Page 34: of Maritime Reporter Magazine (November 2016)
Workboat Edition
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From a passenger’s point of view, such also beginning to ? nd its way in the oil case scenario’ conditions,” said Robert a cruise will be all about the ‘experi- and gas industry. “This development while referring to the SOV’s model test- ence.’ Guests will visit the most remote shows an interesting parallel: the oil and ing results. These showed that the vessel regions, including polar areas. To this gas industry is looking closely at what exhibited minimal roll even when ex- “Aquaculture is a glob- end, Damen is drawing on the knowl- offshore wind is doing. It is adapting posed to 8 foot waves approaching from edge of an established name in the expe- their cost principles and using different the side.
... ally very interesting dition cruise industry to develop the ? nal tools, like vessels, to meet their goals. “The design guarantees fast and safe vessel design. “We are working together This is the reason why marine access is a access to turbines. In fact, we are able we are seeing operators mov- with Expedition Voyage Consultants strategic niche that Damen wants to de- to provide 80% operability.” Facilitat- to develop this vessel. In view of their velop.” ing such high levels of productivity are ing their operations further wealth of experience in organizing cruis- a number of factors. The onboard work offshore. This increases the es to worldwide destinations, I think that Dedicated O&M Duties ? ow, for instance, has been designed for we have the best people available giving When considering the potential of the optimum ef? ciency; areas are divided parameters that a vessel their input into the design.” North American offshore wind market, into clean zones and dirty zones. Safety the SOV is perhaps one design that could was also a crucial issue to address; re- has to address: Think about
Modern Markets be called a ‘game changer’. Using walk- sulting in a ‘no steps, no stairs’ design.
Other maritime sectors also show po- to-work access technology, the SOV is The smooth ? ow of personnel to and offshore seakeeping, crane tential for future growth. The offshore the ? rst ship that is purpose-built for the from an offshore platform or turbine will capacity and crew accommo- wind industry, for example, which is transfer and accommodation of offshore be achieved by means of an Ampelmann considerably more advanced in Europe personnel for the O&M phase of the off- motion compensated ‘Walk-to-Work’ dation. than it is in North America. A notable shore wind. gangway. In terms of comfort, vertical fact for a shipbuilder is that the various Rather than developing an existing de- accelerations, sound and vibrations will phases of an offshore wind farm demand sign, Damen started from scratch, creat- all be reduced to a minimum, accom- a variety of vessels. Damen has the bases ing a vessel that meets the speci? c needs plished in part by the mid-ships location covered: it has designed, and is currently of the industry. The result? Seakeeping, of the accommodation. “The most perti-
Peter Robert, building, a Service Operations Vessel fuel ef? ciency, comfortable accommo- nent issue facing the offshore wind in- (SOV) for dedicated O&M duties and its dation and effective transfer of person- dustry at the moment is the challenge to
Damen’s Head of Business Devel- 26-meter Fast Crew Supplier (FCS) has nel – all of these elements have been de- keep costs down. The Damen SOV will virtually become the ‘vessel of choice’ signed to reach optimum levels. “This is go a long way to helping the sector reach opment & Market Intelligence for crew transfer operations. much more than just a vessel – it is a to- the goal of cost-effective operations.”
Following a number of European and tal access and accommodation solution. Looking across the Atlantic and to a
Middle Eastern sales, the FCS 2610, is This design has been tested to ‘worst time when the North American offshore
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