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Page 56: of Maritime Reporter Magazine (February 2016)
Cruise Ship Technology Edition
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Jim Brown Long Bouchard Carpenter Boardley
LR International Paint
EBDG Hendry Marine
Jet Edge LR
Webb Bouchard Transportation Company
Navtor Carnival Corp
Nick Brown Ayers Scott Maher Bauer
Brown Announces Retirement NAVTOR Expands in Singapore Bauer to service manager. Bauer is re-
Jim Brown, a ubiquitous ? gure in the NAVTOR is continuing to build its busi- sponsible for managing all aspects of Jet
Metcalf to Keynote global maritime coatings world for de- ness footprint beyond Europe, with the Edge’s waterjet service department, sup-
WISTA USA Luncheon cades as the Market Development Man- news that the Norwegian ? rm is expand- porting customers worldwide.
Kathy Metcalf, President & CEO, ager of AkzoNobel’s Marine Coating’s ing its new Singapore of? ce. The base,
Chamber of Shipping of America brand, International, announced he is re- which opened in December 2014, has ABS Subsidiary to Develop Mainte- was con? rmed as the keynote speak- tiring effective the end of January 2016. given the ? rm an important foothold in nance Strategy for Golar FLNG Fleet er for the Eleventh Annual WISTA the Southeast Asian market, driving new ABS Group subsidiary Genesis Technol-
USA Luncheon at the CMA Ship-
Carnival Appoints Chen in China business with shipowners and managers ogy Solutions, Inc. (GenesisSolutions) ping 2016 Conference in Stamford,
Carnival Corporation & plc said that such as NEOM, SeaTeam, Waruna Ship- has been awarded a contract by Golar
CT, scheduled to take place at 11:30
Roger Chen has been appointed chair- ping, Samudera Shipping, and Sattech LNG to develop an intelligent mainte- a.m., Monday, March 21, 2016. man in China, effective January 1, 2016. International. Lawrence joins as Area nance strategy for the Company’s new
The luncheon is $70 for WISTA
Sales Manager . ? eet of ? oating LNG (FLNG) vessels members; $80 for Non-WISTA
Long Named CEO utilizing the GoFLNG ? oating lique- members, and payment must be
Hendry Marine Industries Gulf Marine XL Catlin Promotes Elder faction technology. ABS Group will made in advance via check.
Repair Corporation, one of the South- XL Catlin promoted Anne Marie Elder provide a model for asset data, critical-
For information Email: wistausa@ east’s leading tug-barge shipyards, an- to the role of Chief Underwriting Of- ity rankings, spare parts analysis, a risk- gmail.com or visit: www.wista.net nounced the hiring of Jim Long as the ? cer Marine for the Americas region. based inspection strategy, failure mode new Chief Executive Of? cer. and effects analysis and a maintenance
EBDG Hires Ayers program for the ? rst GoFLNG facility conducted at the GE Oil & Gas facility
SUNY Maritime Honors Bouchard Will Ayers has accepted a position as under construction, the Hilli, which will in Massa, Italy. GE expects the actual
The State University of New York Mari- Chief Electrical Engineer with Elliott operate off the coast of Cameroon, as Lloyd’s Register and RINA certi? cation time College conferred the honorary Bay Design Group (EBDG) of Seattle. well as for future vessels. documents to be in hand by spring 2016.
degree of doctor of science degree on
Morton S. Bouchard III, the president Scott Joins Webb Institute Jastram Technologies and Eco Ma- COSCON Selects CargoSmart and CEO of Bouchard Transportation Webb Institute has appointed Benjamin rine Power Sign Agreement CargoSmart Limited, a shipment man-
Company, Inc., during winter 2016 com- H. Scott as the Assistant Professor of Eco Marine Power (EMP) entered into agement software solutions provider that mencement exercises, January 29. Marine Engineering. Scott is a design a sales and support agreement with Jas- leverages big data for greater visibility engineer with over 30 years of experi- tram Technologies Ltd. of Canada. This and benchmarking, said that COSCO
AWO Promotes Carpenter to COO ence in thermal and hydraulic analysis, agreement paves the way for EMP to Container Lines Co. started to imple-
The American Waterways Operators heat exchanger design, thermal perfor- begin offering a wide range of products ment CargoSmart’s online customer (AWO) said that EVP Jennifer Carpen- mance testing and ? uid system design. and services to the Canadian shipping service and ocean carrier analytics so- ter has been promoted to the position of and offshore sector. lutions. The customer service solutions
Chief Operating Of? cer, effective Janu- Maher New Ship Repair GM at ASRY provide COSCON with process-oriented ary 1, 2016. Charles Maher is the new Ship Repair GE LM6000PG Marine Module documentation and visibility tools for
GM at ASRY, bringing 15 years of expe- Package Certi? ed its customers to manage their shipments
Boardley, Brown Promoted at LR rience with top ? rms including Dormac, GE Marine and GE Oil & Gas an- online. The carrier operations solutions
Lloyd’s Register announced two signi? - Grand Bahamas Shipyards and Southern nounced that the marine module package help COSCON to optimize their ves- cant organization changes: Tom Board- African Shipyards. design for its LM6000PG aeroderiva- sel operations. Using predictive analyt- ley steps up to a new role as Executive tive gas turbine has been certi? ed by ics, COSCON leverages CargoSmart’s
VP and Global Head of Corporate & Jet Edge Promotes Bauer Lloyd’s Register and RINA. The test global vessel and route data to improve
External Affairs and Nick Brown is pro- Waterjet systems manufacturer Jet Edge, where the LM6000PG module effort- planning, marine operations and cost moted to Marine Director. Inc. announced the promotion of Josh lessly achieved 42 megawatts (MW) was savings. 56 Maritime Reporter & Engineering News • FEBRUARY 2016
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