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Great Ships of 2013
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6 Maritime Reporter & Engineering News ? DECEMBER 2013 SUBSCRIPTION INFORMATION Subscription Information in U.S.: One full year (12 issues) $84.00; two years (24 issues) $125.00 Rest of the World: One full year (12 issues) $110.00; two years $190.00 including postage and handling. For subscription information: Email: [email protected] www.marinelink.com Tel: (212) 477-6700 Fax: (212) 254-6271 POSTMASTER: Send address changes to: Maritime Reporter & Engineering News, 850 Montauk Hwy., #867, Bayport, NY 11705. Maritime Reporter is published monthly by Maritime Activity Reports Inc. Periodicals Postage paid at New York, NY and additional mailing of ces. ISSN-0025-3448USPS-016-750No. 12 Vol. 75 Maritime Reporter/Engineering News (ISSN # 0025-3448) is published monthly by Maritime Activity Reports, Inc. 118 East 25th Street, New York, NY 10010. Mailed at Periodicals Postage Rates at New York, NY 10199 and additional mailing ofÞ ces. Postmaster send notiÞ cation (Form 3579) regarding undeliverable magazines to Maritime Reporter & Engineering News, 850 Montauk Hwy., #867, Bayport, NY 11705. Publishers are not responsible for the safekeeping or return of editorial material. © 2013 Maritime Activity Reports, Inc All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means mechanical, photocopying, recording or otherwise without the prior written permission of the publishers. Check out our Websites: www.marinelink.com / www.maritimeprofessional.com / www.maritimepropulsion.com www.maritimejobs.com / www.seadiscovery.com / www.maritimeequipment.com www.marineelectronics.com / www.yachtingjournal.com / www.maritimetoday.com 118 East 25th Street, New York, NY 10010 tel: (212) 477-6700; fax: (212) 254-6271 Founder: John J. O?Malley 1905 - 1980 Charles P. O?Malley 1928 - 2000 Download our AppiPhone & AndroidEDITORIAL Gregory R. Trauthwein, Editor & Associate Publisher [email protected] being our annual anointment of the ?Great Ships? of the year makes it a good time to reß ect on the year?s achievements, but also to examine the opportunities and challenges that lie ahead.This month?s cover subject, the de facto ship of the year, is the U.S. Navy?s new DDG 1000 Zumwalt, or the ?Battlewagon of the 21st cen- tury? as eloquently described by contributing editor Edward Lundquist. While we do not make a habit of positioning Navy grey front and center in our Great Ships round-up, this particular ship was a virtual lock as it embodies nearly everything we discuss in our pages, print and electronic, on a daily, weekly and monthly basis:? Cutting edge ship design ? Advanced electronics and propulsion machinery ? The use of technology to reduce crew size ? Everything ef Þ ciency and environmental ? (and not to mention, it packs a monumental military punch!) Built at General Dynamics Bath Iron Works, the ship is certainly transfor- mational in many regards, something you can decide on your own after read-ing Lundquist?s article on the ship starting on page 34. Looking forward, 2014 is shaping to be one of the most dynamic years in recent memory. Domestically, shipyards in the U.S. ? from large to small and everywhere in between ? are stacked up with business, driven, predictably, by energy production and consumption. As the Gulf of Mexico shallow and deepwater sectors get back in business in the wake of Macondo, there is a decided uptick in business to rebuild the offshore ß eets which departed our shores in search of work when the GOM was effectively shut down after the historic oil spill. The shale oil and gas revolution, much discussed here and in the mainstream press, is having a dramatic impact not only on the energy proÞ le of the United States, which is steaming toward energy independence, but on the maritime market, which is seeing a strong resurgence in Jones Act tonnage to handle the new capacity. Simultaneously, emerging environmental regulation regarding the North American Emissions Control Area (ECA) is reaping big dividends for shipyards, as owners are forced to invest in new tonnage to continue operations.While ?the environment? gets much coverage, there is a decided chang-ing of the tide regarding not just the environmental beneÞ ts of new designs, fuels and machinery, but the ef Þ ciency of the vessels, too. It seems the ?ECO Ship? is here to stay, as owners faced with the choice of picking up medium aged and older tonnage (10 years plus) are opting instead to order new, as the efÞ ciencies to be found on newer ships truly make the return on this larger in- vestment a more logical and proÞ table choice. The Marine Money team held one of its signature shipowner events in Manhattan last month at the Harvard Club, and the room was literally overcapacity with most of the talk centered on the new ship efÞ ciencies and the building boom set to commence across many sectors. An interesting side note though was a conversation with a shipbuilder I had at the recent Marintec in Shanghai, China. In discussing the new norm of Slow and Super Slow Steaming, and the prospects for its permanence in the global shipping community, he pointed out: ?They are still ordering ships that are capable of doing 25 knots or more.?The renaissance of the shipbuilding business, particularly here in the U.S., is particularly timely as January 2014 starts Maritime Reporter & Engineer- ing News? year-long celebration of its 75th Anniversary. Each edition will offer topical historical features, looking back in time over the past 75 years at the maritime world?s most in ß uential ship owners, shipbuilders, icons and vessels, starting in January 2014 with a look at WWII and its impact on U.S. Shipbuilding, then and today. This ?Celebrate 75? will weave its way through everything that we do, from MarineLink.com to our Maritime Global News App, and will culminate with a special ?75th Anniversary Edition Supple- ment? to publish along with our June 2014 Yearbook edition. As we exit 2013 and enter a historic year in the history of our organization, it is the perfect time to thank all of you for your continued interest, participa-tion and support.MR #12 (1-9).indd 6MR #12 (1-9).indd 612/11/2013 11:51:29 AM12/11/2013 11:51:29 AM