Page 2: of Maritime Reporter Magazine (November 2012)
Workboat Annual
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2Maritime Reporter & Engineering News 16BWMS LOOMS LARGESuggested Ballast Water Management System Regulatory Changesare vexing shipowners worldwide. by Dennis Bryant20TRASH TALK Are you prepared for the new MARPOL Annex V Garbage Rules? by Jonathan K. Waldron & Dana Merkel 22UNDERWRITING WORKBOATS Tugs take on different jobs but underwriting elements are the same. by Charlie Pugliese28NEW FUELS, NEW RULES, NEW TOOLSAs the maritime community adapts to strict new emission regulationsit must examine new technologies available.by CDR Emil A. Muccin32NORTH AMERICANECA : LESSONS LEARNEDCollaboration within the shipping supply chain is key to meeting newregulatory challenges.by Hans Staal36CONTAINERSHIP DESIGN Seaspan Saver is a new 10,000 TEU container vessel design fromMARIN and Marine Design and Research Institute of China. by Patrick Hooijmans42OSV TECHNOLOGY TODAY Innovative hull shapes & advanced propulsion technologies.64NAVY TECHNOLOGY New technologies to drive military vessels of the future, were on dis- play recently in Paris at Euronaval. 68SEA GIRAFFE RADARSea Giraffe radar users met in San Diego to compare notes. by Edward Lundquist 70MARITIME MENTORINGThe internet as a tool to develop mariners of the future.by Murray Goldberg 94PROPOSED 2013 VESSEL GENERAL PERMITOverview of proposed new lubricant rules from the EPA. by Mark Miller100ENGINEERING A NEW PATH WR Systems makes interesting commercial inroads. by Greg Trauthwein 112LILAAS: HIGH DESIGN IN VESSEL CONTROLInnovative, software driven advances in vessel control. ALSO IN THIS EDITION8EDITORIAL10VESSEL PRICES88NEW VESSELS102HEAVY LIFTING TECHNOLOGIES 114PRODUCTS116PEOPLE & COMPANY NEWS 122BUYER?S GUIDE123CLASSIFIEDS128ADVERTISER?S INDEX SUBSCRIPTION INFORMATION One full year (12 issues) $73.00; two years (24 issues)$105.00 in U.S. (Canada & Mexico also)Rest of world one year international $120.00; two years$174.00 including postage and handling. For subscrip-tion information:Email: [email protected] www.marinelink.com Tel: (212) 477-6700 Fax: (212) 254-6271 ON THE COVER58Bollinger delivered last month the first of two newOcean Class DP2 boats forCrowley. By Joeseph KeefecontentsWhether these words evoke Sir Issac Newton & gravity or the popular ?Blood, Sweat &Tears? ?60s hit ?Spinning Wheel?, in the mar- itime world vessel slamming, particularly on small, fast craft, is a serious issue demand-ing serious solutions. For more on the topic turn to page 24 (Photo Credit: Bollinger) ?What Goes Up,Must Come Down??What Goes Up,Must Come Down?MR#11 (1-9):MR Template 11/7/2012 8:43 AM Page 2