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Workboat Annual
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Founder: John J. O?Malley 1905 - 1980 Charles P. O?Malley 1928 - 2000 Maritime Reporter/Engineering News (ISSN # 0025-3448) is published monthly by Maritime Activity Reports, Inc.118 East 25th Street, New York, NY 10010. Mailed at Periodicals Postage Rates at New York, NY 10199 and additional mailing offices. Postmaster send notification (Form 3579) regarding undeliverable maga- zines to Maritime Reporter/Engineering News, 118 East 25th Street, New York, NY 10010. Publishers are not responsible for the safekeeping or return of editorial material. ©2012 Maritime Activity Reports, Inc. 118 East 25th Street, New York, NY 10010 tel: (212) 477-6700; fax: (212) 254-6271ISSN-0025-3448USPS-016-750No. 11Vol. 74 MemberBusiness Publications Audit of Circulation, Inc.www.marinelink.com MARITIMEREPORTER ANDENGINEERINGNEWS All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means mechanical, photocopying, recording or otherwise without the prior written permission of the publishers.8INTERVIEW JOE BEKKER, THRUSTMASTERJoe Bekker has brought Thrustmaster of Texas from literally noth- ing to more than $150m per year. Here?s how. by Greg Trauthwein 24ON THE COVER THE WEAKEST LINKTechnology advances have made boats faster, tougher and more stable, but challenges remain to mitigate human operators. by John Haynes38OFFSHORE ? FLOATING PRODUCTION EXPENDITURES TO DOUBLEDouglas-Westwood forecast that between 2013-2017 $91 billion will be spend on floating production systems ... a 100% increase over the previous 5-year period .by Hannah Lewendon42SIMULATION TRAINING OSC OPENS IN AALESUNDMaritime Reporter dropped into Norway to visit one of the most in- novative Offshore Simiulation Centers in the world. by Henrik Segercrantz 52WORKBOATS SMALL COMPANY, BIG AMBITION MetalCraft Marine has emerged from humble beginning to become one of the world?s innovative aluminum workboat builders. by Greg Trauthwein 58BOATBUILDING BOLLINGER MEANS BUSINESSThe ubiquitous GOM boatbuilder maintains a full workload buildingfor commercial and government interests. by Joseph Keefe60NAVY A BOXED SETIn Denmark, mine warfare capability comes as a boxed set. by Edward Lundquist 74BRAZIL LOCAL CONTENTAs Brazil O&G and shipbuilding boom in tandem, will local contentlaws conspire to hinder progress? by Claudio Paschoa, Rio de Janeiro 80INDIA A CHALLENGING COURSEMaritime training, here and abroad, pose a challenging course. by Joseph Fonseca, Mumbai98FUELS & LUBES LUBE OIL: LESS CAN BE MOREExxonMobil debuts its new variable-sulfur cylinder oil.by Greg Trauthwein (Photo: Shox)(Photo: Shell)382452(Photo: Martin Meissner) 74MR#11 (1-9):MR Template 11/8/2012 9:55 AM Page 6