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Marine Design Annual

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M A R I N E L I N K . C O M

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John E. O’Malley

John C. O’Malley [email protected]

Associate Publisher/Editorial Director

Greg Trauthwein [email protected]


Vice President, Sales

Rob Howard [email protected]

Web Editor

Eric Haun [email protected] o be perfectly honest, I’m quite tired of writing, say- regular ? xtures in our lives! My goals at SMM are generally

Web Contributor

Michelle Howard [email protected] ing and thinking “Big Data.” Don’t get me wrong, the unchanged, and that is to meet and engage in conversation with very essence of what those two words represent will as many industry executive leaders as humanly possible during


Joseph Fonseca - India drive this industry for a generation. It’s just that those the four days of exhibition and social events. I estimate that


Tom Mulligan - UK

Claudio Paschoa - Brazil two small words have been bandied about with such vigor and at about 80% of these conversations and meetings, discussion

Peter Pospiech - Germany

William Stoichevski - Norway repetition that they’re starting to muddle in my mind (note: centered not on horsepower or steel, rather on the “digitaliza- please DON’T turn to page 44 at this moment!) tion transformation” sweeping all sectors of the market, from


Irina Vasilets [email protected]

The trends towards harnessing the power of data and infor- shipbuilders to ship owners, major equipment manufacturers

Nicole Ventimiglia [email protected] mation in the name of industrial ef? ciency and cost savings is and service providers.

Corporate Staff

Mark O’Malley, Marketing Manager certainly not unique to the maritime and offshore markets, and Case in point: as we were going to press we were posting

Esther Rothenberger, Accounting per usual those doing business on, in and under the water are a on ABB’s announcement of its far-reaching

Information Technology

Vladimir Bibik bit slower on the uptake of this phenomena. Yet the industry’s strategic partnership with Microsoft (MSFT) to develop next-

Emin Tule well-recorded conservative nature is not solely to blame: his- generation digital solutions on an integrated cloud platform. In torically costly communication links between ships and shore Hamburg my discussions ranged from a presentation by Bu-


Kathleen Hickey [email protected] has conspired to keep ship owners on the sideline. reau Veritas regarding its digitalization transformation in part-

All of this is changing, in rapid fashion. nership with Dassault Systèmes, a conversation with Howard


We are just back from the SMM 2016 in Hamburg, and for Fireman, ABS’ CTO regarding the increasing threat of cyber

Lucia Annunziata [email protected] +1 212 477 6700 ext 6220 those of you that have never ventured to Northern Germany for attacks, and last but not least, my one-on-one interview with

Terry Breese [email protected] this biennial event, you are missing the biggest, best shipbuild- Remi Eriksen, CEO, DNV GL, which ranged on everything +1 561 732 1185 ing and marine technology event on the planet. Traditionally from the near-term prospects of the offshore oil and gas market

John Cagni [email protected] +1 631-472-2715 the exhibition is long on heavy industry, heavy machinery and (not good) to the near-term prospects for digital transformation

Frank Covella [email protected] +1 561 732 1659 mega machines of every sort to build and drive the biggest in the maritime and offshore sectors (really good).

Mitch Engel [email protected] vessels an structures on the water. A walk through the exhibi- Speaking of digitalization changes, please take a moment to +1 561 732 0312 tion halls again con? rmed the stature of heavy industry and check out the re-designed which incorporates

Mike Kozlowski [email protected] +1 561 733 2477 machinery, but this exhibition was different. our new “Maritime Reporter TV” initiative, which includes 30

Jean Vertucci [email protected] +1 212 477 6700 ext 6210

To put this into context, this was my 13th SMM dating back interviews recorded in Hamburg, including 12 CEOs. I invite to 1992 – before the internet, email and mobile phones were your feedback on both.

International Sales


Roland Persson [email protected]

Orn Marketing AB, Box 184 , S-271 24

Ystad, Sweden t: +46 411-184 00 f: +46 411 105 31

Western Europe

Uwe Riemeyer [email protected] t: +49 202 27169 0 f: +49 202 27169 20

United Kingdom

Paul Barrett [email protected]

Hallmark House, 25 Downham Road, Ramsden

Health, Essex CM11 1PU UK t: +44 1268 711560 m: +44 7778 357722 f: +44 1268 711567 [email protected]

Classi? ed Sales t: (212) 477-6700

Check out our other websites:


John J. O’Malley 1905 - 1980

Charles P. O’Malley 1928 - 2000

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Maritime Reporter

First published in 1881 Maritime Reporter is the world's largest audited circulation publication serving the global maritime industry.