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The Cruise Industry Edition
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problems occurred with the NDRF in the power for the government-owned ? eet. preference laws. According to Admin.
Vietnam War – about 70 percent of the That leaves the best choice as the same Jaenichen, the decline in cargoes has had 1 U.S. Maritime Administration web site (Resources – Maritime Sta- tistics).
vessels activated in 1965 suffered signif- one the United States has had since at “the most dramatic effect on the U.S.- 2 E.g. Clinton H. Whitehurst, Jr., “Last Clear Chance for an Enduring
Maritime Policy,” The Strom Thurmond Institute (1998).
3 U.S. House of Representatives, Comm. on Armed Services, Sub- icant lost time casualties when activated. least the early 1900’s – and that is to sup- ? ag ? eet.” comm. on Seapower and Projection Forces, Hearing on Sealift Force As- sessment (July 30, 2014).
Although improvements have been made port a privately owned U.S.-? ag ? eet in Unless that decline is reversed or other 4 U.S. Maritime Administration, A Report to Congress -- Impacts of
Reductions in Government in light of the experience, vessels in re- foreign commerce for military auxiliary, substantial measures are taken to reduce
Impelled Cargo on the U.S. Merchant Marine at 49.
5 U.S. House of Representatives, Comm. on Agriculture, Subcomm. serve status are not likely to ever have economic security and mariner training the cost disadvantage faced by U.S.- on Livestock and Foreign Agriculture and Comm. on Transportation and
Infrastructure, Subcomm. on Coast Guard and Maritime Transportation, the same day one reliability as vessels in and employment purposes. based ship owners or provide compen-
Hearing on Food Aid Transportation (Nov. 17, 2015).
6 Louis Francis Harlow, “An Analysis of the National Defense Reserve ongoing service. The U.S. Congress took a signi? cant sating support, the ? eet will continue to
Fleet, the Ready Reserve Force Component and Their Capability to Meet
National Emergency,” Naval Postgraduate School (Sept. 1979) at 29.
Assurance is also affected by the avail- step in the right direction when it en- suffer and decline. A fulsome and sub- 7 Andrew E. Gibson, “So Long, American Flag – It Was So Nice to Fly
You,” Naval War College Review (Autumn 1993) at 50.
ability of trained personnel. One of the acted the Consolidated Appropriations stantial strategy is needed taking a lesson 8 46 U.S.C. § 50101; 50 U.S.C. § 4401.
9 U.S. Senate, Comm. on Commerce, Hearing on Establishment of an primary concerns expressed by MARAD Act, 2016, signed by President Barrack from the 1930’s.
American Merchant Marine (Feb. 7, 1920) at 1011.
10 E.g., Statement of Gen. Paul J. Selva, Commander, U.S. Trans- and USTRANSCOM about the declining Obama into law on December 18, 2015. At that time the private merchant ma- portation Command to the U.S. Senate Armed Services Comm. (March 19, 2015).
number of U.S.-? ag vessels engaged in That Act increased the stipend paid to rine also faced an existential crisis as the 11 Econometrica, Inc., Final Report: Maritime Security Program
Impact Evaluation, Submitted to the U.S. Maritime Administration (July the foreign trade is how that reduces the the 60 U.S.-? ag vessels enrolled in the existing support system (mail subsidies) 2009) at 45. 12 John Jay (Secretary of Foreign Affairs) to John Adams, November 1, 1785, in Correspondence and Public Papers at 175.
pool of available mariners to man RRF Maritime Security Program from $3.1 was rife with inef? ciency and corruption. 13 Samuel A. Lawrence, United States Merchant Shipping Policies and Politics, The Brookings Institution (1966) at 33-34.
vessels – which both agencies have indi- million per year per vessel for FY 2016 President Franklin Roosevelt took the 14 James R. Reckner, Teddy Roosevelt’s Great White Fleet, Naval
Institute Press (1988) at 104-105.
cated is currently only barely suf? cient. (increased to $3.5 million in the same bull by the horns and proposed moving 15 E.g. Lane C. Kendall, “‘Capable of Serving as a Naval and Military
Auxiliary . . .’” U.S. Naval Institute Proceedings (May 1971) at 219.
Past manning problems during periods law) to $5 million per year per vessel for to an entirely new subsidy system. The 16 Andrew E. Gibson and Commander Jacob L. Shuford, USN, “Desert
Shield and Strategic Sealift,” Naval War College Review (Spring 1991) when the manpower pool to draw from FY 2017 through 2020 and even more in solution was not universally popular and at 16.
17 Andrew E. Gibson, “After the Storm” Naval War College Review should have been suf? cient, however, FY 2021. The dramatic increase is a rec- met with determined opposition in Con- (Summer 1992) at 22.
18 UN Conference on Trade and Development, Review of Maritime should be cause for additional concern. ognition that the U.S.-? ag ? eet trading in gress. In the end, however, the Merchant
Transport 1991 and 2015.
19 Lawrence, United States Merchant Shipping Policies and Politics foreign commerce needs signi? cant help Marine Act, 1936 became law which at 39-40.
20 Harlow, “An Analysis of the National Defense Reserve Fleet” at 29.
National Commitment now. “proved to be critical to the eventual Al- 21 U.S. General Accounting Of? ce, Strategic Sealift – Part of the Na- tional Defense Reserve Fleet is No Longer Needed (Oct. 1991) at 3, 8.
So, in summary, reliance on the foreign But that help alone is not enough. As lied victory in the Second World War.” 22 U.S. House of Representatives, Comm. on Armed Services, Sub- comm. on Seapower and Projection Forces, Hearing on Logistics and commercial market is risky and uncer- indicated in a MARAD Report to Con- A similar concerted and sustained effort
Sealift Force Requirements and Force Structure Assessment (July 30, 2014) at 42.
tain and reliance on U.S. Government gress in April 2015 and by Admin. Jae- will be needed to support the privately 23 Id. at 8.
24 Gibson & Shuford, “Desert Shield and Strategic Sealift” at 12-14.
25 Harlow, “An Analysis of the National Defense Reserve Fleet” at 27.
ownership is expensive and not neces- nichen to Congress on November 17, owned U.S.-? ag ? eet because without a 26 U.S. Maritime Administration, A Report to Congress Impacts of
Reductions in Government sarily assured – particularly if problems 2015, the U.S.-? ag shrank and is shrink- renewed national commitment, this may
Impelled Cargo; U.S. House of Representatives, Hearing on Food Aid
with the commercial ? eet are not ad- ing because of a decline in cargoes re- very well be the last port of call for the 27 Salvatore R. Mercogliano, “The United States Merchant Shipping
Offensive During the Second World War,” The Northern Mariner (Oct. dressed because it is the source of man- served to such vessels by U.S. cargo U.S. merchant marine.
2001) at 30.
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