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The Workboat Edition
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Coatings & Corrosion Control
Coatings Tech Development
Tech advances from coatings and corrosion control manufacturers are pivotal in maintaining the health and integrity of vessels, but increasingly to improve ef? ciency and fuel economy, as well as maintain the health of the oceans. Some recent developments from leaders in the sector.
Hempel launched two premium an- start working as soon as the hull meets tifouling coatings, Globic 9500M and the water for full and immediate anti-
Globic 9500S, which according to the fouling protection, making it highly ef- manufacturer offer a up to a 2.5 percent ? cient even for slow steaming and long reduction in speed loss, ultimately help- idle periods.
ing to save fuel and lower CO2 emis- I-Tech AB was recently recognized sions. as a technology innovation leader in
Hempel’s patented Nano acrylate tech- the European marine biocides market, nology is the strength behind the Globic a recognition courtesy of its 2017 Tech- range and is designed to provide a ? ne nology Innovation Award from Frost & polishing control mechanism to bring Sullivan.
the integral biocides to the surface at a Based on its recent analysis of the stable rate ensuring a clean hull. With European biocides market, Frost & Sul- a strong binder and biocide package, livan found that the long-term environ-
Globic 9500M and Globic 9500S are de- mental and economic bene? ts of using signed to excel, particularly when slow I-Tech’s bio-repellent antifouling ingre- steaming. dient, Selektope, make it aninnovative “Globic 9500M (M for maintenance) technology in the marine biocides mar- is designed to protect against slime as ket. According to Frost & Sullivan, the well as soft and hard fouling in all con- Selektope solution has the potential to
Antifouling: Hempel Globic 9500 ditions,” said Henrik Dyrholm, Global induce transformative change in the ma-
Product Manager, Hempel A/S. “Globic rine industry. “I-Tech AB is one of the The ? rst branded marine coating “There is a momentous drive to remove 9500S (S for static) is designed to pro- few companies in the European market products to feature Selektope were copper from the antifouling coatings tect against hard-fouling even during ex- to offer a sustainable marine biocide launched by Chugoku Marine Paints, typically used on the hulls of pleasure tended out? tting periods.” technology at cost-competitive prices Ltd. (CMP) in 2016, the SEAFLO NEO yachts” said Kelly Townsend, Subsea
Since the Globic range was launched on a commercial level,” said A? a Al- range of antifouling products. The lat- Industries’ US-based Sales Manager. in 2005, more than 6.6 million gallons lapitchai, Frost & Sullivan research ana- est product, launched in June 2017, “Since our Ecospeed product contains have been delivered encompassing more lyst. was CMP’s SEAGRANPRIX 880HS+, zero chemicals and is completely non- than 5,000 vessel applications. Selektope is an organic, non-metal which is based on hydrolyzing technol- toxic to marine life, it has the potential to
In addition, the patented micro? bers compound with unique marine antifoul- ogy and can be applied to deep sea-going meet the yacht sector’s requirement for a incorporated in the paint give Globic ing application. Its bio-repellent mode vessels trading worldwide in-service pe- clean, reliable and cost-effective alterna- 9500M and Globic 9500S a mechanical of action inhibits barnacle settlement on riods for up to 90 months. tive to copper-based coatings. Ecospeed strength to avoid cracking and peeling. ships’ hulls by stimulating the barnacle Subsea Industries has begun actively hulls can be cleaned by pressure wash-
Globic’s unique technology allows it to larvae’s swimming behavior with revers- marketing its Ecospeed coating in the ing but the best way is to clean in-water ible effect. It is characterized by high ef- luxury yacht market following the intro- using mechanical brushes as this results ? cacy at extremely low concentrations in duction of stringent regulations aimed at in a hydrodynamically smoother surface a marine coating (0.1% w/w), ultra-low reducing the impact of leisure craft op- which is harder to foul and reduces fuel leaching, and ? exibility to boost copper- erations on the marine environment. consumption.” based paint formulations or replace cop- The Antwerp-based coatings special- Washington became the ? rst state to per completely. ist will market its non-toxic hard coat- adopt a no-copper paint rule. And from 1
Selektope repels barnacles even when ing initially in the U.S., where there is January 2018, no new recreational boat ships are idle, allowing fuel saving increasing scrutiny of copper-based anti- up to 65 feet can arrive with copper on claims made by coatings suppliers to fouling systems on the hulls of all types its hull and no copper can be sold or ap- cover the ship’s entire operational cycle. of pleasure boats. plied to a boat after 1 January 2020.
I-Tech Awarded for Innovation “I-Tech AB is one of the few companies in the European market to offer a sustain- able marine biocide technology at cost-competitive prices on a commercial level,” said A? a Allapitchai, Frost & Sullivan research analyst. To the left Dr. Oliver Wei- genand – I-TECH COO, receiving the Frost & Sullivan Award.
86 Maritime Reporter & Engineering News • NOVEMBER 2017
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