Page 16: of Maritime Reporter Magazine (April 2016)
The Offshore Annual
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At the point when the oil price recovers to around $50-$60, we anticipate this will trig- ger the sanctioning of a number of new projects. However, if we remain in this ‘lower for longer’ environment for a sustained period of time, then the estimated $400bn of cancelled or delayed projects will remain on the shelf for the foreseeable future. resources in place to train the next gen- main competitive. This focus on innova- employers alike? Airswift currently manages eration of talent and ensure knowledge tion means that whatever hurdles our cli- We benchmark and review our a deployed workforce of over 6,000 transfer. Skills and talent will always be ents face, we can develop the solution to health insurance cover annually and be- contractors worldwide. Sourcing, plac- a critical enabler for organizations look- meet them. Airswift has the economies lieve ours is among the best in the mar- ing and mobilizing contract talent is a ing to succeed in the industry. of scale and the global reach to create ketplace. It is incredibly easy to use and signi? cant part of what we do and this and deliver workforce solutions for cli- individuals can submit claims and re- model is particularly suited to project-
Arguably, energy is today facing ‘the ents looking to enhance operational ef- cover costs directly from a smartphone. based industries, such as oil and gas. We perfect storm’ in terms of internal ex- ? ciency, reduce costs or grow their busi- But the main attraction for our contract have created a mechanism to engage a pertise: a rapidly greying management ness. workforce is the ability to join without wholly ? exible yet committed workforce workforce, a soft middle management having to declare pre-existing condi- that is accountable for performance and group not quite ready to take the reins What is the biggest challenge facing tions. This simply means that contrac- receives support in the form of training and the added peril of still deeper tal- the energy business right now and tors can join our organization without and mentoring.
ent losses from those who get laid off more importantly, what can industry headaches about their medical history. If now, and are reluctant to come back do to meet that challenge? this approach was replicated across the It is indeed a rapidly changing busi- when oil bottoms and heads up again. The biggest challenge facing energy industry, then it would increase ness climate. You say that Airswift’s
Where can ? rms like yours be of ser- companies today is reducing costs while the general mobility of workers world- size and global reach will allow ? ex- vice in solving these complex issues? retaining talent. We believe that there is wide. ibility to “scale workforce solutions The breadth of Airswift’s glob- still considerable scope for cost reduc- as clients’ needs evolve.” Give us a al operations and the depth of our talent tion and that the impact of cost reduction Some human resource (HR) experts few garden variety examples of these pool mean we can mobilize, extend or initiatives is still to be felt at the bottom say that the key to successful, future ‘workforce solutions’ as they relate to adjust workforce solutions quickly and line. energy employment is to increase the today’s energy situation. ef? ciently so our clients get the people use of so-called ‘contract talent’ as op- In this rapidly changing busi- and service they need whenever and Is insurance – speci? cally medical and posed to full-time, salaried workers. ness climate, we are continually looking wherever they need them. We stay ahead health – becoming a bigger headache What is your take on that strategy? for new ways to respond to workforce of the curve so our clients can deliver for employers in the energy sector? If Does the ‘contract formula’ work well challenges. Airswift’s services range new strategies, launch new services, so, what can be done to simplify those for labor? Will (have) they embraced from ? lling a single permanent role or streamline their cost structures, and re- issues for everyone – employees and the concept? mobilizing a contingent workforce for a particular project, to handling the entire recruitment process. Whatever our cli- ents’ workforce needs, we have the so- lution to support them. We work closely with clients to help develop their work- force strategies. From ? nding the right candidates for short-term projects to ad- vising on long-term recruitment require- ments, our focus is on enhancing clients’ long-term ? nancial and operational posi- tions.
The Author
Peter Searle, CEO of Airswift, one the world’s biggest companies involved with global energy workforce solutions and talent acquisition, weighs in on the cur- rent and future energy employment situ- ation.
16 Maritime Reporter & Engineering News • APRIL 2016
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