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Page 29: of Maritime Reporter Magazine (December 2017)
U.S. Navy Quarterly
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nected picture and, without that, you can- to predictive maintenance on their ro- future, as digitalization becomes more
OPEN SYSTEM “It’s important to understand that not truly optimize operations. But with tating machinery: this would not have mainstream, if you are unable to show
Kognifaiis not a simple storefront for digital platforms like Kognifai, data from been possible if we didn’t have the Kog- that your ? eet has access to speci? c ap- disparate systems can be homogenized nifai digital ecosystem in place to share plications then you maynot be able to our own applications,” Skryseth em- phasized. “While we are continuously and managed within a single system. knowledge and developments between tender for projects. We’re not saying that adding new ? rst-party solutions to the The potential for gain from the analysis our industries. as a de? nite, but we could see a point platform, from vessel data analysis to of diverse data on a single platform is in- “Digital transformation also opens the where larger customers, for instance drilling software for offshore oil andgas, credibly high. Previously hidden trends market for new players from other indus- national oil companies, will have a cer- become visible, cause and effect can be tries, for instance non-maritime compa- tain level of ‘digital requirements’ when we have also opened Kognifai up to third parties to enable them to make their own measured, and action can be taken based nies using their digital competence and looking to charter vessels.
digital applications available through on this to generate tangible ef? ciencies solutions to enter the industry. With digi- “There could also be an environmental this open digital ecosystem. But, most on a company’sassets, for instance by talization, ‘silos’ are disappearing and aspect here. With increasing demand to building models for predictive mainte- proven solutions and technologies can reduce emissions from a social and regu- importantly, Kognifai also acts as a de- nance basedon historical data,” she said. move across industries. This provides latory standpoint, will a ? eet that isn’t velopment platform, allowing KONGS- “Digital transformation brings data bene? ts to new customers in a more harnessing technology to optimize fuel
BERGand other companies to collabo- rate and create exciting new solutions together and signi? cantly increases the streamlined and cost-effective approach- consumption ever be as competitive as that will bring even more ef? ciency to value of data,” Skryseth continued. “But compared to the traditional way of enter- one owned by a company clearly dem- there are other drivers, for instance a ing new markets,” she stated. onstrating its commitment to ef? ciency industrial operations.
“If we consider industry migration to company will no longer need to buy and by actively trying to improve operations
digital platform operation, the drivers manage its own servers. Likewise, with using contemporary solutions?
and the bene? ts are quite clear, and the managed services, the experts can take “It’s often said that the maritime sec- “We are the ? rst to admit that as an care of the user’s cybersecurity needs. tor is asomewhat conservative industry, industry adopting digital transforma- ability to optimize the collection, anal- ysis, and application of data is key,” At a more detailed level, the advantage and while that is to some extent true, tion, we are not there yet. But we are she continued. “Ships, oil platforms of Kognifai is in having access to di- we are lucky to be working with some well on the way and we are bringing verse applications on a single platform: very forward-thinkingorganizations and our customers and partners with us. In- and wind turbines are the sum of thou- sands of parts, delivered by hundreds this has the added bene? t of enabling customers,” Skryseth remarked. “There terest in Kognifai has been incredible: of suppliers. All the control systems, data sharing between diverse systems. are still large sectors of the industry that we are already signing up third-party monitoring technology and sensors As anexample, KONGSBERG’s Em- are not actively pursuing digital transfor- developersthat are keen to migrate their that are vital to their operation produce Power conditionmonitoring system mation. This doesn’t mean they will get own digital applications to the service. data, which in many cases can be made combines information from sensors on left behind, but a company that bases its We have quite quickly realized our am- a wind farm with a machine-learning al- business on digital operations will see bition of bringing the ? rst truly open available to act upon and improve op- erations, leading all the way to secure gorithm that can predict a turbine failure many more doors opening for it. digital ecosystem to our customers, up to ten months in advance. By add- “As it is today in the world of high- which helps to validate Kognifai not as more pro? tability.
ing this algorithm to Kognifai, we were end complex vessels, potential custom- a storefront, but as a means to catalyze “But, traditionally, data are only avail- able in silos, in the proprietary systems able to provide the same service for ers will have speci? c requirements for a procedural shift in the way that they developed for each piece of equipment. our maritime customers that wanted to the availability of operational technol- do business and operate in complex in- move from calendar-based maintenance ogy and processes. It could be that in the dustrial settings.”
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