Page 13: of Maritime Reporter Magazine (April 2016)
The Offshore Annual
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SOLAS Convention lack the authority to impose conditions on shippers of cargoes
New SOLAS Compliant Container Weighing System in international commerce. This ignores the reality that a carrier that loads a con-
In response to the new SOLAS and the percentage of the overall tainer for carriage in international com- regulations due to enter force weight it is carrying. This allows for merce where a veri? ed gross mass of the on July 1, 2016, LCM Systems the detection of possible damage container has not been provided will be launched a new SOLAS compliant to twistlocks due to overloading or in violation of the SOLAS Convention. container weighing system. unequal weight distribution during
Since substantial compliance with appli-
The company has been supply- container engagement and lifting. cable conventions is a standard condition ing container weighing systems for Also displayed is the combined of marine insurance, a carrier that does about ? ve years. It designed what weight on all four twistlocks. There (Image: LCM Systems) not require documentation of the veri? ed it believes is a ? exible modular sys- is a tare function and the facility to gross mass runs the risk of loss of insur- tem that can be easily and quickly enter container numbers and gener- ance coverage.
retro? tted onto straddle carriers, ate reports. A calibration button on
As with any change, there will be a cer- container cranes and telehandlers. the main screen takes you to a new tain amount of confusion and misunder-
The new system veri? es the container weight in real-time display screen that enables on-site calibration for optimal standing initially. Soon though, provid- to an accuracy of 1% of rated load, although higher accura- accuracy. The tablet is rated to IP67 and drop tested to ing the veri? ed gross mass of containers cies can be achieved with on-site calibration and by using 1.2m, making it suitable for harsh port environments. will be the new normal.
the built-in linearization facility. The standard package is a The system can be tailored to meet the speci? c needs of complete stand-alone system that comprises of four load each individual port. In addition to the standard package measuring pins that replace existing load bearing pins on a system is available that can be fully integrated into the
The Author the spreader block, an interface module and a ruggedized port Terminal Operating System (TOS) that offers ? exibility 8-in. tablet. Pre-wired cable assemblies are supplied for in terms of data output and data provision. Other types of
Dennis L. Bryant is with Maritime Regu- system connection, which allows installation to be carried load cell systems are also available, including annular load latory Consulting, and a regular contribu- out by untrained personnel as no wiring is required. This cells that are placed around the twistlock assembly or ar- tor to Maritime Reporter & Engineering also reduces installation time and consequently equipment rangements that utilize the twistlock by turning it into a load
News as well as online at MaritimePro- downtime, as well as facilitates fast and simple replace- measurement device in its own right. Wireless options are fessional.com. ment of cables in the event of any becoming damaged. also available.
www.lcmsystems.com t: 1 352 692 5493 The ruggedized tablet displays the load on each twistlock e: [email protected]
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