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The Workboat Edition
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20 Leading Marine Distributors approaches in solution development and
Ships Machinery Intl.
we are dedicated to improving quality, Miami, Florida productivity and ef? ciency. Our vendors e: [email protected] include Bosch Rexroth, Aventics (WAB- www.shipsmachinery.com
CO), Hydac, Kluber, Graco, Parker and many more
Imtra Corp. Livingston & Haven
SMI’s history goes back to the early six-
New Bedford, MA Charlotte, NC ties of the last century. In 1963 a com-
Holly Augustine, Marketing Manager e: [email protected] pany was formed as a daughter company
Mack Boring & Parts e: [email protected] www.livhaven.com to a German manufacturer of propulsion
Somerset, NJ www.imtra.com systems. A property north west of the e: [email protected]
Founded in 1947, Livingston and Haven Miami airport was purchased in 1978
History: has been a leader in industrial distribu- It was the early 1920’s when founder Ed and a custom building was built to sup-
Imtra Corporation is the systems sup- tion in the Southeast. In a 1976 watershed McGovern Sr., a WWI Navy Veteran, port the increased demand on U.S. built plier for the marine and commercial in- moment for Livingston & Haven, the started servicing and repairing engines bow thrusters. dustries. Product selection is only part of company executives traveled to Germa- Products include Brunvoll, Van der in the basement of his Newark, New our story. Imtra’s strength begins with its ny to tour Bosch (now Bosch Rexroth), a Velden, Maritime Partner, Ibercisa, Ja-
Jersey home. His nickname was “Mack” people, a dedicated team, with a knowl- world leader in motion control, leading and “boring” was one of his thriving son, Heila, VDL Klima, Jets, MMC, edgeable in-house service staff, solid en- to Livingston & Haven’s position as the machine shop’s specialties; grinding Anda, Pro? seal.
gineering capabilities and a nationwide premier Bosch Rexroth distributor in the SMI’s sales and service personnel and re? tting holes in crank blocks for support network of professionals. Southeast. In the early 1980s, Livings- support high quality marine equipment engine cylinders were among the oth-
Imtra offers a wide range of quality ton & Haven expanded into electronics ers. In 1922, Mack opened a 500 sq. ft. manufacturers offering a complete line products built to stand up to the tough- and automation in a partnership with machine shop in Newark, New Jersey of propulsion, maneuvering, ? re-? ght-
Mitsubishi Electric. The company later and aptly named it Mack Boring & Parts est on-the-job conditions of the com- ing, deck machinery, davits and other mercial marine market. Whether it is a added lubrication capabilities with two Company. Its quality work and reliabil- marine equipment. wiper system for an inland push boat or strategic acquisitions and focused our ity led to rapid growth and the move to
The main of? ces is still located in Mi- an ergonomic seat and bridge console strengths on motion control. an even larger facility. Today, with the ami, FL, and it also maintains a fully solution for the demanding offshore fourth McGovern generation working at staffed of? ce in Mazatlan, Mexico, tar- market, Imtra has the equipment and ex- Offering: the company, the private family-owned geting the markets in Central and South pertise to create a complete system solu- L&H partners with industry leading sup- Mack Boring & Parts Company entered America. tion. Imtra’s team works with all facets pliers that offer quality products at the the new millennium with growth and
The diversity of our product lines to- of the commercial marine industry, from highest standards for our customers. We customer focus. Scania diesel, Mitsubi- gether with the continued support and naval architects and operators to ship- are fully committed to our customer’s shi, and Aquadrive distributor ships commitment from our suppliers is key to yards and installers. At every step, Imtra success. Our mission is to provide inno- were acquired. Mack Boring & Parts our mutual success in supplying the best make ssure that the product and support vative productivity solutions to our cus- Company manages approximately 300 modern marine equipment available. tomers. Our team focuses on proactive Authorized Dealers across 26 states.
is there to deliver reliable results.
the Cortney Company were premier mooring sup- oil industries. Stand-alone engineering services, ply operations providing anchors, anchor chain, comprehensive manufacturing capabilities and buoys, fenders, related hardware and mooring de- world-wide distribution programs are also avail- sign expertise to the market. Dreyfus-Cortney, Inc able. DCL-ES works with you to design and deliv- acquired Lowery Brothers Rigging Center in 2004 er a component to meet your needs. If you already creating the only company internationally to of- have an idea in mind, DCL-ES can engineer and fer a complete array of not only mooring products develop your design into a ? nished product. DCL- and expertise but ALSO full-service sling fabrica- ES combines innovative engineering with state of tion, rigging product supplies and testing services the art software, equipment and processes to de-
DCL Rigging & Mooring to customers. The company began doing business velop “Tomorrow’s Ideas Today!”.
New Orleans, LA as DCL Mooring & Rigging in 2006 to recognize e: [email protected] the history of its operating companies and unique Offering: www.dcl-usa.com combined capabilities Today’s offshore and ma- a) Complete Heavy-Duty Mooring & Rigging solu- rine management, operations, engineering and ? eld tions. b) Heavy Lift Work Plans, Consulting, Proj-
DCL Mooring & Rigging is a recognized leader personnel are challenged to perform 21st Century ect Management. c) Custom Fabrication of lifting in supplying a variety of lifting, mooring and in- tasks with 20th Century equipment. Recognizing components & rigging hardware. d) Asset Manage- spection products and services to domestic and in- the rapidly changing and more demanding needs of ment – software, equipment, consulting and servic- ternational customers in the marine, construction, its customers and an increasing industry-driven de- es. e) Marine & Industrial Grade Port Construction industrial and oil and gas industries. Based in New mand for the right tool for the more complex job, Materials. f) Custom Product Development (We are
Orleans, LA with locations in Houma, LA & Hous- DCL formed a sister company to DCL Mooring & very ? exible on how we approach joint product de- ton, TX, the company has been meeting the needs Rigging specializing in new product development. velopment, DCL can engage in a model that ranges of customers for over 50 years. The operation grew Established in 2008, DCL Engineered Solutions from DCL will design/develop for a fee to we in- from its beginning in 1945 as Dreyfus Supply, Inc. (DCL-ES) provides patent assistance, design, en- vest in the product. We call this model, Collabora- to the power-house it is today through acquisitions. gineering, testing, prototype development, CNC tive Innovation). g) New & used anchors, chain,
In 2003 Dreyfus acquired the Cortney Company machining and fabrication of specialty and limited- bollards, etc. equipment for sale & lease. h) Load forming Dreyfus-Cortney, Inc. Dreyfus Supply and production components for the marine and offshore testing & certi? cation.
96 Maritime Reporter & Engineering News • NOVEMBER 2017
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