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Workboat Edition

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Adm. Robert E. Kramek, 20th

Commandant of the Coast Guard





Dohle Thomson Schell Mørch

SNAME Honors Thordon’s Thomson tomotive Engineers (SAE). Faststream Appoints Diaz

At the 2016 SNAME Maritime Con- Faststream announced the arrival of vention, George A. (Sandy) Thomson Odffjell to Build Record Size U.S. Coast Guard and Maritime recruit- was elected a Fellow of the Society of Stainless Steel Chem Tankers ment expert Adam Diaz to its Houston

Naval Architects and Marine Engineers Odfjell has ordered four chemical of? ce. Diaz has spent over 10 years (SNAME). Thomson has a long family tankers (with options for an additional working within the Maritime sector,

Former U.S. Coast Guard comman- history in the maritime industry. Thom- four) with stainless steel cargo tanks starting out in U.S. Coast Guard training dant Adm. Robert E. Kramek died son’s great, great grandfather was a deep from China Shipbuilding Trading CO., in 2006 before moving into operations at

October 20, 2016. Kramek served sea captain sailing the Great Lakes be- Ltd. and Hudong-Zhonghua Shipbuild- the U.S. Coast Guard sector in Houston. as the Coast Guard’s 20th com- fore becoming a lighthouse keeper; his ing (Group) CO., Ltd. The ships cost mandant from 1994 through 1998, uncle was head of Shell Canada when $60m each. The 49,000 dwt ships, with a ABS to Direct DHS Cyber Project during which time he expanded the

Shell maintained a ? eet of steam pow- cargo capacity at 54,600 cbm, reportedly ABS was awarded a research contract

Coast Guard’s global reach and ered tankers operating on the Great makes them the world’s largest stainless by the Maritime Security Center (MSC) in? uence as commandant, includ-

Lakes; while his father owned and op- steel chemical tankers, according to the – a U.S. Department of Homeland Se- ing directing active participation in erated Thomson-Gordon, a marine and Norwegian owner. “We are very happy curity (DHS) Center of Excellence, led the combined service/international industrial products supplier in southern with the agreement we have signed to- by Stevens Institute of Technology – for anti-narcotic smuggling operations

Ontario. day, which is a signi? cant step in solv- a two-year research program focused

Frontier Shield and Gulf Shield,

Sandy attended Northrup University ing our tonnage replacement needs,” on de? ning the future of cybersecurity along with other law enforcement in California obtaining a Mechanical said Kristian Mørch, CEO Odfjell SE. for the maritime industry. Study par- operations. Before he became the

Engineering degree and eventually mi- The ? rst ship is expected to be delivered ticipants, which include DHS and the

Commandant of the Coast Guard, grated back to Canada to work in the in June 2019 and the following vessels Department of Defense, will focus on his assignments as a ? ag of? cer in- family business in 1965. His passion with three months intervals. key areas that will help de? ne future cluded Coast Guard Chief of Staff, for the marine industry redirected the research and guidance. “Cybersecurity commander of the Seventh Dis- family business from distributing engi- Intellian: New Americas GM is one of the most pressing and evolv- trict and commander of the Thir- neering supplies to manufacturing pro- Intellian appointed industry veteran ing technical and operational challenges teenth District. He graduated from peller shaft and rudder bearings – thus Edward Joannides to take the helm of impacting the maritime industry today,” the U.S. Coast Guard Academy in leading to the development of Thordon its Americas business unit as General said ABS Chief Technology Of? cer 1961 with a Bachelor of Science

Bearings. Sandy is currently owner and Manager. Joannides’ experience in both Howard Fireman, continuing, “Our goal degree in engineering and was both

Chairman of the Board of Thomson- the maritime and satellite communica- with this research program is to leverage a surface operations specialist and

Gordon Group, the parent of Canada- tions industries spans over 25 years. the skills and expertise of leading think- naval engineer serving around the based Thordon Bearings Inc. This includes time at sea as a Chief Of? - ers to build a framework the industry world, particularly in Alaska and cer working for CMA CGM, and senior can follow to contend with cyber chal- the Atlantic, Caribbean and Paci? c

Rolls-Royce Appoints Schell CEO shore-based posts including Fleet Man- lenges.” regions.

Rolls-Royce said that Andreas Schell ager for Northern Navigation, Director has been appointed as Chief Executive of Strategy & Business Development SpeedCast Acquires Harris CapRock

Hendry Marine President &

Of? cer of Rolls-Royce Power Systems at Inmarsat and most recently Program SpeedCast International Limited en-

CEO Passes Away (RRPS). Schell will join Rolls-Royce Manager for SATCOM Services at tered into a de? nitive agreement to ac-

Aaron W. Hendry died at the age of later this year, reporting to Chief Ex- Northrup Grumman. quire Harris CapRock in a cash trans- 80. Hendry passed away peacefully ecutive Warren East, and take up his action valued at $425 million. Harris after a battle with pancreatic can- new position from January 1, 2017, Sullivan Joins Viega as CFO CapRock is a leader in the energy and cer. Aaron’s father, Captain F.M. succeeding Dr. Ulrich Dohle who is Viega LLC announced John Sullivan maritime segments. The acquisition

Hendry, started the family business retiring. Schell joins Rolls-Royce from as its new Chief Financial Of? cer, re- strengthens SpeedCast’s position in more than 90 years ago. Over time,

UTC Aerospace Systems and will work sponsible for overseeing, managing and the maritime industry, in which Har- the company grew dramatically as alongside Dr. Dohle until the end of the planning strategy for all of Viega’s ac- the dredging ? eet expanded and year to ensure an effective transition. counting, ? nancial and IT initiatives. additional maritime services were

Schell is a German citizen with an MBA Sullivan has more than 25 years of ex- performed to meet the demands of

Watch from Michigan State University and a perience in executive leadership for the infrastructure. A fourth-generation

Maritime Reporter TV’s Joe Keefe Inter- master’s degree in mechanical engineer- industrial, pharmaceutical, healthcare

Floridian, Aaron started his career views PJ Beylier, CEO, Speedcast.

ing, with a specialization in energy sys- and technology industries. He also has at Hendry Corporation as a teenag- tems engineering, from Technische Uni- seven years of experience working in er in 1952 as a deckhand, working versität Clausthal in Germany. Schell is the residential, commercial and indus- his way up through the ranks as a maritime-reporter-tv-interview-pj-beyli- a member of the Association of German trial water application sectors.

boatman, foreman, mate and lever- er-ceo-speedcast--100063

Engineers (VDI) and the Society of Au- man. 120 Maritime Reporter & Engineering News • NOVEMBER 2016

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Maritime Reporter

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