Page 73: of Maritime Reporter Magazine (October 2018)
Marine Design Annual
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create an auto docking capability. So if the doors will open in 2020 – and it is ef- vironmental impact. We are all aware of key stakeholders and (through much you mix that with things like induction fectively relocating from the city center the legacy we’re leaving our children – work and collaboration) culminated charging, as the vessel comes alongside, of Vaasa all of our manufacturing capa- or not leaving our children. in this Oceanic Awakening. SEA20 is about 10 meters out, we are already re- bilities: the factory, the lab, everything – If you combine that with Smart En- a key component of that because we charging the vessel before it ‘arrives.’ into a new campus, still in Vaasa, where ergy – which looks to 100% renewables believe that the marine ecosystem does
That creates faster turnaround for the we have physical space for suppliers, for future – we are well-positioned to drive not just exist on the water: it has to ex- ferry. That’s a real-life pilot that we’ve customers, for academia, to come and and accelerate that change. ist as part of the port, and the ports are done 14 times with consistent results. co-locate. So we’ll be doing R&D col- This is a digital mindset, the service part of cities.
One of the things that is typical of laboratively, we’ll be doing supply chain design approach, and it’s asking “What One important thing we realized was
Wärtsilä is that we want to demonstrate logistics, smart manufacturing real-time are the end needs? Who is the ‘customer’ that, particularly regarding SEA20, tangible outcomes. We don’t want to just integration into supply chains, robotics, and what are their needs?’ The customer this is not Wärtsilä’s voice. This is not talk the hype. This isn’t about a vision creating new ways of working. (in this case) is the citizen, the city, the a project. This is not a program. This of automated vessels and autonomous environment; it’s not just Wärtsilä’s ex- is not an investment opportunity. This shipping, it’s about saying, ‘Where is the You recently announced SEA20 isting customers. is really a movement that says, ‘We – value to the customer if you bring tech- – 20 cities globally, one purpose. If we look at our customers’ custom- and many other people – need to come nology together, if you underpin it with Please explain. ers, where they live and how they work, together.’ And nobody at the moment something new, what happens, and what This was really inspired by our pur- we’ve got to take a view that looks glob- is asking for that conversation or fa- value does it create.’ Each of those cases pose, enabling a sustainable society with ally and much more futuristically, and cilitating it, so rather than say ‘what has a bottom line number attached to it. smart technology. We looked and said it’s has to be absolutely embedded with a shame,’ we said ‘let’s do something ‘we have a smart marine vision’ – which a belief around our purpose: sustainable about it; let’s be bold.’ I mean it’s a risk,
Wärtsilä recently announced the is really about optimizing that ecosys- societies. The smart technology is part of right? Wärtsilä, the engine company,
Smart Technology Center. What is tem in the marine world. It starts with the ‘how’: How you scale and how you talking about SEA20 and the Oceanic the vision? our knowledge of our products and our do it quickly. Awakening –that’s different. But it’s
It’s a 220 million Euro total invest- customers, what they want and where That was the starting point. Then we something we’re passionate about, and ment, and up front we’re investing 80 they’re changing. But, you know, all had some envisioning workshops where it’s something that we really believe in. million (and then there’s other funding these countries, all the conversations are we came up with a hypothesis. That It’s a very different Wärtsilä from two coming in to support). It’s starting now – around changing regulations, around en- hypothesis was tested with a couple of years ago. 73
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