Page 57: of Maritime Reporter Magazine (April 2016)
The Offshore Annual
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Polaris leaves
Timeline drydock
Contract effective date: 2/14/14
Production start: 7/21/14
Keel laid: 3/4/15
Naming ceremony: 12/11/15
Launch: 12/30/15
Expected delivery: Q2/16
Principal parameters
Length, o.a. 110 m
Length, w.l. 98 m
Breadth 24 m
Draft 8 m
DWT 3,000t
Speed 17 kn
Bollard pull 185 t
Design lifetime: 50 years
Flag: Finland
Class notation: Lloyds Register +100A1 Icebreaker(+), Oil Recovery, Ice Class PC4, *IWS, ECO(NOx3, P, Sox), +LMC, UMS, GF, NAV1, IBS, MPMS, TUG
Icebreaking capacity
Icebreaking capacity optimized to hardest Baltic conditions
Photo: Arctech Helsinki Shipyard
Speed ahead abt. 4 kn, level ice 1.8 m
Speed ahead abt. 8 kn, level ice 0.8 m + 20cm snow
Speed astern abt. 8 kn, level ice 0.8 m + 20 cm snow
Polaris rendering
Operations in open water courtesy Aker Arctic.
Sea keeping capability for oil-combating at Hs=2 m wave height and 95% time of Baltic wind conditions
Oil spill recovery, also in ice conditions
Emergency towing in 95% time of prevailing conditions at Baltic Sea
The Polaris’ diesel-electric power plant includes two nine-
Machinery cylinder Wärtsilä 9L34DF (rated
Fuel LNG and MDO 4,500 kW each) and two 12-cylinder
LNG fuel tanks (Cyro) 2 x 400 m3
Wärtsilä 12V34DF (rated 6,000 k W
Main diesel gensets 2 x 6,000 kW + 2 x 4,500 kW each) four-stroke medium speed dual
Diesel engines Wärtsilä 12V34DF/9L34DF fuel genets, as well as an additional
Aux diesel genset 1 x 1,168 kW laris draws upon some of the industry’s eight-cylinder Wärtsilä 8L20DF auxil-
Rudder propulsors ABB Azipod VI 2 x 6,500 kW (stern) + 1 x 6,000 kW (bow) top names to secure a spot among the iary engine (rated 1,168 kW). All told world’s most environmentally friendly the combined power output is more than
Out? tting and technologically advanced vessels. 22 MW.
Oil recovery system 2 x brush collector
The vessel’s two vertical LNG tanks combine for a total volume of 800 cu. Tanks for recovered oil abt. 1,300 m3
Meet Polaris: The Eco Icebreaker
Polaris is based upon the Aker ARC 130 m., enabling 10 days autonomy in typi- Towing winch 1 x double drum, 110 t concept, with an overall length of 110m, cal winter conditions. Another 20 days Roll reduction tank abt. 700 m3 beam of 24m and an 8m draft, enabling autonomy is added via a combined 2,500 the vessel to operate in all major Finn- cu. m. capacity for fuel oil.
Accommodation ish shipping lanes. The technologically Polaris also features a unique propul-
Cabins/beds 20/24 complex vessel is out? tted with more sion system: three electrically driven ice
Operating crew 16 persons than 180 km of electric cabling, a brush strengthened ABB Azipod units, two at collector oil recovery system, a satellite the stern (6,500 kw each) and one at the
Emissions imaging system for ice navigation, an bow (6,000 Kw), which combine for 19 • Hull painting with solvent free epoxy + ice belt area of s/s cladded plates emergency towing winch and a helideck. mw, making Polaris Finland’s most pow- • Propulsion arrangement selected for optimal load in all ice conditions
Arguably, Polaris’ most noteworthy erful icebreaker to date.
and modes of icebreaking asset is its powerplant and propulsion And while Polaris’ main duty will be • Engine con? guration selected for optimal load in all operation modes units; the ship is the world’s ? rst ice- icebreaking on the Baltic Sea, which is • When operating with LNG, the vessel ful? lls IMO Tier III emission breaker to run on dual fuel (diesel and typically frozen four to seven months requirements
LNG), a set-up designed to fuel con- a year, the vessel will also be able to • When operating with low sulphur MDO, the vessel ful? lls IMO Tier II sumption and costs as well as emis- serve in oil spill response operations, requirements sions, making it IMO Tier III and Bal- with a mechanical oil recovery system • Zero-emission principle for garbage and grey/black/bilge water tic Sea Sulphur Emission Control Area integrated into its hull, operable in both (SECA) compliant. open water and in ice. Oil recovery tank capacity is 1,300 cu. m.
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