Page 17: of Maritime Reporter Magazine (June 2017)

U.S. Navy Quarterly

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include basic guidelines for how often vessel operators who have been down be grand or expensive, but it should be it is to be reviewed, who is in charge of this road before and ask how their LMS useful and visible. This initial pilot will the plan, who participates in formulat- choice is working out. It is not impos- put the plan and LMS to the test. It will ing and executing the plan, how the plan sible to change an LMS in the future if also visibly demonstrate the company’s is communicated, how success will be need be, but it requires effort that can be commitment to transforming training measured, and how the plan will be im- avoided with a little due diligence at the and safety and allow your organization proved. Although this may sound like a beginning of the project. to start gathering metrics on training. In lot of effort, in truth none of these com- Finally, the plan should de? ne one all, the project should enable your or- ponents of the plan need to be spelled out short-term meaningful project that im- ganization to get comfortable with your in any great detail at the outset. Some proves training outcomes and/or reduced new LMS and experience the new ap- parts are little more than position state- costs. Speci? cally this means identifying proach using familiar material.

ments requiring that these issues need to some aspect of training that will take ad- be addressed, and requiring that they be vantage of blended learning and bene? t What’s Next?

addressed in a reasonable amount of time from the insights and metrics the LMS With a minimum viable plan in place, as experience is gained. can provide. For many operators this we now turn to the implementation of the

Second, the plan should de? ne the means choosing a group of trainees such blended learning pilot. This is the most tools for long-term success. This means as new hires or deckhands, and adapting exciting phase of the project because it

About the Author

Murray Goldberg id CEO of Ma- choosing a maritime-focused learning some training resources to be delivered is here that engagement begins and real rine Learning Systems, maker of management system (LMS) to deliver on line in a blended learning program result materialize. It is also the phase that

MarineLMS. A researcher and devel- the new training initiatives, reduce train- (more details on this will be discussed will be fully described in next month’s oper of learning management systems, ing costs, provide training metrics and in the second article in the series). This edition of Maritime Reporter & Engi- his software has been used by millions analytics, and grow with the organiza- initial project should be achievable in a neering News. of people and companies worldwide.

tion as needs grow. Arguably the best short timeframe - say six months or less. So check this space in a month and un- approach here is to connect with other It does not have to be (and should not be) til then, sail safe!


Engines for propulsion

Engines for auxiliary applications

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Type-approved instrumentation

Complete and Committed.









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Maritime Reporter

First published in 1881 Maritime Reporter is the world's largest audited circulation publication serving the global maritime industry.