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Workboat Edition
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Image: AET Tankers
AET (formerly American Eagle Tank- ter to Petrobras in the Brazilian Basin. with the award of this new contract,” systems ers) was founded in Houston in 1994 In August 2018, AET was awarded a said Captain Rajalingam Subramaniam, • Telemetry system primarily to conduct lightering opera- contract by Shell to time charter a new- President & CEO, AET during the an- • Ballast water treatment system - tions in the Gulf of Mexico. The com- build DPST also for operations in Brazil. nouncement of the new contract with Electrolysis indirect type.
pany’s ? eet grew to 32 vessels (mainly This will bring AET’s Brazilian DPST Petrobras.
Aframax tankers but also two VLCCs) ? eet to seven vessels, which places the Expectations for Brazil by 2003, when acquired by MISC Ber- company in the top three DPST opera- Tanker Crewing AET recognizes the Brazilian Basin had. MISC transferred its crude tankers tors in Brazil. Currently, AET operates AET invests heavily in crew manage- as one of the world’s foremost areas for to AET in 2004, expanding the AET ? eet two 105,153 dwt DPSTs, Eagle Parana ment and training, including the training DPST operations, alongside the North/ to more than 50 vessels. The company and Eagle Paraiba in Brazil. These were of DP certi? ed crew. In 2014, the com- Barents Sea and the U.S. Gulf. Ac- was renamed and rebranded as AET in delivered as newbuilds in 2012 and have pany achieved its ? rst “homegrown” cording to AET, central to its strategy 2007. The ? eet continued to grow to in- been operating in Brazil since delivery. DP certi? ed of? cer. Since 2015 AET is to seek long-term contracts in niche, clude clean vessels, DP shuttle tankers, The four further specialist DP Suezmax employs Brazilian crew through a local high entry barrier sectors that gener- “? rst-in-class” modular capture vessels, shuttle tankers in Brazil will be 152,700 manning agent and, in 2017, recruited its ate a secured income stream and which and a ? eet of chemical carriers. Today, dwt and are currently being built by Sam- ? rst Brazilian seafarer through its jointly complement their traditional petroleum
AET remains a wholly owned subsidiary sung Heavy Industries (SHI) for delivery owned ship management subsidiary, transport activities. As the search for oil of Malaysian maritime energy logistics in 2020. The new vessel currently being Eaglestar. AET, and its parent company, reaches increasingly deeper waters, the group, MISC Berhad. The company is built for charter to Shell will be similar operate a maritime academy in Malaysia need for offtake tankers in the form of headquartered in Singapore, with com- to the four earmarked for Petrobras. where many of its of? cers are recruited, DPSTs will increase. Having established mercial of? ces in Houston, Kuala Lum- “Our DPSTs currently under construc- trained and developed. A network of a ? rm footprint in Brazil and a reputation pur, London, Montevideo, Panama and tion are compliant to IMO NOx Tier 3 crewing and manning of? ces around for safe, reliable and quality operations,
Rio de Janeiro with a specialist offshore requirement and are being built in ac- the world ensures an adequate supply of AET believes they are well positioned lightering unit in Galveston, Texas. cordance with Petrobras’ and Shell’s well-trained, experienced and capable to continue to expand their operations
AET owns a ? eet comprising 14 latest technical requirement for DPSTs. seafarers. AET af? rms it is committed to meet the increasing demand in this
VLCCs, 6 Suezmaxes, 1 Panamax, 41 Each will be ? tted with a fully compliant to growing the number of Brazilian sea- region.
Aframaxes, 4 DP shuttle tankers, 13 ballast water management system, high farers it employs on its Brazilian based AET has provided a variety of mari- chemical carriers, 5 LR2s, 3 MR2s and power thrusters and generators fully vessels and is increasing the number time logistic solutions in Brazil along 1 LPG tanker. Its current orderbook in- capable of operating in harsh weather year-by-year. Currently AET employs 30 the years and their customers include cludes 2 LNG dual fueled Aframaxes conditions. The design has been opti- Brazilian seafarers in their DPSTs oper- other IOCs operating in Brazil. With and 2 LNG dual fueled DP Shuttle Tank- mized with electric driven cargo pumps ating in Brazil. the recent in? ux of major O&G play- er (DPST) vessels with Lique? ed VOC to improve the fuel ef? ciency. The ers, attracted by the increased pre-salt (LVOC) as well as 5 DP Offshore Load- switchboard has 4-split bus con? gura- oil tenders, it is expected that the de- ing Shuttle Tankers, all chartered to en- tion which enhances the DP capability,” Tanker Requirements for Petrobras mand for more DPSTs will increase in ergy majors. said Peter Liew. Operating DP vessels is To meet with the highly complex the near future. AET points out that it is a niche and highly skilled activity. En- construction of a DP vessel with added committed to expanding its business in
Brazil Operations try barriers are high and it takes time to functionalities, AET has carried out a Brazil, and consequently to training and
AET entered the Brazilian market in build the capabilities required to perform detailed analysis of all shipyards in the 2010 when it won a long-term contract to ? awless operations. Most oil and energy world that have the capability to meet
Tankers being built for Petrobras operate two DP shuttle tankers (DPST) companies would prefer to charter these their customers’ technical requirements,
Main Particulars in the Brazilian Basin for Petrobras. In assets from owners and operators who which include high operational safety 2012, AET incorporated AET Brasil have the scale and experience to ensure standards. It is notable that AET and SHI
Length 279 m
Serviços Maritimos in Rio de Janeiro to such capabilities are sustained. have worked together on a range of ship-
Breadth 48.8 m manage its Brazilian activities. A year “The 2010 Petrobras contract signaled building projects for 22 years. These are
Draft 17.2 m later, AET Brazil began ship-to-ship AET’s entry into the shuttle tanker mar- the basic DPST requirements demanded
DWT 152,700 mt (Suezmax) (lightering) activities offshore Vitoria, ket and this allowed us to demonstrate by Petrobras:
Cargo capacity 162,000 m3 in the state of Espirito Santo, under an our expertise and enhance our reputa- • Suezmax DP 2 with DWT 152,000 to
Main engine WinGD 5X72 exclusive contract. Combined with the tion in a more sophisticated arena of the 154,999 MT
Cruising range 18,000 nm lightering operations that AET performs petroleum logistics industry. Harnessing • Stringent design for environmental
Aux diesel engines 4 sets in Uruguay since 2011, the company has this experience, we continued to inno- conditions with wind speed up to
Thrusters, bow 3 sets, 3.1 MW each; performed more than 400 STS trans- vate and re-engineer our business and 25.7 m/s
Thrusters, stern 2 sets, 2.2 MW each fers in the region, since then, with the operations to ensure the services we • 3 bow thrusters, 3.1 MW each, at
Propeller CPP
Rudder High lift rudder aid of three specialist lightering support deliver remain relevant to the evolving least 2 Azimuth thrusters. 2 stern
Bow loading system MacGregor vessels (LSVs) the company owns and landscape and our customers’ changing thrusters, 2.2 MW each, at least 1
DP system Kongsberg maintains on station. In May 2018, AET needs. I am delighted that Petrobras has Azimuth thruster ? ltration BWTS Electrolysis + was awarded a contract for a further four recognized AET’s capabilities and ex- • Minimum 4 sets of generators
DP2 Suezmax Shuttle Tankers for char- pertise in DP2 shuttle tanker operations • 4 independent position reference 62 Maritime Reporter & Engineering News • NOVEMBER 2018
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