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Shipyard Edition
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BILCON-X operation does not require labor tion in new ships, and it is small enough to
Air Conditioning Diesel Engines Exhaust Gas
Taiyo Electric Co., Ltd. and can condense ship bilge to one-tenth be installed on exhaust gas pipes.
This system supplies stable AC power to
Ushio Reinetsu Co., Ltd.
in 24 hours. http://www.fujielectric.com the vessel which is obtained from the vari-
Inverter control of fan improves the com-
Mitsubishi Heavy Industries www.volcano.co.jp/english/index.html E-mail: [email protected] ous sources, contributing to users’ energy fort of the accommodation space and can
E-mail: [email protected]
Marine Machinery & Engine saving and maintenance cost savings. The obtain energy savings by setting the rota- output of this system has the same electric UEC Eco-Engines are Japan’s only diesel
Boilers, Auxilary & Economizers tion speed corresponding to each operation characteristic as diesel generators, and engines for large ships that are developed
Exhaust Gas Heat Recovery Unit mode. Compared with the damper con-
Mitsubishi Heavy Industries therefore can be operated as a single run- entirely in-house, developed in response to trolled, there is about a 57% reduction of
Miura Co., Ltd.
Marine Machinery & Engine ning unit or in parallel running with the diesel the global tightening of emissions controls. the ratio in the energy equivalent. And there
The GK-G exhaust gas heat recovery unit
Auxiliary Boilers feature simple and com- generators. They achieve the high levels of thermal ef? - is a reduction of 53.1ton CO2 / year.
works with a composite boiler to recover pact design with a small footprint due to https://www.taiyo-electric.co.jp/ ciency through the electronic control of fuel http://www.ushioreinetsu.co.jp/english/ the waste heat from the G/E for use as a top-? ring burner design, high reliability and
E-mail: [email protected] injection, exhaust valve action, and startup
E-mail: [email protected] heat source. It can contribute signi? cantly long lifetime, as well as easy maintenance. and cylinder lubrication. The Selective Cata- to saving space and reducing fuel costs.
The boilers feature bare tube with in-line ar- lytic Reeducation (SCR) system enables
Coolers, Oil
The GK-G makes effective use of the nor-
Autopilot rangement and the soot blower is reliable, denigration even of low-temperature ex- mally unused exhaust heat from auxiliary
Ushio Reinetsu Co., Ltd. with easy and safe operation.
Tokyo Keiki Inc.
haust gas of about 250. It can reduce the generators, enabling it to be used as a heat
The low viscosity of the sulphur fuels may http://www.mhi-mme.com
The model PR-9000 is the latest autopilot NOx in exhaust gas to meet the IMO Tier source.
cause engine troubles. This MGO Cooling
E-mail: [email protected] system from TOKYO KEIKI designed using regulation without taking away from the https://www.miuraz.co.jp
System solution helps achieve both low sul- the latest technology to enhance accuracy excellent fuel ef? ciency. A low pressure Ex-
E-mail: [email protected] phur and low viscosity.
and reliability of information in the model haust Gas Recirculation (EGR) system uses
Osaka Boiler Mfg. Co., Ltd.
http://www.ushioreinetsu.co.jp/english/ lineup, thereby improving situational aware- a scrubber to remove SOx and particulate
Osaka Boiler’s ‘OH series’ Hybrid Boiler re-
E-mail: [email protected]
Fresh Water Generating Plant ness and navigational safety. An indispens- matter. It is also an exhaust gas recircula- covers waste heat from Main Diesel Engine able autopilot system provides effective tion system that can meet the next IMO
Sasakura Engineering Co.
and Diesel Generator Engine simultaneously
Diesel Engines, Propulsion and safe bridge resource management and Tierregulations.
The VVC distiller system has four main or from Diesel Generator Engine indepen- energy ef? cient navigation. http://www.mhi-mme.com components; a horizontal tube, thin-? lm
The Hanshin Diesel Works dently. The OH series are adaptable for new http://www.tokyo-keiki.co.jp/ E-mail: [email protected] evaporator; a rotary blower and a back-up building and retro? t. Engine and propulsion systems manufac- heater. The unit’s vacuum is maintained by http://www.osakaboiler.co.jp turer Hanshin Diesel Works has recently de- a small pump. Features include scale-free
Eco-Friendly Product
E-mail: [email protected] veloped electronically controlled low speed
Yokogawa Denshikiki Co., horizontal tubular evaporator, maintenance- four-stroke diesel engines that reduce fuel
PT900 is the next generation autopilot with
MOL Techno-Trade, Ltd.
free and compact type heat-pump, as well oil consumption by electronically controlling a modern controlled fuel saving function
MOL Techno-Trade, Ltd. developed air actu- as evaporation capable of being operated the fuel injection pattern in partial load. The (BNAAC/E- Course Pilot). The 7 inch LCD
Boiler Burners ate Garbage Compactor AGC-which is avail- by only electricity.
system reduces fuel oil consumption by allows navigation information and autopilot able to compress various waste materials
Sun? ame Co., Ltd.
http://www.sasakura.co.jp/ 3-5% in comparison with the conventional parameters to be con? rmed and changed such as plastic ? lm and beverage cans and
Dual Fuel Burner, LNG & HFO/MGO
E-mail: [email protected] mechanically controlled system. very easily.
bottles by using compression air onboard.
The dual fuel burner for HFO / MGO and http://www.hanshin-dw.co.jp http://global-sei.com/ballast http://www.motech.co.jp/e_index.html
LNG combustion designed by Sun? ame fea-
Email: [email protected]
E-mail: [email protected]
Sasakura Engineering Co.
Email: [email protected] tures low NOx and O2, HFO 700cSt, MGO
The Double-Effect plant is a compact, heat 1.5cSt & LNG, good mixture of LNG & air, ef? cient seawater distilling plant with two
Ballast Water Management
Diesel United, Ltd.
Economizers, Steam Turbines, adjustable ? ame shape, designed for boil- chambers of ? rst and second effect in a
Low-speed Low-pressure Dual fuel engine ers up to 9t., and turn down 10:1.
Ecomarine Technology
Auxiliary Boiler Heat Recovery single shell. The triple-effect plant contains
X-DF applies the premixed lean burn tech- http://www.sun? ame.net
Research Association Mitsubishi Heavy Industries three chambers and is an even more ef- nology and can meet IMO Tier requirement
E-mail: info@sun? ame.net
Ecomarine Technology Research Asso- ? cient plant. As a heat source, either the without the exhaust gas after-treatment.
Marine Machinery & Engine ciation (ETRA), run by Hitachi Zosen Cor- waste heat from a diesel engine jacket cool-
X-DF offers lower Capex and Opex due to no
Mitsubishi Energy Recovery System (MERS)
Volcano Co., Ltd.
poration and Sumitomo Electric Industries ing water or steam can be used. Between requirement of a high pressure compressor. is a waste heat recovery system that gener-
The “MJ-M” fully automated pressure jet
Ltd., has developed an electro-chlorination 40-200 tons per day capacity can be pro- http://www.ihi.co.jp/du/ ates power from marine engines’ exhaust proportional control burner allows energy
Ballast Water Treatment System (BWTS) vided.
Email: [email protected] gas energy, recovered though the optimal saving operation with composite boiler.
ECOMRINE EC, maximizing the combination http://www.sasakura.co.jp/ control of the combination of exhaust gas
Features include proportional control (turn of the ? ltration and electrolytic technology
E-mail: [email protected] and steam turbines, lowering a ship’s fuel
Daihatsu Diesel Mfg. Co., Ltd. down ratio / 3:1), allowing for reducing the ship structure expertise. ETRA is planning costs.
The 6DE-18 and 6DE-23 have been devel- burner ON/OFF switching and improving the to reorganize into a joint-stock company
Gas Engine http://www.mhi-mme.com oped as engines featuring energy saving, boiler ef? ciency.
upon the acquisition of IMO type approval
E-mail: [email protected] low maintenance cost and have a high
Kawasaki Heavy Industries www.volcano.co.jp/english/index.html and then introduce ECOAMRINE EC systems potential for meeting stricter exhaust gas
In April 2014, Kawasaki Heavy Industries,
E-mail: [email protected] with high ef? ciency and low power con- regulations in the future, of course IMO NOx
Energy Saving Device
Ltd. obtained type approval from DNV-GL sumption into the market, together with an
Tier II compliant. The engines have achieved for Green Gas Engine L30KG — the main
UV type BWTS ECOMARINE UV developed
Fluid Techno Co., Ltd.
Cables & Wires, Electrical top-class fuel ef? ciency thorough weight- engine for large vessels fueled solely by and marketed by Sumitomo Electric. The pre-swirl energy saving device Eco-
Hien Electric Industries, Ltd. saving and optimized design.
gas with an output capacity of over 2 MW. http://global-sei.com/ballast Stator includes 4 or 5 stators welded to the
Halogen-free Flame-retardant cables offer a http://www.dhtd.co.jp/
Green Gas Engine L30KG can reduce emis-
E-mail: [email protected] stern tube radially upper part of axis before high degree of toughness as they protect
E-mail: [email protected] sions far below the level set by IMO NOx the propeller. The in? ow into the propeller against external impact. Their steel wire
Tier III regulations without relying on special around the stern of ship is recti? ed and
Miura Co., Ltd.
braid protects against sparks during weld- equipment such as an SCR system.
Yanmar Co., Ltd. swirled against the propeller running direc-
Miura manufactures ship machinery includ- ing, and a plastic coating protects against http://global.kawasaki.com/en/mobility/
This engine’s dual fuel capability offers re- tion with stators, contributing to reduce loss ing auxiliary boilers, thermal oil heaters, steel wire corrosion.
marine/machinery/index.html dundancy and continual operation either in due to rotational ? ow by the running propel- incinerators, fresh water generators, com- www.hien.co.jp/e/e_index
E-mail: [email protected] the gas or diesel mode, changing over auto- ler. The output of main engine is reduced at pounds for boiler treatment, as well as pro-
E-mail: [email protected] matically should either mode become lost. same ship speed and attainable reduction viding parts and maintenance of products.
Marine Solar Power
In addition, the micro-pilot with its intense ratio of output with Eco-Stator is by 3-5%.
The company now also sells ballast water
Clutch energy ensures stable ignition capability. As E-mail: mtamashima@? uidtechno.com
Eco Marine Power Co., Ltd. management systems which adopts the ? l- a result, since the capability to cope with
Hitachi Nico Transmission ter + UV method. Aquarius Marine Solar Power is an integrat- faulty ? ring is enhanced, the application to
A large hydraulic clutch has been devel-
Engine Telegraphs & Loggers https://www.miuraz.co.jp ed renewable energy system for ships that the direct-coupling main engine with varied oped as the technological development
E-mail: [email protected] includes a computer system, energy stor-
Kei System Co., Ltd. speed is made possible. aid project by The Nippon Foundation. age solution and marine solar power array.
The data logger system displays informa- http://www.yanmar.com
Selectable for two kinds of clutch plate
Energy collected via the marine solar panel
Bearings tion by connecting with GPS via serial com-
E-mail: [email protected] (1100mm and 1500mm), if offers six array or string of photovoltaic panels can munication. The system con? rms the fuel
Mikasa Corporation times transmitting capacity compared with be used to power a DC load, provide back- cost in real time inboard, displaying fuel
F.F.Bearing (Friction-Free-Bearing) mini- experienced clutch plate, 810mm max. up power or be connected to an AC load
Nigata Power Systems Co.
consumption rate per day (tonnage), dis- mizes both shaft sleeve and bearing wear.
Appropriate for 20000kw class of large
The 28AHX-DF is an environmentally friendly via an inverter, thus any ship can tap into tance of cruise per a ton of fuel (mile) and
Water lubricating systems are available as vessel.
engine, satisfying IMO Tier III NOx regula- the clean and renewable energy provided fuel consumption rate per hour. an alternative to oil lubricating systems. http://www.hitachi-nico.jp/en/index.html tions. It uses clean gas combustion, making by the sun.
Changing to F.F. Bearing results in reduced it possible to meet the new regulations with- http://www.ecomarinepower.com/
E-mail: [email protected] fuel consumption, lower vibration, lower
Control Systems & Equipment out the need for an exhaust gas processing E-mail: [email protected] noise levels, less maintenance cost and no reactor.The 28AHX-DF offers both gas and
JRCS Mfg Co., Ltd.
Exhaust Gas Cleaning System possibility of sea contamination.
diesel operation modes. It can be instantly
Navigation Lights
J-S / Eco applies a smart frequency drive http://www.mikasa-industry.com/en/
Fuji Electric Co., Ltd. switched at full load from gas to diesel op- system which controls the speed of the mo-
Nippon Sento Co., Ltd.
E-mail: [email protected]
EGCS is an alternative for SOx regulatory eration, ensuring safe ship operation even tor of the main cooling sea water pumps
Provider of Highly reliable design of LED compliance consisting of a wet scrubber in emergency situations. The 28AHX-DF is at the most ef? cient point. It enables power light sources, with vibration-proof character-
Bilge Water Treatment System and electrostatic precipitator. The analyzer reported to be the world’s ? rst FPP directly consumed by the motors to be reduced to istics and projection-free lamp windows, ulti- continuously monitors SO2 and CO2 con- culpable gas engine.
Volcano Co., Ltd. minimum levels, resulting in lower fuel con- mately providing power saving and long life.
centrations which are requested to measure http://www.niigata-power.com
Bilge concentrator BILCON-X was devel- sumption. http://www.nipponsento.co.jp in the EGCS Guideline. The system’s com-
E-mail: [email protected] oped to contribute to the reduction of cost http://www.jrcs.co.jp
E-mail: [email protected] pact size facilitates retro? tting and installa- and labor at landing. The fully automatic
E-mail: [email protected] 88 Maritime Reporter & Engineering News • AUGUST 2015
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