Page 99: of Maritime Reporter Magazine (August 2014)

Shipyard Edition

Read this page in Pdf, Flash or Html5 edition of August 2014 Maritime Reporter Magazine 99abling technology in the design and con-struction of the tendon mooring of tension leg platform. We understand that ? in cooperation with others ? ShoreTension BV, with support from DSM Dyneema, has introduced a ?revolution- ary? ShoreTension Mooring Solution. ShoreTension, a revolutionary vessel mooring system developed by the Royal Dutch Boatsmen Association, is helping the marine industry to address the global challenges of energy conservation, improving ships? safety and the continu- ous need to reduce down-time of avail-able terminals. The link between the Sho- reTension system and the moored vessel is provided by ropes made with Dyneema SK78 Þ ber from DSM to ensure perma- nent tension, even in extreme conditions. ShoreTension is a stand-alone hydrau- lically controlled mooring system, de-signed to absorb the energy of the moving ship in a gust of wind and store this inter- nally while paying out the mooring lines. When the peak loads are over, the system heaves in the lines with the energy stored, returning to its initial position. The system does not require any external energy, thus providing an effective and sustainable mooring solution. To demonstrate its reli- ability, the ShoreTension system has un- dergone extensive tests before and after it was introduced to a number of end-users at various ports around the world, such as Rotterdam, Sines and Cotonou. These were all completed successfully. As it does not require any external en-ergy, a sustainable solution is provided. By reducing the loads and providing high pre-tension in the mooring lines, down-time of the terminal can be reduced sig-niÞ cantly even in extreme weather condi- tions at exposed terminals. In addition to guaranteeing vessel safety by reducing or even eliminating problems of swell and compensating suction caused by passing Photo  SkeetsÊ Photo Service Halimar MR Nov12.indd 111/5/2012 1:41:17 PMDDM Power Tools SURFACE PREPARATION TOOLS We say they?re bulletproof....... so far we?re right.DECK CRAWLERS Designed and Manufactured (888) 519-41059260 Isaac St., Suite A, San Diego, CA 92071 Dextron 12 Plus ropes made with Dyneema Fiber These ropes were speci cally chosen for the Concordia salvage project because during the installation process, the ropes with Dyneema did indeed not drag along the seabed as steel ropes would have. Nevertheless, since they are in constant contact along much of their length with the hull of the ship, they need surface protection, which is why Dextron 12 Plus ropes with patented protective jackets from leading Norwegian rope maker Offshore and Trawl Supply (OTS) were chosen. MR #8 (98-105).indd 99MR #8 (98-105).indd 998/5/2014 1:31:54 PM8/5/2014 1:31:54 PM

Maritime Reporter

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