Page 51: of Maritime Reporter Magazine (January 2014)

Ship Repair & Conversion Edition

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GE Powers India’s First

Aircraft Carrier

Four GE LM2500 gas turbines will power the Indian Navy’s INS Vikrant, providing 80MW for the country’s fi rst indigenous aircraft carrier. Similar to the INS Vikrant itself, the ship’s propul- sion plant were manufactured in India by

Hindustan Aeronautics Ltd.’s (HAL) In- dustrial & Marine Gas Turbine (IMGT)

Division. Through its license with GE,

HAL assembled, inspected and tested the

LM2500 gas turbines and module enclo- sures for INS Vikrant. The IMGT Divi- sion’s Bangalore facility provides com- prehensive support including inspection, spare parts, maintenance, equipment overhauls and assembly for industrial and marine gas turbines under license.

GE LM2500 gas turbine modules as- sembled and tested by HAL also power the Indian Navy’s INS Satpura, INS Sa- hyadri and INS Shivalik stealth frigates.

The LM2500 gas turbines were installed prior to the ship’s launch on August 12, 2013. The aircraft carrier will be deliv- ered in late 2016/early 2017.

Upgraded MaK Engine

Gets Power Boost

Caterpillar Marine announced the de- velopment of new features and increased power ratings for the MaK M 25 C pro- pulsion engine, its ubiquitous commer- cial marine engine platform with more than 1,000 installations in marine appli- cations and vessels to its credit. Accord- ing to the manufacturer, updates include reduced part load fuel consumption, improved engine load response capabili- ties and a fi ve percentage higher rating over the existing platform, increasing the power output to 350 kW per cylinder.

First engines of the enhanced M 25 C engine platform will be available by the end of 2014. According to Detlef Kirste,

Caterpillar Marine MaK product defi ni- tion manager,. “We wanted to give our customers increased operational fl ex- ibility which do support state of the art propulsion technologies and the new M 25 C is designed for both traditional me- chanical-and electric propulsion systems as well as electric propulsion systems, which do require variable engine speed capabilities.” Manufactured in Kiel,

Germany, the M 25 C will be offered in 6, 8 and 9 cylinder confi gurations. The platform will meet IMO II emissions regulations in its standard confi guration and is designed to support the operation of Selective Catalytic Reduction (SCR) systems in order to comply with IMO III emission regulations.


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Cummins Power Generation launched two new diesel

G-drive engines from 240-433 hp that are certifi ed to meet EPA Tier 4 Final emissions regulations for nitro- gen oxides (NOx) and particulate matter (PM or soot) without the use of a Diesel Particulate Filter (DPF).

Instead, the new engines employ a combination of in- cylinder combustion improvements, exhaust gas recir- culation (EGR) and selective catalytic reduction (SCR) exhaust after treatment. The new engines are suitable for powering generators from 150-300kVA.

The fi rst Tier 4 Final G-drive engines, available Q2 2014, will be the QSB7 and QSL9. The QSB7 is rated at either 240 or 315 hp and designed to power generator sets with standby ratings of 150-220 kVA. Available at the end of Q2 2014, the QSL9 will be rated at 433 hp and designed to power generator sets rated at 300kVA. “By eliminating the need for a DPF, these engines offer reduced maintenance and 4% better fuel effi ciency than previous Tier 3 engines,” said George Iarca, regional manager for G-drive, Cummins Power Generation. The

Tier 4 Final G-drive engine packages will also include diesel exhaust fl uid (DEF) dosing and supply modules that control the dispensing of DEF into the SCR to cut emissions of NOx.

New Cummins Tier 4 Diesel Engines

New Tier 4 Final G-drive engines from Cummins

Power Generation

LNG/Diesel MicroTurbines

Capstone Turbine Corporation, a clean technology manufacturer of microtur- bine energy systems, is expanding its product offering in the marine market and has appointed six Capstone marine distributors.

Capstone marine microturbines, which run on LNG or diesel, are installed on several vessels including the Argonon, a Type C tanker in the European inland waterways that has been operating with two C30 LNG Capstone microturbines since 2011. Capstone Microturbines are particularly targeted for small- and mid-size commercial ships that travel inland waterways and Emission Con- trolled Areas (ECAs). This innovative power technology can produce 30-kilo- watts to multiple megawatts of high-effi ciency onboard electricity.

The LNG or diesel-fueled microturbines can provide all onboard electrical power. In addition, the technology becomes even more effi cient when waste heat from the microturbine is captured during operation and re-used for other energy needs on the ship, such as heating and chilling.

In addition, the company has launched a contest that will give away up to 130 kilowatts of marine power to three existing or new ship owners.

Winners will be selected from entries submitted which represent the most compelling marine projects that can be powered by clean-and-green ma- rine microturbines. Entries must be submitted at winmicroturbinepower. net by March 31, 2014.

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Maritime Reporter

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