Page 72: of Maritime Reporter Magazine (April 2015)
Offshore Edition
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velope. The design features a deck area monitoring every penny. MV Shelia Bor- of 140 sq. m. and fuel cargo capacity of delon is DP-2 and measures 257 x 52x 100 metric tons. A luxury area for 12 VIP 18-ft., out? tted with a mezzanine deck guests is incorporated along with a seat- capable of housing two work class ROV’s ing capacity for 100. Only time will tell with a clear deck of 143 x 44 ft. (6,280 if Triangle’s approach to the market will sq. ft.) and a top speed of 14 knots. The bear fruit. Stingrays feature Cummins QSK 60-M
Tier3 main propulsion engines along with
MV Shelia Bordelon Schottel 1215, 220 hp per Z-Drives and
While much attention has been heaped Schottel STT2, 1020 hp per bow thrust- on the Harvey Gulf LNG initiative, there ers. All systems are fully automated and are a stable of advanced vessels coming controlled from the bridge. The Stingray to the market such as Bordelon Marine’s series are SOLAS classed, FIFI 1 ACCU,
MV Shelia Bordelon, which was chris- EEP 175, and Tier3, and MV Shelia Bor- tened at Bordelon Marine Shipbuilders delon also features a 50-ton NOV active in Houma, La., in late March. The She- heave-compensating crane with 3,000m lia Bordelon is signi? cant for a number of wire. The vessel can accommodate of reasons, in part due to its partnership up to 60 persons and features an internal with Susan G. Komen where Bordelon ROV of? ce and control room.
Marine will donate a portion of the pro? ts from its ship to the New Orleans af? liate
MV Shelia Bordelon Main Particulars of Susan G. Komen for the Cure. A pink
Length, o.a. ....................................257 ft.
stripe will be featured on the vessel along
Beam ................................................52 ft.
with the Susan G. Komen New Orleans
Depth ................................................18 ft.
Considering LNG?
logo. MV Shelia Bordelon is the second
Draft .................................................15 ft.
Contact Gulf Coast Shipyard Group: vessel from the new Stingray series 260’
Deadweight ...................................3285 lt
Class DP2, designed and built at Borde-
Gross Tonnage ..............................2122 lt
WKHRQO\86EXLOGHUH[SHULHQFHG lon Marine’s brand new purpose built fa-
Certi? cations ......................................ABS
ZLWK/1*WHFKQRORJ\ cility in Houma.
Flag .....................................................USA
MV Shelia Bordelon is a Stingray se-
Of? cial Number .........................1219327
Builder ...........................Bordelon Marine /1*RUGLHVHO³PDNHV*XOI&RDVW6KLS\DUG*URXSWKHRQO\EXLOGHU
Year Built ..........................................2015 vessel, with an emphasis on the “Ultra-
Owner/Operator ............Bordelon Marine
Light” and the economic bene? t that can
IMO Number ..............................9670640 deliver at a time when oil prices are de-
RQRQO\/1*+$59(<(1(5* DQGQLWURJHQR[LGHHPLVVLRQVUHJXODWLRQV *XOI&RDVW6KLS\DUG*URXSPHHWLQJPDUNHWUHJXODWRU\DQG HQYLURQPHQWDOGHPDQGZLWKVROXWLRQVIRUHDFK Ulstein Delivers PSV Blue Queen While the most recent bull run of oil prices brought many new faces to the ? eld, Ulstein is a long-term proven commodity. Pictured here is the Platform Supply Vessel (PSV) Blue Queen, of Ulstein’s PX121 design. It was delivered to Blue Ship Invest from Ulstein Verft on February 24, 2015. This vessel is the ? rst of two for which Norway-based Golden Energy offshore is awarded the ship man- agement contract. Gulf Coast Shipyard Group, Inc. 13085 Seaway Road Gulfport, Mississippi 39503 0