Page 97: of Maritime Reporter Magazine (November 2012)
Workboat Annual
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In addition to the new additions to its family of lubricants, Klüber presented additional speciality lubricants for marineapplications at SMM, including the re-cently launched synthetic gear oil forthrusters and rudder propellers KlüberbioEG 2-150 as well as environmentally sound stern tube oils of the KlüberbioRM 2 series especially designed for thelubrication of bushes and shaft seals of fixed-pitch and controllable-pitch pro- pellers.Put to the Test Klüber Lubrication has built up an en- viable test bay in the sector. Here the ex- tremely high stresses a lubricant issubjected to in the shipping and offshore industries can be simulated. These in- clude strong variations in temperature, high surface pressure, micro-movement and contact with salty air and sea water. On Klüber Lubrication's test rigs, thecomponents are loaded until failure, causes are examined, and the results used to develop optimised lubricants. Throughout this process, Klüber cooper- ates with leading OEMs. New Special Grease Salt water, crashing waves, the ship's decks permanently drenched ? conditionsat the high seas can be rough. The bear- ings of cranes, winches and sheaves, and also ropes and open drives must be relu- bricated with care on a regular basis to ensure reliable operation. The readily biodegradable special grease Klüberbio M 72-82 was developed by Klüber Lu- brication especially for the eco-friendlylubrication of rolling bearings and othercomponents operating under extreme maritime conditions."It is inevitable that some of the greases used will drop off and ultimately be washed into the sea", explains Dirk Fabry, Market Manager Maritime and Offshore Industry at Klüber Lubrication. "The use of eco-compatible lubricantscan help prevent excessive impact on the environment and marine organisms." Klüberbio M 72-82 is highly resistantto water, protects components against corrosion, and due to its good adhesionenables long relubrication intervals. The fully synthetic special grease offers good wear protection and can be pumpedthrough lubricating systems over a wide temperature range. The product can also be used in cold climates down to minus 40 degrees Celsius without problems. The biodegradability of the grease is over 60% percent after 28 days accord- ing to OECD 301 F. Klüberbio M 72-82 should be the preferred choice wherever contact with water or soil cannot be ex- cluded. Besides on ships or offshore plat- forms, Klüberbio M 72-82 may also beused for components in port facilities, hy- droelectric power stations or water sports craft.New Synthetic Hydraulic Fluids In hydraulic systems leakage is a par- ticularly frequent phenomenon that hasnot been sufficiently solved to date. The root cause lies with the numerous flexi- ble connections within a hydraulic sys- tem that are subject to wear or can bedamaged due to external mechanical stress. They are constantly under pressure and hard to seal completely even with the best of maintenance. The specific techni- cal requirements of complex hydraulic systems are such that until recently they could often only be met by fluids basedon mineral oils. With the development of the Klüberbio LR 9 series, however, Klüber Lubrication has reportedly cre-ated a synthetic, readily biodegradable product offering a performance that is at least equal to that of mineral oil basedproducts."The new, highly efficient hydraulic fluids of the Klüberbio LR 9 series bearthe European Eco Label issued for par- ticularly eco-friendly products. They con- tain more than 90% of renewable resources," said Fabry. "They are readily biodegradable and not toxic to marine or- ganisms, which considerably reduces their environmental impact in the event of a leakage."Due to their very good viscosity-tem- perature behaviour and low setting point, Klüberbio LR 9 oils help hydraulic sys- tems get easily started even at low tem- peratures. They can therefore be used even where temperatures fluctuate con- siderably. As they are resistant to hydrol- ysis, they enable longer oil change intervals and better reliability of the hy- draulic system also in wet environments. The synthetic ester based oils are spe-cially designed for applications in mobilehydraulic systems in the marine and off- shore sectors. They are also products of preference for land-based hydraulic ap- plications in ecologically sensitive envi- ronments, for example in hydroelectric power plants or waterway locks. November 2012www.marinelink.com 97SEA READYSEA TOUGHSEE SILVERSHIPS.COM 251-973-0000 ? silverships.com DESIGNERS AND BUILDERS OF ALUMINUM BOATS VISIT US AT THE INTERNATIONAL WORKBOAT SHOW BOOTH # 126 MR#11 (90-97) R:MR Template 11/5/2012 10:14 AM Page 97