Page 10: of Maritime Reporter Magazine (November 2017)
The Workboat Edition
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MarTID the Global itime raining nsights atabaseMar T I D
By Michael Manuel, Associate Professor, Head - Maritime, Education and Training (World Maritime University);
Murray Goldberg, President and CEO (Marine Learning Systems); and Greg Trauthwein, Editor & Associate Publisher (New Wave Media)
There is broad agreement that as much as and so on. It will be an incredible resource to requires community involvement to succeed.
With your help, this is 80% of maritime accidents involve human allow each organization to benchmark their You will be hearing a lot about MarTID in the all about to change. factors causes. As such, top vessel operators own practices, and for governments and other coming weeks and months, but right now, we and maritime training centers are pouring sig- regulatory agencies to be more informed and need your help. Speci? cally:
What is MarTID?
ni? cant resources into creating best practice effective in their oversight and support of the • If you work at a vessel operator or and innovative training programs. MarTID – the Maritime Training Insights industry. It will help highlight training issues maritime training facility, please make
This is good. and training successes, and disseminate that your senior training administrator aware of
Database, is a new non-commercial initia-
To a large degree, however, the industry as tive collaboratively founded by the World information quickly and broadly. The bot- this important survey by sharing this article a whole, knows little about the training ap- Maritime University, New Wave Media and tom line for training administrators is that it with them.
will allow each to make better decisions by • If you are a senior training adminis- proaches and successes of vessel operators Marine Learning Systems. Its core principles and training centers outside personal circles. benchmarking their own training practices trator of a vessel operator or training fa- include ethical integrity, objectivity and con-
This means that each training leader is left to ? dentiality. Each of these organizations is against what is happening in the industry. cility, we need you to complete a survey on
This makes the industry safer and more ef- behalf of your organization. Please send your his or her own devices to invent and design donating its time and resources to make this ? cient, bene? ting everyone. contact information to [email protected] their best practice training approach. This initiative possible. We are doing this because
Every year following the survey, a series of and we will reach out to you early in Novem- siloed, rather than collaborative approach we believe that sharing information bene? ts reports will be published broadly. These re- ber once the survey is launched.
dooms each operator to ? nd their own way the entire industry.
and repeat the mistakes of others. ports will provide both high-level and deep- We believe that the annual collection and
MarTID will contain anonymized and se-
On a global scale, it means that we cannot dive information covering both broad trends analyses of training data will help the mari- cure data on industry training practices, foci, benchmark our training approaches and learn and outcomes. It will continually grow in as well as deep coverage of emerging issues time community gain insights that can lead from the successes of other industry players. depth and value as a resource through the and successes. We believe that these reports to enhanced policy-setting, decision-making,
It also means that industry training approach- will grow to be a highly anticipated source of benchmarking and operational optimization administration of an annual maritime training es will mostly advance by individual original practices survey. This database will provide information each year. by industry operators and regulatory authori- ties at all levels. We hope that the survey data effort, not by continually improving on the a global picture of maritime training that is
Your help can make state of the art. and its analyses will become an important not currently available anywhere. It will pro- and authoritative source of knowledge for the
In a sense, this is surprising because as vide invaluable data on current and emerging the difference training experts, we should be hard-wired to global maritime community. Therefore, we training trends and techniques, staf? ng mod- learn from the experiences of others. Too of- Although this initiative has been founded thank you in advance for contributing to this els, training focus areas, training tools, train- ten we are failing to do so. and run by the three partner organizations, it important body of knowledge.
ing resource allocation, assessment practices 20 minutes of your time to share your experience can make a world of difference
MarTID founders:
Your insights are needed. Please take • World Maritime University the MarTID Survey @ https://www.wmu.se/ www.martid.org/survey • Marine Learning Systems https://www.marinels.com/ • New Wave Media https://www.marinelink.com
Image © Ivelin Radkov / Adobe Stock 10 Maritime Reporter & Engineering News • NOVEMBER 2017
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