recovery is difficult enough, planning for an oil spill salvage and recovery takes innovation & expertise. by Thomas Barbieri24SHIFTING RISKFailing to read the fine print can not only cost you millions, it couldcost you your business.by Charlie Pugliese25IMPROVED PROPULSION: BY DESIGNMARIN seeks to spearhead propulsion improvements. by Gert-Jan Zondervan 26THE NUCLEAROPTIONWhile the commercial maritime market has not been a popular venuefor nuclear propulsion, this noted author reasons that it should. by Jose Femenia, P.E. 30THE WÄRTSILÄ WAY Paolo Tonon, Wärtsilä?s new head of Research & Development, shares his insights on the evolution of ship design, outfit and power. by Greg Trauthwein 32TEAM EFFORT OFFSHORE NORWAY DNV is spearheading a unique study with Offshore Vessel operators in the quest of energy efficiency. by Henrik Segercrantz 34CO2: A ?NOT GUILTY? VERDICT? As governments of the world encroach with ever stringent emissionrules, MR?s German correspondent examines what is known ? and what is not known ? about CO2, soot and the world?s climate. by Peter PospiechALSO IN THIS EDITION6EDITORIAL8VESSEL PRICES38NEW VESSELS42PEOPLE & COMPANY NEWS 46PRODUCTS50BUYER?S GUIDE51CLASSIFIEDS56ADVERTISER?S INDEX SUBSCRIPTION INFORMATION One full year (12 issues) $73.00; two years (24 issues)$105.00 in U.S. (Canada & Mexico also)Rest of world one year international $120.00; two years$174.00 including postage and handling. For subscrip-tion information:Email: [email protected] www.marinelink.com Tel: (212) 477-6700 Fax: (212) 254-6271 ON THE COVER30Wärtsilä was awarded a con- tract to deliver integratedpropulsion systems for LNG offshore support vessels (OSV) to Harvey Gulf Inter-national Marine. We spoke with the new head of R&D,Paolo Tonon, for insights on this and more. contentsIt?s Clay! MR sat with the ubiquitousClay Maitland, managingpartner of International Reg- isteries, for his take on whatis right and what is wrong in the shipping business today. See story on page 10(Photo Credit: Wärtsilä) Clay Maitland headlines agroup of more than 30 Mar- itime industry executiveswho are scheduled to speak at the inaugural SHIPPINGINSIGHT 2012, a 2-dayevent scheduled for October8-10 in Stamford, CT. The theme of the event is FLEET OPTIMIZATION For a complete list of topicsand speakers, and to regis- ter to attend, visit: www.shippinginsight.com MR#9 (1-9):MR Template 9/12/2012 9:13 AM Page 2