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Cruise & Passenger Vessel

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6 MARITIME REPORTER & ENGINEERING NEWS ? FEBRUARY 2013 While the Northeast United States remains stuck in one of the coldest winters in several years, I was pleased to Þ nd myself early in Janu- ary 2013 in the balmy climate of the United Arab Emirates, em- barked on a week-long venture across the region in visits with key maritime players and newsmakers. The list is long and distinguished, and frankly much of the coverage from the venture will appear in the April 2013 edition, our Offshore Annual , as without a doubt the offshore energy business is booming in and around the Middle East, continuing to serve as a prime driver for maritime investment here and afar. But one of the most interesting stops on my journey, slightly off the beaten path, had nothing to do with the offshore energy business. While in the UAE, I took a half-day to visit the Al Seer Marine facility in Abu Dhabi, a small company with ultra modern manufacturing capabilities and a rich roster of technical talent. Al Seer Marine, which to date has made most of its business in the Superyacht busi-ness, has teamed with 5G International to design, build and deliver a new family of Unmanned Surface Vessels that ? if delivered as envisioned ? promises to advance the role and inß uence of unmanned systems in the region and the world. While the leap from Superyacht to Unmanned Surface Vessel might seem a big chasm to bridge, Al Seer has a partner in 5G International and its owner Robert Murphy that has more than two decades experience in the design, development and creation of Unmanned Surface Vessels and supporting infrastructure. These systems stand out in many respects, but in particular due to the hybrid propulsion system available on the largest unit, the 11-m monohull dubbed Eclipse. The sys- tem is centered on a high-performance Fiat powerplant and a proprietary hybrid system that gives the unit a top speed of more than 50 knots, but the ability to loiter and patrol at low speeds to maximize precious fuel and battery power. The demand for these systems, and for waterborne security in general is acute in the UAE, and the Al Seer Marine/5G International team has been working round- the-clock in preparation for world debut at the International Defense Exhibition and Conference (IDEX) scheduled to be held February 17-21, 2013 at the Abu Dhabi National Exhibition Center (ADNEC). But while the military need is real and immediate, the Al Seer/5G team has its eye on the bigger prize, and envisions its USV system catching on for a far broader commercial market, too. For more on the effort, turn to page 34. The cover focus of this edition, as has been the tradition for many years in con-junction with the Cruise Shipping show in Miami, is the luxury niche segment of the maritime market, the cruise industry. The cruise market has been a bastion of innovation over the past two decades, continuing to make impressive strides in packing not only paying passengers onboard, but impressive arrays of passenger amenities and activities to make the ships themselves vacation destinations.But the sector has certainly not been trouble free, and the vision of the Costa Con-cordia laying on its side off the coast of Italy more than one year after its grounding is a stark reminder. This month we introduce a new member to our roving global team of contribu-tors, and Italy-based Matteo Bianchi delivers an insightful look at the history and evolution of one of the world?s iconic shipbuilding companies, Fincantieri ? Cant- ieri Navali Italiani S.p.A.Most of you likely know Fincantieri for its leading edge design and delivery of some of the most spectacular cruise ships in the world, as featured on the cover and continuing through the feature starting on page 26. Bianchi, through an inter- view with Giuseppe Bono, CEO, Fincantieri, some historical digging and Þ nancial analysis presents a balanced picture of the company, with the primary focus, of course, on the cruise sector. But the case of Fincantieri is far more interesting that the shiny cruise veneer, as the company ? despite a tough world economy, acute Þ nancial crisis and political maelstrom in country ? has steadily increased its holdings and area of expertise around the world, and with the acquisition of STX OSV is making a strong play into the offshore market. Finally, there is continued coverage this month of evolving innovation on the Ballast Water Management frontier, as it is this new equipment rule ? routinely touted as the most expensive reÞ t in the industry?s history ? that is a top of agenda item for all shipowners. Selecting the the correct system for your needs now and for the life of your ship is critical, and this month we provide insightful updates on several emerging and proven technologies. SUBSCRIPTION INFORMATION Subscription Information One full year (12 issues)  in U.S.: $69.00; two years (24 issues) $98.00  in Canada: $73.00; two years (24 issues) $105.00  Rest of the World: $98.00; two years $152.00 including postage and handling. For subscription information: Email: [email protected]  Tel: (212) 477-6700  Fax: (212) 254-6271 POSTMASTER: Send address changes to: Maritime Activity / New Wave Media, 850 Montauk Hwy., #867, Bayport, NY 11705. Maritime Reporter is published monthly by Maritime Activity Reports Inc. Periodicals Postage paid at New York, NY and additional mailing of ces. ISSN-0025-3448USPS-016-750No. 2 Vol. 75 Maritime Reporter/Engineering News (ISSN # 0025-3448) is published monthly by Maritime Activity Reports, Inc. 118 East 25th Street, New York, NY 10010. Mailed at Periodicals Postage Rates at New York, NY 10199 and additional mailing ofÞ ces. Postmaster send notiÞ cation (Form 3579) regarding undeliverable magazines to Maritime Activity / New Wave Media, 850 Montauk Hwy., #867, Bayport, NY 11705. Publishers are not responsible for the safekeeping or return of editorial material. © 2013 Maritime Activity Reports, Inc All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means mechanical, photocopying, recording or otherwise without the prior written permission of the publishers. Check out our Websites: / / / / / / / 118 East 25th Street, New York, NY 10010 tel: (212) 477-6700; fax: (212) 254-6271 Founder: John J. O?Malley 1905 - 1980 Charles P. O?Malley 1928 - 2000 Download our AppiPhone & AndroidEDITORIAL From the Middle East to Miami Gregory R. Trauthwein, Editor & Associate Publisher [email protected] #2 (1-9).indd 6MR #2 (1-9).indd 62/4/2013 3:35:37 PM2/4/2013 3:35:37 PM

Maritime Reporter

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