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Page 57: of Maritime Reporter Magazine (October 2015)
Marine Design Annual
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KVH’s IP-MobileCast content delivery service is designed to bring entertainment and operational data to vessels at sea via the mini-VSAT Broadband network.
tional requirements, while providing af- provides an end-to-end global commu- connectivity maritime operators need, lows the user to track vessel status and fordable communications and engaging nications solution, with the capability of providing global onboard connectivity; location, as well as data use. This enables content for their onboard personnel.” leveraging readily available commercial hardware and network management; li- the allocation of customized operational satellites to expand network capacity,” censed content; and affordable content and crew data use for every individual
Meeting Maritime Requirements said Bruun. “It is designed to meet cur- delivery underpinned by a comprehen- onboard or by user pro? le. Daily or
Brent Bruun, KVH’s Executive Vice rent maritime industry trends, where we sive service and support program. monthly allocations can be assigned, and
President, Mobile Broadband, said that need to change how we think about con- Mitsock said the mini-VSAT Broad- appropriate alerts by email and/or SMS
KVH has been and continues to be an nectivity and content delivery, as data band 2.0 system is connecting ships text sent to users when 50, 80 and 100% innovative technology company focused access is now a necessity to attract the faster and more affordably through open of their allocations have been used.
on mobile products and services ad- best seafarers. We are entering a big data and metered plans that deliver data at In addition, the KVH OneCare cus- dressing large markets and that its prod- era for operational ef? ciency.” the network’s highest speeds, typically tomer support program provides an array ucts have always been designed around as fast as 4 Mbps: “This makes it 40% of service offerings that includes appli- maritime market requirements. The “It’s a digital world, even at sea” less expensive to get the same amount of cation engineering, with standard proven product history includes the Sailcomp Mike Mitsock, KVH’s Vice Presi- data at 50% higher speeds, and in some solutions, network planning and inte- digital compass introduced in 1982; the dent, Marketing, added: “It’s a digital cases, at a 15 times faster speed at one- gration, and custom work as required;
TracVision TV-at-sea system introduced world, even at sea,” and asked whether third the cost.” KVH offers a number of solution deployment, with equipment in 1994; and more recently, fast and af- the maritime industry has what it needs ? xed-rate speed-based plans with clear installation, testing and service commis- fordable mobile communications sys- to succeed. He emphasized the newly monthly data allotments to suit each us- sioning, and initial user training; and on- tems, including mini-VSAT Broadband, introduced mini-VSAT Broadband 2.0 er’s requirements. A second key feature going operating support, with technical which was introduced in 2007. system is a complete global maritime of the new system is myKVH, a secure, assistance, preventative maintenance, “The mini-VSAT Broadband service communications solution, offering the personalized management portal that al- and extended warranty options. www.marinelink.com 57
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