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Authors & Columnists
M A R I N E L I N K . C O M
No. 12 Vol. 78
Maritime Reporter/Engineering News (ISSN # 0025-3448) is published monthly (twelve issues) by Maritime
Activity Reports, Inc., 118 East 25th
St., New York, NY 10010-1062. Peri-
Mulligan odicals Postage Paid at New York, NY and additional mailing of? ces.
FACILITIES send address corrections to Maritime Reporter, 850 Montauk
Hwy., #867, Bayport, NY 11705.
The publisher assumes no respon- sibility for any misprints or claims or actions taken by advertisers. The publisher reserves the right to refuse any advertising. Contents of the publication either in whole or part may
Clark Bryant Cabiro not be produced without the express permission of the publisher.
Copyright © 2016 Maritime Activity
Reports, Inc.
In U.S.:
One full year (12 issues) $84.00;
Craig began his career with He graduated Trinity Col- in the Norwegian capital.
Bryant two years (24 issues) $125.00
Dennis L. Bryant is with W&O in 2001, as a sales lege Dublin in 1979 with a He has written thousands of
Rest of the World:
Maritime Regulatory Consult- representative tasked with BA Hons Degree in Natural offshore-focused reports from
One full year (12 issues) $110.00; ing, and a regular contributor developing a ? edgling oil and Sciences (Chemistry). Fol- his North Sea vantage point. two years $190.00 (24 issues) to Maritime Reporter. gas market. Over the years, lowing a period as a produc- Hard-to-match access has including postage and handling. he served in progressively tion chemist in an electronic granted him interviews with
Email: [email protected] responsible positions, includ- circuit board manufacturing hundreds of industry captains
Web: www.marinelink.com t: (212) 477-6700
Lisa Clark is vice president ing Manager of Offshore company, he returned to the and policy makers across f: (212) 254-6271 of marketing and business Projects, and Offshore Sales University of Limerick in the globe. William lives and development at RSC Bio Manager. Craig is a graduate 1986 where he obtained a works in Oslo. He started
Solution. of Colorado State University Masters Degree in Industrial writing for Maritime Reporter with a BSBA degree in Public Chemistry in 1988. in 2014.
Stoichevski Waldorf
Craig Cabiro is the COO of
Engine Monitor, Inc. a com- After a honing the media Fritz Waldorf is Director pany of 41 years that designs, Joseph Keefe is the lead campaign of Norwegian of Sales and Marketing for builds, and services steer- commentator of MaritimePro- green group Bellona (current Viking Systems International ing, propulsion control, and fessional.com, and Editor fuels advisors to the Euro- and based in their Houston monitoring systems for vessels of both Maritime Logistics pean Commission), William of? ce. Viking assists ship-
Member in the inland and coastal ma- Professional and MarineNews. Stoichevski began working for yards, ship designers and rine markets. Craig recently the Associated Press in Oslo. owner/operators with the
Mulligan joined EMI, relocating from In 2003, he left the AP to ef? cient implementation of
Houston where he served Tom Mulligan was born in oversee and write for a num- advanced analysis tools for as Operations Manager for London in 1958 and grew ber of print and electronic ? oating vessels and struc-
Business Publications Audit of Circulation, Inc.
the W&O Houston branch. up in Manchester, England. energy industry publications tures.
4 Maritime Reporter & Engineering News • DECEMBER 2016
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