Page 62: of Maritime Reporter Magazine (April 2017)
The Offshore Annual
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Bureau Veritas
Radio Holland
Hotz Kull Post Paul Shrieve, Bureau Veritas and Graeme Reid, MAC
OCIMF Horizon Shipbuilding
Global Maritime
RSC Bio Solutions
RSC Bio Solutions
Cassels Thomassen Chao DeVivo Lionberger sulting (MAC). Based in Aberdeen, newest vessel to the Maritime Security tion and logistics, announced the open-
Horizon Names Hotz VP
Horizon Shipbuilding hired John Hotz MAC was established in 2010 and now Program (MSP) at Beaumont, Texas. ing of its second North American of? ce as Vice President of Business Develop- has 30 employees as well as more than Renamed the M/V Liberty Passion, it is in Houston, Texas, home to the Port of ment. Hotz brings to the role a back- 40 associates. This transaction is in line the third ship owned by Liberty Global Houston, one of the busiest ports in the ground in business development and in- with BV’s recent developments in the Logistics to join the MSP ? eet. world. Bahri Logistics (America), which dustry experience, having worked within North Sea offshore sector, where it has has been operating out of Bahri’s U.S.
Fortuny Joins Viega the commercial and government marine reaf? rmed ambition to strengthen its lo- headquarters in Baltimore since 1992, sector for more than 27 years. cal presence and increase its service pro- Viega LLC announced Yasmin Fortuny has further strengthened its presence and vision capabilities for clients in spite of as its new technical manager for its ship- position in the country’s largest break-
Kull Named President of Torqeedo challenging market conditions. building and cruise business develop- bulk and general cargo port.
Marcia Kull has been named President ment division. Fortuny is now responsi-
Cassesl: OCIMF Encourages Adoption Subsea 7 Acquires SHL of Torqeedo Group, Inc., and will direct ble for positioning Viega as the primary of Inert Gas Systems global sales and strategy for the electric choice for marine applications within the Subsea 7 said it acquired the remain- and hybrid marine propulsion systems The Oil Companies International Marine commercial-vessel and military markets. ing 50 percent shareholding in Seaway
Forum’s (OCIMF) latest information pa- manufacturer. Kull will oversee Torqee- Heavy Lifting Holding Limited and its
RSC Bio Solutions Expands do’s growth activities in the Americas, per, released on March 13, addresses the subsidiaries on March 10, 2017 for a
EMEA and Asia-Paci? c regions. The use of inert gas for the carriage of ? am- RSC Bio Solutions announced a new cash consideration of $279 million on mable oil cargoes. newly created position is an expansion of market-oriented organizational structure completion and an additional consider-
In the paper, titled Inert Gas Systems: with two focused teams around the ma- the current management team. She will ation of up to $40 million to be paid in assume her new role on May 1, 2017. the use of inert gas for the carriage of rine and land markets. At the same time, 2021 on the condition that certain perfor- ? ammable oil cargoes, OCIMF fully the ? rm welcomes: mance targets are met.
supports the IMO introduction (from • Lauren Lionberger joins the team as
Post Appointed COO of Radio Holland
Tauck Doubles Ship Cruising Capacity
Maarten Post has been appointed Chief January 1, 2016) of the mandatory ? t- global commercial director for the ma-
Operating Of? cer (COO) and member ting to new build tankers 8,000 DWT rine market. Tauck announced a four-year plan for of the General Management Team of and over, of an inert gas system when • Paul DeVivo joins the team as an in- doubling its small ship cruising capac- the Radio Holland Group. He is respon- carrying ? ammable cargoes. “The safety dependent strategic advisor. DeVivo is ity through strategic ? eet expansion, sible for the management of the global bene? ts of inert gas in cargo tanks are the retired former CEO of Gulf Oil In- deepened partnership programs and new operations of the Radio Holland Group well recognized throughout the tanker ternational and has a BS from the U.S. itineraries. “We’re destination explor- and further building the global service industry,” said OCIMF Director, An- Merchant Marine Academy, along with a ers at Tauck and some destinations are network. drew Cassels, MBA from University of Miami. best explored by both land and sea,” said • Damian Seipel in the role of account Jennifer Tombaugh, president of Tauck.
Eley to Take over as Polarcus CEO Global Maritime Names Thomassen executive. Seipel has over 16 years of “Tauck Small Ship Cruising is our ? rst
Duncan Eley has been appointed chief Global Maritime Consultancy & Engi- experience working in the chemicals and product line to sell out each year. By executive of? cer of Oslo listed offshore neering has appointed Espen Thomassen lubricants industry adding new destinations and expanding geophysical services company Polarcus as Regional Manager for the Americas. • Chris Grif? n and Mark Fretz join RSC our capacity with Ponant, we’re able to
Limited, replacing Rod Starr, who has He will lead Global Maritime’s involve-
Bio Solutions as business development provide more choice and more avail- managers. resigned following a two year reorgani- ment in providing Sub Chapter M com- ability in order to better serve the cur- zation period. pliance services to inland towing vessels. • Paul Treese has been hired as regional rent and growing demand.” Ponant, the sales manager. French-owned cruise line, will debut
BV Acquires MAC Chao Welcomes Liberty Ship to MSP four new luxury expedition yachts in
Bureau Veritas (BV) announced the ac- U.S. Department of Transportation Sec-
Bahri Opens Houston Of? ce 2018 and 2019. As part of an expanded quisition of Marine Assurance & Con- retary Elaine L. Chao welcomed the Bahri, a global leader in transporta- partnership, Tauck will leverage all four 62 Maritime Reporter & Engineering News • APRIL 2017
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