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Workboat Edition
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WORKBOAT ANNUAL “I’m sure the hot topic for everyone to discuss this year will be the Tier 4 emission regulations.
If you went by the Scania booth at SMM in Hamburg, on display was the “IMO III” solution. The IMO III solution will be the basis for Tier 4. I think that this is going to be one of this industry’s main challenges going forward.”
Mikael Lindner, President, Scania North America ing is the marine business mirrors the deliver true customer value. Segments In terms of product, Scania’s V8 engine “To reach these new emission levels, economy, and obviously the oil and gas where for example total cost of own- is our best seller this year.” an exhaust gas after treatment system business in the Gulf of Mexico region is ership, operating economy, reliability, is necessary for the engine sizes Scania down. But we are ? nding that there are technology, power and performance, and Tier 4 provide,” said Mats Fanspets, Manager still needs for our engines in different uptime are important. Customer seg- “I’m sure the hot topic for everyone to for Marine Classi? cation at Scania En- ways. For example, a customer may not ments such as workboats, passenger ves- discuss this year at Workboat will be the gines.
have a newbuild, but the repower busi- sels, ? shing boats.” Tier 4 emission regulations,” said Lind- Scania has considerable experience ness is a possibility.” From the beginning Scania has sought ner. “If you went by the Scania booth of exhaust gas after treatment systems.
In particular Alcala said Scania has to prove to the marine market that ‘big- at SMM in Hamburg, on display was The manufacturer’s Selective Catalytic built a “strong and ? exible” network of ger and heavier’ does not necessarily the “IMO III” solution. As we have dis- Reduction (SCR) system is a tried and dealers and distributors, ensuring local equate to ‘better.’ “It is still a challenge cussed in the past, the IMO III solution tested technology that has been used presence and fast turnaround times in to convince some customers of the ad- will be the basis for Tier 4. I think that both in engines for trucks and industrial every major maritime region in North vantages of going with our V8 solution this is going to be one of this industry’s applications.
America. versus a larger engine for the same job,” main challenges going forward.” And the NOx limit for Euro 6 trucks “The ? shing market in the Northeast said Lindner. The new Scania marine engine range and Tier 4/Stage IV industrial applica- for example, is doing very well. Here While networks, communication and is based on an exhaust gas after treat- tions is 0.40 g/kWh, comfortably within the characteristics of the Scania engines, service are all bene? ts, the product – the ment system developed in-house, which the new emissions requirements.
like outstanding power to weight ra- engine – the heart and soul of any OEM, reduces the emissions of nitrogen ox- As a part of its existing modular system, tios, is giving us some great sales in the and the Scania team contends that it of- ides. This represents the cutting-edge Scania’s IMO Tier III-compliant engine
Northeast.” fers a proven product with several key environmental aspect of Scania’s marine solutions have been developed for ap- “In the Northwest, our reliability is re- attributes. solutions. plications such as auxiliary engines, for ally giving us an advantage,” Alcala con- “Our growth is proof that our prod- In anticipation of a wider adoption of example in conventionally-installed ma- tinued. “In California, where you don’t uct is meeting needs in this market. We the tough new emissions demands for rine generator sets or in a diesel-electric have many OEMs, the ? exibility our dis- still have some work to do in convinc- marine engines that were introduced ear- setup for cargo vessels that operate in tributors and dealers provide is opening ing operators that our engines offer per- lier this year by the International Mari- international waters. The solutions also up more opportunities in the tour boat formance and lifecycle advantages over time Organization, Scania has tried and work with propulsion engines, as well as market.” larger engines,” said Sheldon Murdock, tested new marine engine solutions that auxiliary and propulsion engines for ves-
Senior Sales Manager – Key Accounts. comply with the new limits. sels operating on inland waterways with
Updward Trajectory “Our challenges are different based on Under the IMO Tier III regulations that low emission requirements.
It was nearly 10 years ago when Sca- market segment, but everyone wants to took effect in January, the limit for nitro- To achieve an approved installation for nia started to considerably ramp up its be pro? table. One of the top features of gen oxide (NOx) emissions ranges from marine applications, Scania offers instal- outreach to the North American marine the Scania line is the pro? tability propo- 1.96 to 3.4 g/kWh, depending on the en- lation recommendations on the dimen- market, and Lindner contends that a sition, particularly when it comes to op- gine’s maximum operating speed. This sions and lengths of piping, the cables persistent communication with custom- erating economy. new limit is a signi? cant reduction from needed and the parts needed for the after ers across all market segments is yield- Frankly when you’re running the en- the Tier II range of 7.7 to 14.4 g/kWh. treatment system. ing dividends. “Our growth trajectory is gine 2,000 to 4,000 hours per year, it However, although the regulations do This includes the SCR catalyst, a cus- continuing, and we are no longer the new doesn’t take much to add up to large sav- not yet apply outside of the North Amer- tomized exhaust system, an evaporator guy; the Scania name is now more well- ings at the end of the year. But that’s only ican and U.S. Caribbean Emission Con- for mixing urea and exhaust gas, and a known,” said Lindner. “We focus on the one of our product bene? ts: what we of- trol Areas, Scania has already prepared three-way safety valve. The solution is (market) segments where our competi- fer is a full package of solutions which itself for the eventuality of the changes available for Scania’s 13- and 16-liter tive advantage really stands out and can can help to make an operator pro? table. taking effect in the wider world. marine engines.
1969 2000 1972 2002 2012
Scania introduces a 350 hp, Scania’s millionth vehicle
A charge-cooled marine version Yanmar and Scania start a strategic inter- Scania launches a 16-li- 14-liter V8 turbocharged rolls off the assembly of the 14-l V8 engine is unveiled, national cooperation giving Yanmar the ter marine V8 delivering engine. It is the most powerful line.
delivering 347 hp. right to sell and market Scania marine up to 1000 hp for patrol truck motor in Europe at the engines to the pleasure boat market. craft.
time and pioneers Scania’s low-rev philosophy with a high-torque output at low engine speeds.
84 Maritime Reporter & Engineering News • NOVEMBER 2016
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