Page 129: of Maritime Reporter Magazine (November 2015)
Workboat Edition
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Scripps Institution of Oceanography at the University of California San Diego,
Meet the RV Fleet says many students do not become ac- tively involved in research cruises until
Operating Institution Ship Owner Length (ft.) it is time to start loading the ship, which it turns out is typically a year or more
GLOBAL CLASS SHIPS after the planning begins. “The UN-
University of Washington THOMAS G. THOMPSON Navy 274
OLS Chief Scientist Training program
Scripps Institution of Oceanography ROGER REVELLE Navy 274 taught me that there is so much more to
Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution ATLANTIS Navy 274 the process of planning and executing a
University of Alaska Fairbanks SIKULIAQ NSF 261 successful expedition that will greatly
Lamont-Doherty Earth Observatory MARCUS LANGSETH NSF 235 bene? t my own research programs into the future. Participating in the program
OCEAN/INTERMEDIATE CLASS SHIPS was an enlightening opportunity to learn
University of Hawaii KILO MOANA Navy 186 about the details of cruise planning all
Oregon State University OCEANUS NSF 177 the way from making ship time requests
University of Rhode Island ENDEAVOR NSF 185 in proposals to always walking off the
Scripps Institution of Oceanography NEW HORIZON SIO 170 ship with all data in hand.”
Bermuda Institute for Ocean Sciences ATLANTIC EXPLORER BBSR 168 “There is no better way to learn about this process than working directly from
UNOLS and NSF staff, the Marine Tech-
University of Delaware HUGH R. SHARP UD 146 nicians, and experienced PIs. I believe my future research cruises will be far
COASTAL/LOCAL CLASS SHIPS more ef? cient than they otherwise would
Scripps Institution of Oceanography ROBERT GORDON SPROUL SIO 125 be due to the knowledge with which I
Louisiana Universities Marine Consortium PELICAN LUMCON 116
University of Miami F.G WALTON SMITH UM 96 am now equipped through this train-
Skidaway Institute of Oceanography SAVANNAH UG 92 ing,” Netburn says. “On top of all that,
University of Minnesota - Duluth BLUE HERON UMD 86
I collected ancillary specimens of deep
University of Washington CLIFFORD A. BARNES NSF 66 sea ? shes for my research, met a group of bright and friendly young scientists,
NOAA GLOBAL CLASS VESSEL (scheduled in cooperation with UNOLS) and got to spend a few more days of my
NOAA RONALD H. BROWN NOAA 274 life in my favorite place in the world- the sea!”
USCG ICEBREAKERS (scheduled in cooperation with UNOLS)
Arctic Research
UNOLS has a standing Arctic Ice-
USCG USCGC POLAR SEA USCG 399 breaker Coordinating Committee that works closely with the Coast Guard and the polar science community. “The committee serves as a liaison between funding agencies and the Coast Guard to make the best use of the USCGC Healy as a research vessel, and to improve its science capabilities,” Alberts says.
The Coast Guard has two heavy Polar- class icebreakers that also have science capabilities, but has struggled to keep at least one of them operational. President
Barrack Obama recently called for new icebreakers, but building new ships for the polar regions is costly. “We expect we’ll be asked to help de- velop science mission requirements for the new icebreaker class,” Alberts says.
Speaking in Alaska, President Barak
Obama called for an accelerated pro- curement of new Coast Guard icebreak- ers. “These heavy icebreakers will en- sure that the United States can meet our national interests, protect and manage our natural resources, and strengthen our international, state, local, and tribal re- lationships,” the president said. But the vessels will cost an estimated $1 billion each, and Congress has not approved the funding.
By Edward Lundquist www.marinelink.com 129
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