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The Marine Propulsion Edition
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The Proving Ground.
Maritime innovation is in the Norwe- gian DNA, and its rugged coasts and waters have made, and broken, a long list of maritime technologies.
Mastering Fleet Management by Eric Haun leet management software devel- Environment. (See module functions in ever,” Haarvei said. “We have to prove a cost-saver.” oper Tero Marine has served the Table 1.) to our clients that TM Master helps them Citing an example, Haarvei said Tero
Fshipping industry for nearly three “The integration of all the different [perform] ship operations smarter, by Marine recently held its ? rst user con- decades with a product range led by its modules in TM Master makes it a really showing them that it really is reducing ference in Singapore where a client in software suite TM Master, now a leading strong tool for supporting ship owners or costs, increasing ef? ciency and improv- the region presented a study focusing on ? eet management brand with more than managers’ operations, regardless of the ing control and safety.” how TM Master has helped improve its 2,000 licenses worldwide. size of their ? eet,” said Jan Erik Haarvei, Adding to this notion, Haarvei stated operations.
The Bergen, Norway-based company CEO of Tero Marine. “The fully inte- the recent decline in oil price has been “[The client] set up TM Master on 10 and its fully integrated marine informa- grated suite makes planning and execu- a “strong indicator” in the OSV mar- vessels and three shipyards, with access tion system TM Master have managed to tion of very different operational tasks ket, for example, an area which forms from three of? ce locations. The main stay competitive amidst an explosion of possible by the use of one tool only: TM a piece of Tero Marine’s core market. goal was to have one single centralized companies providing ? eet management Master.” “A large chunk of our revenues comes system for maintenance, inventory, pro- and software solutions to the maritime Together, TM Master’s modules help from the OSV business,” Haarvei said. curement logistics and cost control. In market. Serving a clientele that includes to protect users’ vessels, crew and cargo, “In a time when the oil price slides, and addition to all this, they also use [Tero navy, commercial shipping, workboat all the while facilitating ef? cient opera- future ? eet demands are uncertain, focus Marine’s] crewing module, integrated and offshore vessel operators, Tero Ma- tions and reducing expenditure, an en- is now on exploration, production and with the rest of the system.” rine strives to assist ship owners and deavor that appears to be gaining greater supplier costs. Ship companies will turn “The way this client has integrated managers from planning through execu- signi? cance throughout the industry now every stone to cut costs, and Tero Ma- TM Master in their operations is quite tion. more than ever as owners and operators rine will have to prove that TM Master is impressive, and for us a case study that
TM Master facilitates storage, editing increasingly seek options for trimming worth the investment. We are con? dent truly shows the possibilities within our and retrieval of information through a costs. it will pass the test. In fact we believe software,” said Haarvei. “When a cli- database shared by four modules: TM “We know that we are under constant that our software is part of the solution ent saves millions of dollars every year
Maintenance, TM Procurement, TM scrutiny to deliver high product value, to the challenges our customers face, as by using TM Master, we know that our
Human Resources and TM Quality & and in 2015 this is more important than TM Master has a proven track record as product delivers on the promise we are 44 Maritime Reporter & Engineering News • MAY 2015
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