Page 73: of Maritime Reporter Magazine (August 2017)
The Shipyard Edition
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Step 1: Analyze ing you real insight into the success of times, it may not be obvious what the “If we don’t measure it, we can’t man- your training and forming the basis for best approach to improving a metrics age it”. So it is time to measure. When continuous improvement. will be. But that’s OK as the structure it comes to measuring training success, In addition to LMS-generated metrics, of the continuous improvement cycle as- what tools do we use? The high-level an- there are other sources. For example, sumes that not every change you make swer is that our measurements must be trainee surveys are critical in under- will yield a positive result. Instead, the objective so they can be meaningfully standing what they believe worked well goal here is to make your best guess as to compared each time we take them, and and what did not. Likewise trainer sur- how to improve, implement that change, they should measure aspects of training veys (where the trainer is surveyed) to run your next training session, and then that we have some control over. There ask about their experience, and the suit- measure again. may be a point in measuring things we ability of training duration, support ma- In some cases, you will ? nd that your cannot control, but such measurements terials, curriculum and facilities will also metrics have improved. That is a signal are not helpful in a continuous improve- provide valuable feedback. Although that the changes you put in place to im- ment process. these are not as objective as the mea- prove those metrics have yielded a posi-
The tools that support blended learn- sured results above, they still provide tive result. Keep those changes. But in ing, namely the learning management useful information. other cases, you may ? nd that a metric system (LMS), provide a wealth of met- When you begin your blended learn- has actually indicated a worse outcome.
About the Author rics that can be used to support continu- ing program use the above suggestions Chances are here that the change you
Murray Goldberg id CEO of Ma- ous improvement. For example, an LMS to de? ne your initial set of metrics, and put in place was not positive, and that rine Learning Systems, maker of can provide graphs detailing trends in then measure these metrics immediately change may need to be abandoned. But it
MarineLMS. A researcher and devel- exam performance to show whether it is after the pilot. Realize that just like the is through this repeated process of small oper of learning management systems, improving, stable, or getting worse. An training itself, the list of metrics you changes, measurement, and small incre- his software has been used by millions
LMS can also provide real data on how gather can (and should) be continually mental steps to expand your training that of people and companies worldwide.
long your learners are spending learning reconsidered and adapted in the light of you will continue to arrive at better and the materials. This is important to make experience. So don’t panic about making better training outcomes. them. This all happens as a consequence sure your expectations are aligned with sure they are perfect at the start. Just put of this simple, repeated measurement reality. It will also help identify learn- a reasonable set in place, and then im- Step 3: Repeat and improvement process – the continu- ing content that your trainees are ? nd- prove that list as time goes on. This is the easy part. Remember that ous improvement process.
ing confusing or dif? cult. An LMS will this is an iterative process: train – mea- give you details on how each question on Step 2: Adapt: sure – adapt – train – measure – adapt ... What’s Next?
every exam is being performed to help After the pilot has been run and we and so on. We never stop training, so we For those interested in improving highlight future performance or safety have the results from the metrics we put must never stop improving. their training outcomes through blended issues. It will even tell you if employees in place, the task now is to brainstorm Note that this cycle not only ensures learning, the next step is the ? rst step: have let critical competencies lapse – or ideas that you believe might improve the that we improve, but it also guarantees develop a simple plan (Maritime Report- warn you ahead of time. These are but a metrics – especially those that show the that our training models keep pace with er, June 2017), and then go from there. It few examples of the myriad of metrics greatest need for improvement. At times, changes in the world we operate in. As is an exciting journey and one that will that blended learning technologies can the ideas will be obvious; you will know the demands on our workers change and make your operations safer, more ef? - deliver for the speci? c purpose of giv- they will have a positive effect. At other grow, so too will the training we provide cient, and future proof. Enjoy the trip!
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