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John E. O’Malley
John C. O’Malley [email protected]
Associate Publisher/Editorial Director
Greg Trauthwein [email protected]
Vice President, Sales
Rob Howard [email protected]
Web Editor
Eric Haun [email protected]
It was a predictably cold afternoon in London in mid-March when I had the opportu- the ? rst glance at MarTID: The Mari-
Web Contributor nity to visit with Kitack Lim, Secretary General of the International Maritime Organiza- time Training Insights Database. There
Michelle Howard [email protected]
Early for the meeting, as I sat in the lobby at 4, Albert Em- are thousands of surveys in the mari- tion (IMO) in his of? ce.
Editorial Contributors
Elaine Maslin - Scotland bankment waiting for my appointed time, a group of about 50 young school children time market, but this one is particularly
Tom Mulligan - UK
Claudio Paschoa - Brazil were offered a warm place to sit in the IMO lobby and wait for their school bus, near and dear to me because we actively
Peter Pospiech - Germany
William Stoichevski - Scandinavia which was running more than an hour late picking them up from a nearby ? eld trip. participated in the creation and commu-
But the IMO staff didn’t simply offer the children a comfortable place out of the nication of MarTID starting almost two
Irina Vasilets [email protected]
Nicole Ventimiglia [email protected] elements to quietly wait; a pair of staff came over to talk to the children, explaining years ago.
Corporate Staff to them about the IMO, its mission and the importance of the maritime industry to In 2017 World Maritime University,
Mark O’Malley, Marketing Manager
Esther Rothenberger, Accounting the world. I had to leave before the story was done … in retrospect perhaps I should Marine Learning Systems and our com- have taken notes! But to me this was a simplistic and appropriate back-drop to the pany, New Wave Media signed a Mem-
Information Technology
Vladimir Bibik three hours I had with the Secretary General ahead. orandum of Understanding as partners
Emin Yuce
Having served this industry for 26 years, I know full well the laundry list of gripes for a new initiative to help study global
Kathleen Hickey [email protected] and complaints regarding the IMO – for that m atter, most any legislative body rul- maritime training practices. MarTID is ing the maritime market – because invariably discussion and mandate from these the result: a non-commercial initiative
Lucia Annunziata [email protected] chambers usually cost ship owners money. In fact, the meeting with the Secretary to provide objective, comprehensive +1 212 477 6700 ext 6220
General was timely, as it was just a few weeks ahead of IMO’s Marine Environ- data on how maritime manages and
Terry Breese [email protected] +1 561 732 1185 ment Protection Committee (MEPC 72) meeting which adopted an initial strategy to conducts training for shipboard compe-
John Cagni [email protected] 631-472-2715 +1 reduce Greenhouse Gas emissions 50% by 2050 (see story, page 40). tencies and the effects of drivers, such
Frank Covella [email protected]
Regardless of your perception of the organization, Kitack Lim is passionate about as technology, on this training. Key +1 561 732 1659 all matters maritime, both knowledgeable and inquisitive, grilling me as much as I ? ndings and insights from the report are
Mitch Engel [email protected] +1 561 732 0312 was him as he was genuinely interested to learn from different points of view. featured starting on page 66, while the
Mike Kozlowski [email protected]
Without question this Secretary General sits atop IMO at a transcendent period full report can be downloaded at: +1 561 733 2477
Jean Vertucci [email protected] in the history of maritime. “It has been said that the next 10 or 20 years will see as +1 212 477 6700 ext 6210 much change in shipping as we have experienced in the past 100 years,” he said,
NWM/Others/MarTID2018/ as the speed of technology is racing to, through and around the world maritime
International Sales
Scandinavia & Germany sector. As we traverse the new technology revolution that is centered on digital,
Roland Persson [email protected]
Orn Marketing AB, Box 184 , S-271 24
Kitack Lim’s plate is overrun with agenda items, each and every one which could
Ystad, Sweden t: +46 411-184 00 f: +46 411 105 31 arguably be number one – decarbonization, digitalization, autonomous ships, ballast water management, cyber security, piracy, protecting the seafarer – take out the dart
United Kingdom
Paul Barrett [email protected] board and take your pick. For the Secretary General, however, the choice is clear:
Hallmark House, 25 Downham Road, Ramsden
Health, Essex CM11 1PU UK “Climate change is the biggest issue facing the maritime industry,” he said. Climate t: +44 1268 711560 m: +44 7778 357722 f: +44 1268 711567 change is the pick because the issue, as a whole, ties together so many other topics.
In Lim’s ? rst 27 months at the helm of the world’s leading rule maker for maritime,
Classi? ed Sales +1 212 477 6700 climate change issues have been aggressively discussed and moved forward unlike any other period in maritime history. Gregory R. Trauthwein
John J. O’Malley 1905 - 1980
The full interview with the Secretary General starts on page 34, and the timing and Editor & Associate Publisher
Charles P. O’Malley 1928 - 2000 position of this meeting could not have been better, as starting on page 66 we offer [email protected]
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