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Page 13: of Maritime Reporter Magazine (June 2017)
U.S. Navy Quarterly
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Estimates are that, over the
past 30 years, the Arctic area has lost 50% of its prior cover- age and 75% of its volume.
Previously, scientists calculate that the Arctic Ocean might be virtually ice-free during sum- mer months by 2070.
Because of a recent
About the Author acceleration in warming air
Dennis L. Bryant is with Bryant’s Mari- time Consulting, and a regular contribu- & sea temperatures in the tor to Maritime Reporter & Engineering
Arctic, that date has been
News as well as online at MaritimePro- fessional.com. t: 1 352 692 5493 moved up to 2040.
There is nothing like incredibly-real training to better prepare you for serious real-life maritime situations. Our ongoing investment in
S.M.A.R.T. simulation provides a visually immersive substances, water expands as it warms. at risk. level of realism that is simply not available in
Thermal expansion of sea water is es- The U.S. Navy is developing contin- other programs. This is just another reason why timated to have caused almost half of gency and mitigation plans for address-
MPT is the most complete full-service private the sea level rise experienced during the ing the threat of sea level rise to Naval maritime training school in the country.
past century, putting it on a par with gla- Station Norfolk, the world’s largest na- cial melt. val base.
There is no indication that the rate of Miami has been ranked ? rst of all the
INDUSTRY-LEADING TRAINING INCLUDES: the rise in air and ocean water tempera- world’s major port cities in terms of val- tures is likely to decrease in the foresee- ue of assets exposed to inundation today.
DYNAMIC POSITIONING (DP) able future without signi? cant changes. The Port Miami Tunnel linking cargo
State-of-the-art DP lab offers
What those changes should be is outside terminals with the land-based transpor- fully integrated hardware training my limited range of knowledge, thus I tation system was closed for the ? rst will leave that to the experts.. time in 2016 in advance of Hurricane
I can say, though, that the rapid loss Matthew due to the threat of inundation real-world training on real-world equipment of Arctic sea ice is a sentinel. Most of of the port.
OVER 170 APPROVED COURSES us will never venture into the Arctic, but The Thames Barrier has been in opera- that meet or exceed the IMO Standards it can and does provide us with a fore- tion since 1984 to protect Greater Lon- warning of impacts coming to our parts don from being ? ooded by exceptionally
GAP CLOSING TRAINING of the Earth – and some of the most sig- high tides and storm surges. At the time for Engineers and Deck officers ni? cant impacts will directly affect the of construction, it was anticipated that maritime industry. the barrier would be closed 2-3 times per
Create serious real-life opportunities.
The number of ice bergs reaching the year. It is now closed 6-7 times per year.
Call 954.525.1014 or visit MPTusa.com today.
North Atlantic during the ? rst week of The design was prepared with full con-
April this year was about 450, up from sideration of then-anticipated sea level 37 the week before, making this the changes, but sea level has risen faster fourth consecutive extreme ice season. than those predictions foresaw.
This is forcing ships in the area to slow Sea ports are not alone is the risk. or to divert south to warmer waters. Much of the Louisiana coast is in danger
The vast majority of the larger bergs are in inundation. One island community calved off Greenland glaciers, which are there was recently abandoned as unten- ? owing into the sea at a slow but ever- able. Others will surely follow. Islands increasing rate. in the Paci? c have disappeared below
Sea ports, by de? nition, are located the waves and others are smaller than along the coasts. They are generally sit- they were previously. Bangladesh has a ed just a few feet above sea level. Thus, massive river delta that is slowly being sea ports are highly sensitive to sea level ? ooded, potentially displacing millions.
USCG | MCA | NAUTICAL INSTITUTE | MI rise. In the United States, the ports of Change is coming. Watch your tide 1915 South Andrews Avenue, Fort Lauderdale, FL 33316
Norfolk and Miami are currently most gauge.
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