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Page 16: of Maritime Reporter Magazine (January 2019)
Ship Repair & Conversion: The Shipyards
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MARKETS: Offshore Energy
Chad Fuhrmann
Fuhrmann graduated from the U.S. Merchant Marine Academy in 1998 and sailed internationally for 10 years as a licensed engi- neering of? cer. In 2008, he shifted focus shoreside consulting in dynamic positioning and marine operations, taking his current position with MAC as North American Operations Manager for Maritime Assurance & Consulting in 2014.
Reactivating DP Assets
As the offshore oil and gas market collectively (and slowly) comes back to life, vessel owners must be mindful of the successful re-starting of vessels and DP-related systems.
perators reduced expendi- other stakeholders demand a level of asset, but also critical for safeguarding Additionally, an often ignored aspect, tures on offshore exploration assurance that an asset will continue to against incidents. the loss of onshore personnel must be and production activities operate as effectively and ef? ciently as it While technology in general plays a taken into account to ensure adequate obviously lowers demand did before lay-up. crucial role in asset reactivation and DP supporting resources are available across
O for offshore assets, many of which are In anticipation of these demands, MAC operations, there are several additional the varying disciplines, with a particular deactivated and laid-up. With oil prices and Bureau Veritas have been active in important aspects that are addressed in focus on operational and engineering rising throughout much of 2018, there is the development of guidance and recom- these documents including environmen- experts needed for the reactivation plan optimism that 2019 will continue a trend mended practices to verify that reactiva- tal considerations, documentation and and execution period.
of slow, steady growth. Buoyed by this tion has been addressed properly. MAC regulatory concerns. Importantly, in The ultimate objective of a successful optimism, deepwater drilling is making has been directly involved with The preparation for reactivation it is recom- reactivation is that the DP capable asset a comeback and drilling rigs are com- Marine Technology Society in develop- mended to use the same personnel that is fully assessed and veri? ed to be ? t for ing out of lay-up. As a result, vessel op- ing The DP Asset Reactivation Guidance were present for the lay-up activities, purpose at the end of the reactivation erators are beginning to reactivate idle and has supported Bureau Veritas in the to ensure continuity of information and process. Having a clear goal from the
OSVs, too. development of Guidance Note NI 649 experience. Unfortunately, given the outset is essential with critical support
These assets and vessels are special- DT R00 E, Guidance for the Lay-Up and potential trajectory of the industry and provided by all immediate stakeholders ized, performing distinctive industrial Reactivation of DP Vessels. its recovery, this may very well surpass and sustained by clear communication missions with varying degrees of risk Both guidance documents are designed reactivation of the physical systems and and cooperation between all parties.
including drilling, manned diving, ROV to support the ef? cient return of DP as- equipment as the biggest challenge an The MTS and Bureau Veritas DP as- and subsea construction operations. sets to service and to provide a clear path owner – and the industry at large – will set reactivation guidance documents are
With few exceptions, these functions are toward the safe and reliable reactivation face. As more vessels are brought back designed to support the return of DP as- performed by complex platforms incor- of DP capable assets, emphasising the into service after lay-up, sets to service safely, porating dynamic positioning (DP) tech- positive in? uence of adequate prepara- DP systems will need reliably, and ef? ciently
For more information, visit nology. When contracted for active ser- tion on safety and operational reliability. to be renewed, retested regardless of the type https://dynamic-positioning.com vice, these assets were subject to a high With the understanding that proper plan- and recerti? ed. Many of lay-up or level of http://www.bureauveritas.jp/news/ level of technical scrutiny that provided ning and execution are critical to achiev- operators will need DP preparation and mainte- pdf/649-NI_2018-02.pdf assurance to all stakeholders that they ing the goal of the effective return of the refresher training, famil- nance. The documents could execute their missions safely and asset to service, this guidance outlines a iarization and, in some highlight the critical reliably. When energy markets turned number of factors that should be consid- cases, recerti? cation to ensure they are issues considered when undertaking re- tough, thorough lay-up preparation and ered as part of the overall strategy for as- competent to operate these systems. As a activation with the objective of provid- maintenance was generally not subject set reactivation. consequence of the downturn, a signi? - ing better guidance to stakeholders and to a comparable level of guarantee. Nev- The speci? c focus on DP related sys- cant proportion of personnel has moved re-building con? dence in systems criti- ertheless, the reactivation of assets safe- tems and equipment is re? ective of its on to other seemingly more stable sec- cal to station-keeping following lay-up. ly, reliably, and ef? ciently remains criti- criticality for safe offshore operations. tors, taking their skills, knowledge and The industry demands that safe, effective cal, regardless of stacking procedures Dynamic positioning capability is not expertise with them. Attracting them operations continue before and after re- and maintenance activities that may (or only instrumental in the execution of the back or encouraging others to join is go- activation and MAC and Bureau Veritas may not) have taken place. Clients and respective industrial missions of each ing to be an industry-wide challenge. can facilitate those efforts.
16 Maritime Reporter & Engineering News • JANUARY 2019
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