
Page 58: of Maritime Reporter Magazine (November 2018)
Workboat Edition
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Shuichi Iwanami, Commandant, Japan Coast Guard oices “As the situation surrounding Japanese territorial waters re- mains tough, the JCG is required to play a wide variety of roles, indicating that its duties are getting ever more diversi- ? ed, complicated and internationalized. ”
Shuichi Iwanami, Commandant,
Japan Coast Guard oceanographic surveys and so on. that we use for day to day business rou- sea of Kyushu. As an example of suc-
Could you tell us what shipbuilding
Autonomous underwater vehicles tines from the internet to keep it from be- cess in taking actions against major in- plans (ship types and sizes) the (AUVs) are capable of collecting precise ing attacked from outside. For security cidents, I can ? rst of all count the case
JCG has on the table now?
topography data by sailing underwater reasons, I should refrain from making where JCG encountered the spy boat cri-
The Government of Japan approved the
Policy on Strengthening the Coast Guard on the programmed routes close to the any more comments on this matter. sis in the southwestern sea of Kyushu in
Capabilities at the Ministerial Council sea bottom and autonomously conduct- December 2001. In the incident, a ? sh- on Dec. 21 2016. In accordance with this ing surveys. An AUV was set to service Could you please tell us what is the ing boat of unidenti? ed nationality was
Policy, the JCG has been advancing its operation in ? scal 2013. It has since been top priority for the JCG? spotted in the Japanese EEZ in the south- helping us improve our oceanographic We endeavor to detect as soon as pos- western sea of Kyushu. Refusing our halt efforts to enhance its systems and capa- research capacity for protecting Japan’s sible phenomena that could develop into orders, the boat attempted to escape and bilities, including the acquisition of ad- maritime interests. situations having major impacts on safety JCG launched a chase and tried to stop ditional PLH and HL ? eet.
In ? scal 2016, autonomous ocean ve- and security at sea as well as the security it by ? ring warning gun shots and tak- hicles (AOVs) made their debut. They of our country, and to maintain a system ing other actions. However, as the ? ee-
What do you think is important in can operate by the power of waves and so that we can take necessary actions ing boat returned the gun and missile ? re, cultivating human resources under are able to conduct unmanned oceano- immediately. If any such situations took we started the self-defense counter-attack your command?
As the situation surrounding Japanese graphic observations for a long period of place by any chance, in order to prevent ? ring. While we were doing so, the boat territorial waters remains tough, the JCG time, depending solely on solar energy. them from worsening further and to pre- detonated itself and sank. As the result of
Through the continuous and long-term vent the impact from growing, we try to half a year salvaging work, the boat was is required to play a wide variety of roles, indicating that its duties are getting ever meteorological and hydrographic obser- share information and cooperate with rel- identi? ed as a spy boat of North Korea, vations by AOVs, we can not only up- evant organizations to take ef? cient and which possibly had engaged in the il- more diversi? ed, complicated and inter- nationalized. To address these trends, the grade our basic information on the safety effective actions. legal drug smuggling. In the incident, I
Policy on Strengthening the Coast Guard of ship operations, but also can obtain the believe we disclosed the nature of North
Looking ahead 20 years from now,
Capabilities was adopted in December long-term observation data we need to Korea’s spy activities through this law- how will the JCG do with its ? eet? 2016 by the Ministerial Council. Based enrich low-water mark (LWM) informa- enforcement operations and could make
Please tell us long-term prospects. on the Policy, we are steadily bee? ng up tion in order. a great success of deterring subsequent
The JCG held a workshop in May I believe that it is important to continue similar activities. the surface and air ? eet. Reinforcement other service infrastructures, including 2018, inviting experts in the operation of to enhance our systems and capabilities Partnerships and cooperation with human resource development, is another autonomous ships to commence discuss- steadily, while keeping up with changes Coast Guards of other economies: Since ing what measures are needed to be taken of situations of the time. We will there- around 2000, the JCG has been working important mainstay to be urgently imple- to address the changes in operational en- fore seek to implement all possible mea- hard to provide assistance to the mari- mented. vironments of the emerging autonomous sures to protect Japan’s territories and time security organizations of coastal surface vessels. territorial waters and to ensure the safety countries in Southeast Asia and other
Automation and autonomy have and security of Japanese nationals. regions so that they can enhance their re- been advancing among com-
At a time when safety at sea is be- In accordance with the Policy on spective capabilities. We have also been mercial vessels. What actions is coming more and more important, Strengthening the Coast Guard Capabili- focusing on partnership and coopera- the JCG taking to raise ef? ciency what does the JCG give importance ties approved in December 2016 by the tion enhancements among Coast Guards and ensure safety, among others, to regarding cyber security? What Ministerial Council, we have decided to through the Heads of Asian Coast Guard through automation?
In ship autonomy and automation, I measures do you implement to reinforce our systems and capabilities for Agencies Meeting (HACGAM), etc. In protect ships and other assets from conducting oceanographic surveys by the meantime, maritime security bodies understand that various maritime sec- tors—such as shipping, shipbuilding and cyber attacks? means of acquiring additional large sur- have been newly established in many
First, we give importance to ensuring vey ships and other efforts. economies, while the number of attend- ship machinery and equipment manu- facturing—are increasingly interested in IT security for our network system from ees at the HACGAM has been increasing maritime autonomy from a viewpoint of the threat of cyber attacks so that we can Looking back at the history of the every year. Partnerships and cooperation safety, ef? ciency and productivity. The always appropriately ful? ll our duties. JCG, what do you count as two or among those governments have grown
Second, the measures we have taken in- three of its greatest successes? notably in terms of actions against inter-
JCG has already introduced remote con- trol vehicles and other technologies in clude isolating the main service system The Spy boat case in the Southwestern national crimes, maritime accidents and 58 Maritime Reporter & Engineering News • NOVEMBER 2018
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