Page 13: of Maritime Reporter Magazine (December 2016)
Great Ships of 2016
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Alps, or Mount Kilimanjaro) ? ows into continental shelves. Low-lying coastal with the world’s most sophisticated sys- the sea, as does water from the melting lands, such as major portions of Bangla- tem of levees, dikes, and sea walls, is ice caps. desh and Nigeria, will be at risk. considering enhancement of that system.
While estimates vary, experts calculate Finally, coastal/tidal cities, including The Thames Barrier was built after the that thermal expansion will cause 45% Venice, New York, and London will be catastrophic North Sea Flood of 1953 to of the projected sea level rise in the near forced to relocate or adopt major reme- protect the London area from similar oc- future, while glacial melt will add 31%, dial measures. The city of Miami Beach currences. When ? nished in 1984, it was melting of the Greenland ice cap will add has already commenced planning a mul- estimated that closure would be required 13%, and melting of the West Antarctic timillion dollar project of sophisticated only two or three times each year. It is ice sheet will add 11%. The East Ant- ? ood water pumps and conduits, as well now closing at a rate of six to seven times arctic ice sheet appears to be currently as raising many of its streets and struc- annually. A more robust replacement has relatively stable. These percentages can tures, in anticipation of higher sea levels. now been proposed. This listing merely be expected to change over time, particu- Superstorm Sandy awoke those living scratches the surface of coastal locations larly as glaciers dwindle in size and if the and working on Manhattan Island to the at risk.
melting rate of the Greenland ice cap in- fact that much of the island, particularly As a practical matter, it is impossible creases as projected. Lower Manhattan, is only a foot or so to protect all of these resources. Thus,
About the Author
Experts estimate that sea level rose be- above the current sea level. The Hamp- it is incumbent upon society to select
Dennis L. Bryant is with Bryant’s Mari- tween 0.10 inch and 0.11 inch per year ton Roads area of Virginia, home to one which at-risk resources are of the high- time Consulting, and a regular contribu- between 1993 and 2004 and that the rate of the largest naval bases in the world est priority and then develop plans and tor to Maritime Reporter & Engineering of increase has accelerated since 2004. and to a major commercial seaport, al- funding to minimize the adverse impacts
News as well as online at MaritimePro-
Projections vary, but the average esti- ready experiences frequent ? ooding. An of sea level rise at those locations. For fessional.com. t: 1 352 692 5493 mate for sea level rise between now and extensive system of levees and sea walls the locations that do not make the list, e: [email protected] the end of this century is 15 inches (es- has been proposed for much of the Loui- plans must be developed and imple- timates vary between 7 and 23 inches). siana Gulf coast, but plans and funding mented to minimize the adverse impacts
A ? fteen inch sea level rise will make are currently not in sight. upon the current inhabitants. Those indi- known threat.
numerous islands and coastal areas unin- Saint Mark’s Square in Venice ? oods viduals must be relocated and economi-
For those of us with ties to the sea, who habitable. Island nations like Tuvalu and on a regular basis. Plans are being con- cally compensated at a fair and equita- the Maldives could disappear, and with sidered to construct a levee around all or ble level. Society cannot wait until the know that the sea is ever-changing, it is them their legally-sanctioned territo- most of the city. The Netherlands, with subways, streets, piers, and islands are disconcerting and somewhat sad to see rial seas, exclusive economic zones, and much of the nation below sea level and ? ooded – it must act now to counter this changes coming so rapidly.
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