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The Marine Propulsion Edition

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Turkey By The Numbers

Population: 79,414,269 (July 2015 est.)

Merchant marine:

Total: 629

Bulk carrier 102

Izmir) could be an alternative to the fa- istrations and two out of seven railway Marine Tourism

Cargo 281 cilities in South Asia and China, espe- connected ports are operated by Turkish Marine tourism has gained in popular-

Chemical tanker 80 cially if they can offer a more environ- State Railways. ity in the past few years with yachting,

Container 42 mentally acceptable way of disposing of Turkish ports hold a strategic position marina administration, cruise tourism

Lique? ed gas 6 vessels at the end of their working lives. within the Eastern Mediterranean and and ferryboat administration, underwa-

Passenger 2

Turkish National Ship Registry was Black Sea shipping lines and at the in- ter diving and water sports bringing in

Passenger/cargo 60 established and is regulated by article tersection point of East-West and North- signi? cant revenue for the country. Ma-

Petroleum tanker 25 839 and various articles under the Turk- South directional International transport rine tourism revenue is 25% of the gen-

Refrigerated cargo 1 ish Trade Law whereas the Turkish In- corridors. They are in an advantageous eral tourism which comes to over $ 7 bil-

RoRo 29 ternational Ship Registry was set up position to attract Transshipment / tran- lion. Because of Turkey’s vast coastline

Specialized tanker 1 later on December 12, 1999. Of the 591 sit cargoes. Ports in all regions of Turkey along the four seas, Turkey is a treasure

Foreign-owned: 1 (Italy 1) ships owned by Turkish vessel owners, are so located that they can serve differ- trove of coves, inlets, bays and beaches

Registered in other countries: 645 only about 15.44 % (by GRT) of the ent transportation networks. at which yachtsmen can choose a differ- (Albania 1, Antigua and Barbuda 7, Azer- ? eet is registered in National Ship Reg- The Mediterranean and Aegean Sea ent and private anchorage each night. baijan 1, Bahamas 3, Barbados 1, Be- istry and the remaining 84.56 % with the ports are located with little miss distance The sailing paradise of Turkey is also lize 16, Brazil 1, Cambodia 15, Comoros

International Ship Registry. The average and have an ability to attract Asian- home to the Blue Voyage. This idyllic 8, Cook Islands 4, Curacao 5, Cyprus 1, age of these ships is 24 as of December European main shipping lines’ cargoes cruise means sailing with the winds, into

Dominica 1, Georgia 14, Italy 4, Kazakh- 31,2014. The country’s registered total passing through the Mediterranean. Spe- coves and over the seas and becoming stan 1, Liberia 16, Malta 233, Marshall tonnage both under Turkish ? ag and for- ci? cally, the Mediterranean ports are in one with nature. For lovers of the ac-

Islands 70, Moldova 18, Panama 62,

Russia 101, Saint Kitts and Nevis 18, eign ? ags is 27.5 million DWT globally a position to operate as transshipment/ tive life, sailing in clear waters provides

Saint Vincent and the Grenadines 13, ranking it at the 23rd place. transit ports for delivering cargoes com- great opportunities for swimming, ? sh-

Sierra Leone 9, Slovakia 1, Tanzania 13,

Turkish ship owners clearly prefer to ing from main shipping lines to Middle ing, skiing, sur? ng and diving. Sailing in

Togo 4, Tuvalu 1, unknown 3) (2010) ? ag out using offshore registries for the East and Central Asian countries. Mean- Turkey also allows tourists to experience

World Rank: 18 bene? t of low taxation and crew costs. while, ports in the Marmara Region are a truly enriching cultural exchange with

The ? agged out vessels operated by important in terms of Turkish connec- the hospitable and gracious people of

Ports and terminals:

Turkish operators is signi? cant. Ship tion of Trans-European and Pan-Euro- the coastal villages and towns. The tem-

Major seaports: Aliaga, Ambarli, Diliske- owners prefer ? agging their ships under pean transport corridors formed by EU pered winds which generally blow from lesi, Eregli, Izmir, Kocaeli (Izmit), Mersin

Malta, Panama, Liberia, the Bahamas or and extending those corridors to East. the west and northwest make the long (Icel), Limani, Yarimca

St Vincent and the Grenadines ? ag. As a result of growing trade and trans- summers ideal for yachting, and seem

Container ports (TEUs): Ambarli port volume in Black Sea which is the to encourage an appreciation of nature. (2,121,549), Mersin (Icel) (1,126,866)

Port Development most important means of access for trad- From some of the turquoise coast’s un-

LNG terminal (import): Izmir Aliaga, Mar-

Turkey has around 172 ports along its ing among the landlocked Central Asian spoilt and sheltered bays one can see mara Ereglisi.

vast coastline of 8483 km. six ports are countries with Europe, the importance mountain peaks rising to almost 3,000 (Source: operated by Turkish Maritime Admin- of these ports in the area has increased. meters above sea level.

Tuzla Shipyard is one of the largest shipyards in Turkey and, through- out its history, it has been identi? ed with remarkable naval work.

Photo by Tuzla Shipyard. 63

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Maritime Reporter

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