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Offshore Edition
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Nestel Ueda Ganz Socha Loomis Horvath
Maersk Line Names Danet CFO ability and competitiveness. Particularly coming newbuildings totaling over 16 last water treatment, fugitive emissions
Pierre Danet, current vice president and during the ? nancial and shipping crisis million gross tons to its register in 2014, compliance and LNG fueling options. regional CFO of Hewlett Packard, Print- of 2009, Peter Ganz initially played a or more than 25% of all newly built ton- Beyond providing the engineered solu- ing and Personal Systems in EMEA, crucial role in the restructuring and re- nage last year. tions products, Loomis and Nestel will joined Maersk Line on April 7 as chief ? nancing of Hapag-Lloyd. Thereafter, Speaking on the occasion, ClassNK aid in continuing the growth of W&O’s ? nancial of? cer (CFO) and be part of he laid the groundwork for gaining ac- chairman and president, Noboru Ueda engineered solutions services, in which the management board of Maersk Line, cess to capital markets and ensuring said, “At ClassNK, we believe that na- W&O experts are involved from the very the company announced. Maersk Line’s that Hapag-Lloyd had the ? nancing it tionality is not relevant to our customers. outset in planning customized, technical current chief strategy, ? nance and trans- needed for growth. Furthermore, with Shipowners and operators around the solutions to design, newbuild and retro? t formation of? cer, Jakob Stausholm, will great personal dedication, he contributed world select their classi? cation society projects, the company noted.
continue in the role of chief strategy and signi? cantly to the successful merger of on the basis of the services delivered. transformation of? cer. Hapag-Lloyd and CSAV.” These ? gures represent not only the SSI Expands Staff to Meet Demand
As of April 7, Maersk Line’s manage- As his successor, the Supervisory Board growth of our organization, but also the SSI has hired two new staff members, ment board will consist of: selected Nicolas Burr. The 39-year-old trust we have gained from the maritime Thomas Stokes Jr. and Jason Rose, to • Søren Skou, CEO native of Chile was the CFO of CSAV industry through consistently providing keep up with the growing demand for • Michael Chivers, chief human re- from 2012 to 2015, based in Santiago de quality services.” ShipConstructor training as well as Au- sources of? cer Chile. He had previously held manage- todesk related product advice, the com- • Vincent Clerc, chief trade and mar- ment positions at a number of companies Kondracki Joins TOTE Leadership pany announced. Stokes Jr. (TJ), is SSI’s keting of? cer in Santiago, Buenos Aires and Wilming- TOTE Services has promoted Michael new software trainer. Rose, SSI’s newest • Pierre Danet, CFO ton (USA). After studying engineering, J. (Mick) Kondracki to director of labor sales account executive, previously pro- • Steven Schueler, chief commercial he earned an MBA at MIT in Cambridge relations and risk management effective moted Dassault’s product line. of? cer (CCO) (USA). March 16, 2015. Kondracki will oversee • Jakob Stausholm, chief strategy risk management, human resources and GNS Announces Senior Appointments and transformation of? cer Socha Named VP at Baker Marine promote the continued business relations Maritime navigation services group • Søren Toft, COO Baker Marine Solutions (BMS) appoint- with the Seafarers International Union Global Navigation Solutions (GNS) an- ed Robert Socha as Vice President Busi- (SIU) and the American Maritime Of? - nounced the appointments of Phil Sto-
Hapag-Lloyd CFO Ganz Steps Down ness Development for its domestic Unit- cers (AMO). Kondracki joins the TOTE thard as Chief Information Of? cer and
Peter Ganz stepped down from his posi- ed States and international operations. Services executive team with more than Kieron Abernethy as Chief Revenue Of- tion as company CFO effective April 1, Socha joins BMS following 16 years 26 years in the maritime industry in nu- ? cer. Stothard joins GNS from banking 2015, also leaving the company on the with Bollinger Shipyards as executive merous executive roles. and payment solutions provider ACI. same day, it was announced during the vice president marketing and sales, and He earned a BS in marine engineering Phil has over 25 years’ experience in IT meeting of Hapag-Lloyd’s Supervisory an earlier 18 year career with Tidewater, from the U.S. Merchant Marine Acade- development, leading teams and deliv-
Board. The change on the Executive Inc. in sales for their North America and my, an MBA from the University of New ering global solutions for organizations
Board comes following an agreement International operations in West Africa, Orleans, a Masters Certi? cate in Project such as HSBC and Accenture. Phil has between shareholders stipulating that Middle East and India. Management from George Washington particular expertise in data and informa-
CSAV, as the new largest shareholder in University and a Diploma from the U.S. tion systems and has a track record of
Hapag-Lloyd, has the right to nominate ClassNK: World’s Largest Naval War College, Staff & Command. delivering value to internal and external an individual of its choice to assume the Class Society clients with the solutions he has designed position of CFO. ClassNK’s of? cial registration ? gures, in W&O Realigns Leadership Team and delivered. “We owe Peter Ganz a great debt of addition to Clarkson’s data, reveal that W&O, a global supplier to the marine Abernethy’s previous roles include, UK gratitude – in a situation that has not the classi? cation society is once again and upstream oil and gas markets for Managing Director of NCR Ltd; Chief been easy for him – not only for seeing the world’s largest. The latest ? gures pipe, valves and ? ttings, valve automa- Operating Of? cer for Moneybox plc the merger of Hapag-Lloyd and CSAV show that more than 366 million dead- tion and engineered solutions, promoted which ? oated in 2004 and Sales Director through to the closing, but also for being weight tons are now registered with the two long-time employees to Vice Presi- of ReD which was sold to ACI in 2014. willing to complete the annual ? nancial classi? cation society, some 21% of the dent. Fred Loomis will serve as Vice Kieron has led operational and strategic statements,” said Michael Behrendt, world’s entire classed ? eet, more than President of Technical Sales, and Todd sales teams in the U.K. and internation-
Chairman of the Supervisory Board any other classi? cation society in the Nestel will serve as Vice President of ally. of Hapag-Lloyd AG. “During his six- world according to Clarkson’s. Despite Engineered Solutions. Loomis and year tenure as CFO, Peter Ganz made a global decline in new orders, the num- Nestel will work closely with W&O’s Coast Guard Academy Cadet to Re- a decisive contribution to securing and ber of newbuildings joining ClassNK leadership team to address ongoing and ceive Fulbright Scholarship strengthening Hapag-Lloyd’s future vi- continues to grow, with the society wel- evolving customer needs, such as bal- Stephen Horvath, a ? rst class cadet www.marinelink.com 101
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