Page 30: of Maritime Reporter Magazine (July 2016)
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BY WILLIAM STOICHEVSKI he cloud is for “device-agnostic VLCCs, product and chemical tankers, Manager is drawing up a set of guide- possible to “access and interpret greater young slashers,” said Trond bulk carriers, refrigerated cargo contain- lines aimed at reducing the amount of amounts of information”.
Bjorseth, marketing manager, er vessels and RoRo’s, Norbulk opted paperwork of? cers and their crew have “The bene? ts to the company through of Oslo-based cloud consultan- for a cloud solution more for operations to undertake while at sea. this change in information ? ow are very cy, Tieto. His company offers an than project management, as would be Yet, Norbulk offers a taste of what real. Systems do run much more ef? -
Tinformation management tool the case offshore. cloud-adoption will look like for other ciently as a result. Standards have been for subsea projects and “repositories” for As with Google’s cloud solution for shipping out? ts: a pilot scheme was run set so high now and there is a greater the shipping sector’s operations. With Norbulk, Tieto’s cloud for offshore out of its Glasgow of? ce in much the emphasis on quality management sys-
Tieto you can get “one big happy project projects puts documents in the hands of same way a modern guided-missile de- tems, the environment and competent room,” although he admits at least three those who need them, like suppliers bid- stroyer might simulate the destruction crew,” says Karlsen, apparently in refer- suppliers offer something similar. ding via a cloud room (successor to the of a target (OK, not quite). After run- ence to the reams of training data simu-
For its own future “slashers,” Glasgow- internet hotel). For Norbulk, the cloud ning the pilot through parts of the com- lators produce when helping crews ac- based ship manager Norbulk Shipping is purely a management tool and the pany for two months, the feedback was crue competence.
opted instead for Google Cloud Tech- company points to trade association In- strong, the company says, and Norbulk’s nology Solutions, the “repositories” or terManager’s recognition of this type of Riga, Saint John, Manilla and St. Peters- Better Comms cloud rooms of which are saving mari- digitization. This proponent of in-house burg of? ces ascended to Google’s cloud. The majority of Norbulk-managed ners the burden of ordering, doing and and third-party ship managers believes “Cloud-based technology has assisted ships run electronically and use the handling paperwork and saving their “the burden of administrative tasks fall- our goal of adopting paperless systems,” cloud-based technology for daily com- home of? ces the burden of getting the ing on seafarers in today’s shipping in- says Norbulk director Peter Karlsen, munication. “It’s the communications paperwork to them by courier, helicop- dustry is signi? cant.” who adds that the better coms and trans- issue that takes time,” says Bjorseth and, ter or harbor pilot. With 80 LPG carriers, As if the Cloud wasn’t enough, Inter- parency coming out of the cloud made it indeed, Google’s cloud migrator moved
Paperless: Artist’s impressions of future Rolls-Royce vessels above and below. (Illustration: courtesy Rolls-Royce Marine) 30 Maritime Reporter & Engineering News • JULY 2016
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