Page 59: of Maritime Reporter Magazine (April 2016)
The Offshore Annual
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evolving, not least through the widening There are some 2,000 container ports company. “Our way of doing business the Georgia Ports Authority (GPA). The of the Panama Canal, which will change in the world. Of these, some 500 to 600 is based on building long customer re- GPA has been our client since the end the competitive positioning of the East ports handle 200,000 TEU to 250,000 lationships, where we want to be among of the 1980s. Currently, they have 22 of
Coast and West Coast ports of the United TEU annually. Over the years, Kone- the ? rst the customer calls when there our ship-to-shore container cranes with
States. Also, rail container traf? c in the cranes has gained a good foothold in a is a need for upgrading and expansion,” 8 in the delivery pipeline, and 136 of
U.S. has increased greatly. number of markets. The United States Oja says. “A good example of this is the our RTG cranes with 10 in the delivery
Konecranes supplies lifting equipment is one of the strongest markets for the Port of Savannah, Georgia, operated by pipeline. In 2015, the Port of Savannah and service to a wide range of industries globally under several brand names. The company is among the biggest lifting equipment providers in the world within most of its product segments. Through its remote service centers and the world’s most extensive crane service network,
Konecranes is the market leader in crane service. The company produces most of the crane types used in container ports, including the big ship-to-shore container cranes. There are different types of con- tainer terminal depending on the con- tainer handling equipment type. In the
U.S. and the Far East, rubber tired gan- try cranes, or RTG cranes, are common,
capable of stacking up to ? ve contain- ers high. Rail mounted gantry (RMG)
cranes move on rails and are typically
Rustibus® 25 Miniblaster used in container ports with automated container handling systems. In Europe,
The perfect tool for the removal of coatings, corrosion, scale and fller. straddle carriers are common. These
Perfect for work on small spots in are rubber-tired machines that transport hard to reach places, or along welds. one container at a time and to stack up to four containers high. Reach stackers are heavy-duty lift trucks used to handle containers in inter-modal container ter- minals - inland terminals that deal with road, rail or river-based container traf- ? c. Konecranes is a major supplier of lift trucks for container handling.
Konecranes is in the top echelon of
Western suppliers of ship-to-shore (STS) cranes, the biggest container cranes in
AN EFFECTIVE AND the container port. Chinese manufac-
POWERFUL METHOD turer ZPMC is the market leader in this crane type, with a global share of some of removing coatings and rust.
65 percent. In the RTG crane market,
Konecranes is among the top three lead- ing suppliers. In the automated RMG crane type, which moves on rails, it is the second biggest supplier on the market. The research and development work takes place in Finland where the key components are also produced. The manufacturing of bigger and heavier components, as well as assembly, typi- cally take place near the ? nal destina- tion. Employing some 12,000 people,
Konecranes sales totaled EUR 2,126 m
EUR in 2015. Some 40 percent of the company’s revenue comes from service operations; about 60 percent of revenue [email protected] comes from equipment sales. The com- www.rustibus.com pany has some 600 service locations in 50 countries, servicing around 450,000 pieces of lifting equipment, most of which are manufactured by companies other than Konecranes. www.marinelink.com 59
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