Page 70: of Maritime Reporter Magazine (November 2017)
The Workboat Edition
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Photo: John Nedwidek/Interferry
Jan Helge Pile, of Norway’s Colorline, told of his ? rm’s designing of a new 160-m, 2000-passenger, Ro-Pax ferry with about a 500-car capacity for a route between Norway and Sweden. In 2012, they had originally “ anticipated LNG for power. However when they ran a competition for the lowest emissions overall, it was an electric hybrid system that won.” minds of middle management the key to line, told of his ? rm’s designing of a was no agreement on the best hull form, tickets,” she said, before adding with including all in the ownership of a pro- new 160-meter, 2000-passenger, Ro-Pax both speakers agreed that the future of a smile, “I am turning 30 and I plan to gram. Markku Mylly of the Portugal- ferry with about a 500-car capacity for fast ferries is secure as they continue to keep working for you, Dad.” based European Maritime Safety Agency a route between Norway and Sweden. become more ef? cient with weight re- As representatives of the host nation, (EMSA) followed up on safety concerns In 2012, they had originally anticipated duction and ? ne-tuning of designs. the Croatian national carrier Jadrolinija for the modern ferry industry. He ex- LNG for power. However when they Earlier in the conference, in a panel Ferries, invited attendees to a technical plained that the EMSA is the EU equiva- ran a competition for the lowest emis- on the demographics of ferry passengers visit onboard their Split to the Island of lent of the IMO. Along with other pre- sions overall, it was an electric hybrid and crew, Marija Zaputavic of the host Brac ferry run. Jadrolinija has 50 ships senters he raised the concern of ? res on system that won. The winning proposal Jadrolinija Ferries of Croatia talked of serving 40 islands in the Adriatic Sea as
RoRo ferries. These nearly always start for a mono-hull ferry, currently under her company. She explained that their well as operating on four international on vehicles, both cars and cargo trucks, construction at the Ulstein yard for 2019 many ferries serve the islands of the routes. Conference guests were welcomed stowed on the cargo decks. His organiza- delivery, will use pure electric power in Adriatic. Periodically the company does aboard the ferry Hrvat and then taken in tion is currently conducting an extensive the port and fjord areas. This will make surveys of their passengers’ wants and small groups to visit the bridge and the investigation into the problem and will 20% of the 38 nautical mile route at zero needs. But they must balance the wishes engine rooms. The later are located fore submit their ? ndings to the IMO. emission. It will charge the batteries via of the large number of tourists with the and aft with two propulsion engines in
The electric option for powering ferries plug-in at ports and generators at sea, needs of the year round island residents. each engine room. These drive azimuth- was given a good airing in a panel with making it the world’s largest plug-in hy- This is a challenge that operators around ing z-drives located in each of the vessel’s representatives from CalMak Ferries in brid. At the same time, emissions will be the world would do well to acknowledge. four corners to give the ferry both good the UK, ABB Finland, PBES Canada dramatically reduced, especially in the On the same panel, Capt. Morgan speed and remarkable maneuverability. and Colorline, Norway. While there was sensitive fjord and port areas. Mooney of New York’s Fire Island Fer- It was a ? tting wrap up for a confer- agreement that electric had the potential The attendees were delighted with the ries spoke to the need to attract and retain ence that celebrated and shared ideas for a zero emission ferry, there are gen- good-humored sparring of two Austra- young crew such as her. With 14 years in amongst diverse ferry operators who erally some emissions from the onshore lian heavy weights of the ferry world: the family company, seven as captain, share concerns and successes in wide- generation of electric power. The con- Austal’s Mike Wake and Incat’s Bob she spoke to the need to acknowledge, ranging conditions and populations. In a tinuing ef? ciency of battery technology Clifford. Clifford, an icon of the industry listen to and reward the millennials who now traditional ceremony, Alan Klanac bodes well for the future with, one con- and dressed in casual Aussie attire, made will make up the next generation of mar- of Inteferry Croatia, passed the Interfer- tributor maintaining that, fully 70% of the case for the ef? ciency of “two long iners. “Look to the teenage deck hands. ry ? ag on to, Germán Orozco of Ultra- new vessel proposals now include some skinny hulls” while Wake, with an im- Don’t belittle them but let them know mar, Mexico with the announcement that option for electric storage. pressive video, argued for the sea kindli- that they have a future with the compa- Interferry 43 will be held on October 6 to
Jan Helge Pile, of Norway’s Color- ness of a third central hull. While there ny. Help pay for them to upgrade their 10, 2018 in Cancun, Mexico. 70 Maritime Reporter & Engineering News • NOVEMBER 2017
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