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Page 72: of Maritime Reporter Magazine (May 2017)
The Marine Propulsion Edition
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A Traditional Ship
Photo courtesy of BAE Systems with a Contemporary (HybriGen) Heart ld photos show mid-nine- tall ship designers, Tri-Coastal Marine ergy Storage System (ESS), composed boat builders over at Sausalito were ? n- teenth century sailing ships of Richmond, California. http://www. of Li-ion batteries, or the diesel engine, ishing the hull planking. As master ship- abandoned in the San Fran- tricoastal.com/index.html depending upon which is most ef? cient wright Alan Olson explained to Chris
Ocisco Bay area by crews who While the hull, rigging and sail power for the desired load. Thus, in this appli- Lo of Ship-technology.com in August of caught gold fever. Some of these aban- may derive from late nineteenth century cation, the speed of the diesel engine will 2015, “…a big challenge is planking. We doned hulls lie under the modern day designs; the ship’s auxiliary power is not be constant, but rather will be depen- have 230 planks going on; they’re three city of San Francisco. Over in Sausalito, as up to date as today’s newspaper. The dent upon the electrical load, so that it is inches thick, they’re between 14 and 27 just to the north of the famous Golden propulsion system is a hybrid of diesel- always running at its most ef? cient point feet long, and it just takes a lot to get
Gate Bridge, what may well be the spirit powered generator, batteries and even an to minimize fuel consumption and emis- those planks on.” of one of those buried vessels has taken electrical power-generating propeller. sions.” With the planking completed in 2016, shape under the direction of Captain David Adamiak, of BAE Systems, sup- The complex beauty of the system is interior work continued. With a lot of
Alan Olson, who has several decades of plier of the HybriGen, explained some of remarkable in it-self, but gets even more the work being completed by dedicated experience building and restoring and the features of the system that incorpo- exciting. When the Matthew Turner will volunteers the excitement of the launch sailing classic wooden ships. Olson also rates a pair of Cummins QSB6.7 diesel be travelling under sail, the batteries ? nally arrived on April 1, 2017. The started a non-pro? t organization, Call of engines rated at 301 HP each. “In this will be charging. With the diesel engines Matthew Turner web page shows more the Sea, which is dedicated to preserving application, there is no mechanical con- stopped, the water ? owing over the hull of the story, and is a good place to stay maritime traditions while teaching the nection between the QSB6.7 engines and will continue to turn the electric motor informed or donate to the project. http:// skills of seamanship and teamwork and the prop shafts,” he continued the expla- via the propeller and its shaft. This will, educationaltallship.org/index.php. As marine ecology through the organiza- nation, “It is best to think of the archi- similarly to a hybrid car going down hill, of the launch date the ship’s hull and tion’s sailing programs. tecture as two variable speed hybrid gen- cause the electric propulsion motors to interiors are largely ? nished. Addition-
Named the Matthew Turner, after a erators that deliver electrical power to become generators to produce electric- al plumbing and wiring will continue celebrated 19th century Bay-Area ship where it is needed when it is needed. Es- ity to recharge the batteries. Wind power dockside. The ? nal, and perhaps most builder, the two-masted brigantine is 100 sentially, they deliver power-on-demand creates waterpower, which turns the exciting stage, is the placement of the feet long on her deck and 132-feet over- for (a) electrical propulsion; or (b) hotel prop, to create electrical power. Amaz- masts and the completion of the complex all. Based on lines from the Galilee, one loads; or (c) any combination of the two. ing. rigging. Current plans will see the ship of her namesake’s ships, the modi? ca- The system controller decides whether As the propulsion components were ready for sea trials sometime in October tion and details have been done by noted to pull the needed power from the En- being put together by BAE Systems, the of this year. – Alan Haig-Brown 72 Maritime Reporter & Engineering News • MAY 2017
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