Page 56: of Maritime Reporter Magazine (November 2016)
Workboat Edition
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According to Dale Gusick (A) and Frank
Bjorkman (B), R.W. Fernstrum continues to see positive business signs in its tradition- al maritime work (C) globally, while explor- ing new ‘packaged’ solution deals cour- tesy of the inclusion of its Tranter Plate
Coil (D) as an ef? cient and cost-effective heating solution for barges, particularly
ATBs. The ? anged connection ? tting (E) on its grid coolers is testament to its mantra to partner with customers to continually
A B evolve and improve the product line.
Photos: RW Fernstrum
C D E cooling system to meet the needs of a equipment are obvious, the investment sels,” said Sean Fernstrum. According kets, Sean Fernstrum is ? rst to admit wide range of operating conditions. Ex- in product and people perhaps not so ob- to R.W. Fernstrums domestic sales lead that his company and its 36 employees isting cooling systems were far too large vious.” A tour of the Fernstrum facilities Frank Bjorkman, the ATB market is par- are not centrally located in Menominee, for landing craft, so Robert developed a in Menominee, Mich., and Sean’s words ticularly interesting for the company, for Mich. He stresses the importance of solution on his own. His compact keel bear true, as the company has recently example, as it may have a grid or box travel, long-standing relationships and cooler was the prototype for what would expanded its headquarters with modern cooler on the boat, and the Tranter Plate the creation and maintenance of a solid become our Gridcooler Keel Cooler front of? ce facilities, and the main work- Coil application for heating the heavy network of dealers and distributors as es- line.” shop includes a number of new machines oil in the cargo holds of the barge unit sential to global success.
More than 60 years later, Sean under- to keep manufacturing ef? cient. gives his company the opportunity to In this spirit, every few years Fern- stands that both his business and the This investment has manifested itself offer a complete package. “We don’t strum invites its world of representatives maritime business have changed dramat- also in a broadening of the traditional manufacture (the Tranter unit) here, but to Michigan for ‘Rep Days,’ Bjorkman ically. “The business has changed with Gridcooler Keel Cooler line to include, we do engineer and sell it,” said Bjork- said, which entails several days of meet- the markets shifting, and it’s a matter of among others, the Weka Boxcooler, man. “Typically those tankers have a lot ings, time in the shop and social func- us changing gears and getting ready for which was a development of Cees de of two-inch serpentine pipe, and the cost tions so that manufacturer and represen- that next high (cycle),” said Sean. Kwant in the Netherlands, as well as of putting a Tranter plate coil unit is a tatives are on the same page. Ample time
Central to its future is continued in- Tranter’s line of heat exchangers that huge savings.” is provided also for the representatives vestment in the company. According to go back to Ransom Olds and his devel- With the additional products, Bjork- to network, as Fernstrum believes that a
Sean Fernstrum, investment in the busi- opment of chilled plates used in milk man said “we ? nd ourselves getting more stronger bond between these organiza- ness is the umbrella for what he sees as wagons 100 years ago. Today those into cooling solutions where we’re pro- tions goes a long way in creating reso- four big areas of continual investment: plates are providing ef? cient heating viding multiple solutions. It has opened lutions if and when a con? ict of terri- facilities, equipment, products and peo- of cargo in applications like petroleum up many opportunities.” tory may arise. Visiting the company ple, “but not necessarily in that order,” and sulfur barges. “Platecoil is proving in Menominee makes RW Fernstrum’s he adds. “This has been our strategy for to be an ef? cient, cost effective heating Serving Markets Globally global push all the more impressive, par- years. The investment in facilities and solution for barges and bulk cargo ves- When it comes to serving global mar- ticularly when looking at the roster of 56 Maritime Reporter & Engineering News • NOVEMBER 2016
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